Not to pry into your personal life, but I would like to ask you a question
Knowing that you are a guard do you deal with men shoved in jail for the typical feminist BS often? And if so, do you sympathize with those guys behind bars knowing first hand that so much of it is bullshit?
Don't feel as though you have to answer the open forum, but if there's no problem with it, I'd like to know your perspective on it.
Pry away...I don't care.
I'm a Federal Correctional officer, therefore the inmates I see are in for serious crimes such as murder, rape, etc. So, what I'm saying is that chances are these guys are guilty as sin and deserve to be there. On the other hand there are definate cases where a women was involved in some way and recieved a totally different outcome due to her gender.
The one that comes to mind is Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmoka. They were killing and raping teenage girls and commiting the most atrocious acts of torture and degredation on these girls.
Bernardo was given the full punishment under our laws, but Karla played the victim card and was given a few years in prison. She can be seen on videotapes helping Bernardo kill/rape thier victims. One of those victims was her own freaking SISTER! :shock:
I read a book about Holmolka and you can see the difference in the way both were treated....even in the media. There were parts where the feminist psychologist was coaching Holmoka and telling her what to say to be prtrayed as a victim. It was disgusting.
A person who could better answer your original question would be my friend who works in the Provincial jail as an officer. He sees "average joe's" come in for less serious crimes. I've talked to him about this before and his concensus was that yes, he did hear alot of stories about men's lives being destroyed by a vengfull woman.