We hate our fathers dot com

Started by Sir Jessy of Anti, Oct 06, 2004, 05:41 PM

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What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius


Yep ... you are SOOOoooo right.

I recognize a few of the names and definately recognize the tone.

Nice catch FNHM!

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


Did you guys catch how they described MRA groups as "cells", a little extra jab to equate us with terrorists, perhaps?



I just checked out those boards FHM. Those women are absolutely clueless, I'm dumbfounded that anyone could actually be that stupid. They seem to have a sense of entitlement to the special rights and priveleges they have as women at the expense of men. Sickening...



I liked this anecdote on the feminazi gestapo site;


Jane Smith

Where are you from?  

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I'm sorry that you feel the way that you do, any chance of posting some personal experience or evidence to back up your naive claims?
Ever had to to stand by a man who has his children taken away from him on the say so of a bitter woman?
Ever had to spend all your savings to get to spend ONE HOUR PER WEEK with your children?
I doubt it.
I have and it's outrageous.
It's far too long a story to post here, but in essence, my husband was unceremoniously dumped from his childrens life on his wifes' discovery of my existence. (and NO, we didn't have an affair). Bitterly jealous, his ex wife made false allegations of alcoholism that were proven false in the court, evidence was given by his employers, his family doctor and the occupational health department of his previous employer.
The judges words?
"In spite of the evidence shown here, we have to make allowances for Mrs X who is having difficulty in making adjustments, I have no alternative but to take her feelings into account"
Excuse me?
What about the children?
I've brought up a child, alone and without the financial support of my ex husband and the effect of a father who walks away is devastating on a child, believe me, I've sat with my daughter while she cried and couldn't understand why her daddy didn't love her enough.
Feminism, my ass, you can stop fighting for me, I don't need you.
Children don't need you.
I'm tired of hearing the bleating of whiny assed, selfish little ******* who see their children as tools.
You go ahead and carry on whining about how you're a victim, but there a growing number of women like me, successful, independent who are sick to the back teeth of women like you who want to play victim.
How dare you put yourself in the same league as the suffragettes, you're a world away.  
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius

The Gonzman

My own reply to them:

October 8th 2004
08:39:57 PM
What is your name?  
The Gonzman!

What is the title of your website:  
Men's News Daily

Type a quick description of your website:  
Men's Rights

How did you find this website?  

Where are you from?  
Made in the USA

Please enter your comments?  
Hear that sound? That's lawsuits being filed in forty states to overturn years of Feminist "Progress" in the USA. It's the sound of a sleeping giant awakening, and filled with a terrible resolve.

Your house is next. Be afraid.

Be very afraid.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

Sir Jessy of Anti

and filled with a terrible resolve

Yeah, that's awesome.  You tell 'em boss.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />

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