Courtney Watch 2004 continues.
Following her release Monday from Manhattan's Bellevue Hospital Center, Courtney Love was promptly transferred to a private New York hospital, according to news reports.
Her exact whereabouts and medical condition remain unknown, but it seems unlikely she'll appear in a Los Angeles court Thursday for a scheduled hearing on two felony counts of illegal drug possession.
On Tuesday, an L.A.-based civil lawyer defending the former Hole frontwoman against a lawsuit over unpaid attorney's fees described his client as "a troubled rock star" who was "beyond uncooperative."
Robert Ring told the court Love now has a legal guardian and was in an East Coast "institution."
Already, the singer faces an arrest warrant for skipping out on a court date last Friday in California on a felony assault with a deadly weapon charge for allegedly attacking a woman with a liquor bottle and a flashlight on April 25 at an ex-boyfriend's house in Los Angeles.
But Love may get a doctor's note. Following an emergency 911 call Friday--her 40th birthday--Love was forcibly removed from her New York apartment on a stretcher in handcuffs and taken to the hospital.
Initial reports suggested Love had suffered a miscarriage or undergone an abortion (the rocker previously told reporters she was preggers).
Her criminal defense lawyer in Los Angeles, Michael Rosenstein, would only say she was hospitalized for a gynecological condition, "not a suicide attempt, not drug-related, not drug-overdose-related."
But a subsequent pregnancy test turned up negative, according to MTV News, thus creating more mystery over the exact nature of ailment.
Love was kept under watch at Bellevue for 72 hours to make sure she wasn't a danger to herself or others and to allow any drugs in her system to dissipate before being evaluated. After she was released, she was transferred to the undisclosed private facility.
Despite her renewed hospitalization, Rosenstein insisted Love plans to defend herself against the charges and wants to return to Los Angeles "without going through an arrest, which would be stressful on anyone, much less someone just out of the hospital."
As long as she's headed west, Love has an additional chance to appear in court Friday, when she's due to be sentenced in Los Angeles for smashing the windows at her ex Jim Barber's house last Oct. 2 while under the influence of cocaine. She has pleaded guilty to that misdemeanor charge.,1,14510,00.html******************************
But Love may get a doctor's note
Dear Los Angeles County District Attorney,
Please excuse Courtney Love from any criminal prosecution. It would put a major crimp in the lifestyle of this poor defenseless woman.
Courtney Love's Doctor