Men are evil and women are mothers

Started by Sir Jessy of Anti, Oct 20, 2004, 06:59 PM

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Sir Jessy of Anti

and don't talk back you nasty men

Women Are Mothers, Not Soldiers
By Sarah Eve Nichols
May 31, 2004  

Women should not be drafted because they have babies!!! That is the absolute number one reason. 18-26 is great baby making time for a woman's body. Past 30 there is a major increase in birth defects including Down syndrome. Trust me, a child with Down syndrome is extremely difficult to raise. I have friends with children that suffer from this condition.

Women are also more emotional than men. Women are raised to be mothers and men are raised to be solders. Look at the toys for children. All the proof you need is right there in the toy store. Girl's toys are about nurturing, dolls, stuffed animals, cooking and cleaning toys. Boys toys are about action usually violence though some toys promote productive action. Their toys consist of action figures, monster trucks, extremely violent video games, and so forth. If you want women to drafted you'd better start teaching little girls how to hit and not give rip about how other people feel.

If women serve in the war that did not want to you could be taking away their ability to be mothers. Many reasons. First, they could be too emotionally scarred to raise children. A man however, isn't very involved in the emotional well being of his children so it doesn't matter if the war made him crazy... as long as it didn't make him too crazy. Second, female reproductive organs are much more complicated than men's are therefore effects of chemical war far could be much more consequential for a woman.

Third, what about rape in the army? Women are so susceptible to rape because men are stupid and even evil! I'm very concerned about the safety of the woman that out of their own free will signed up for the army. What is being done to protect them? Anyway, rape greatly interferes with a woman's ability to get married, have a healthy sex life with her husband, give birth to and raise children. The psychological and, sometimes physical, ramifications can be detrimental for the rest of a woman's life.

Also, if every man and woman between 18-26 could be drafted what would happen when both of a married couple with children were drafted? You people forget that there are still plenty of young people out there getting married and having children. I bet you are thinking "The grandparents would take in the children." Not everyone has that possibility.

Equal rights are a load of BS. Anyone... I mean any man that is crying "Equal rights, they should be drafted" hasn't got a clue how freakin' unfair America is for woman. You men can walk down the street without fear of being mugged, raped, and murdered. You men can wave at a passing car without the driver thinking you are a hooker. You men have advancements in medical science that greatly surpass those in women's health. You men have it hormonally easier since you don't have cycle's and have extremely few hormonal illnesses compared to us women. You men have the better paying jobs. You men automatically get respect on the phone for customer service.

You men don't have to buy bras, makeup, or any other of the many things woman are expected to buy in order to "keep up" with you men. You men have it freakin' easy but because you are men you haven't got a clue how hard it is for us women because you completely lack empathy... the ability to understand someone else's feelings, thoughts, and experiences, basically putting yourself in someone else's shoes. I figured I needed to explain that for you men since you don't know what empathy even is.

Women should not be drafted. By the way this is coming from a woman who doesn't even qualify to enlist due to health problems. It's not my behind I'm worried about. It's my sisters that I'm concerned for.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

dr e

Sarah seems to be a bit lacking.  If we go with her logic then women should not be drafted since they are raised to be mothers.  They are also not raised to be engineers or executives or congressmen/senators and shouldn't be encouraged to do that either.

This one is filled with misandry.  It's bursting at the seams.  A pinata of misandry!
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Sir Jessy of Anti

Yes Doc!  A Pinata of misandry.  LOL.  When the feminists clamour for equal rights, the traditionalists are quick to step up and say, 'but not those responsibilities'.   'We'll take all the priviledges though'.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Here is my reply I sent to the editor:

Dear Editor,

   I am writing to you out of concern for a childish, sexist, and misinformative article written by Sarah Eve Nichols called "Women are Mothers, Not Soldiers".

   I was troubled by so many aspects of Sarah's article that I feel I should specifically list them out to defend my claim that she wrote out of ignorance, was blatantly sexist, and while calling for understanding for women, skirted the issues of responsibility.

I will use quotes:

First, they could be too emotionally scarred to raise children. A man however, isn't very involved in the emotional well being of his children so it doesn't matter if the war made him crazy... as long as it didn't make him too crazy.

   Men who are fathers care about their children.  Just because Sarah can't or won't see it doesn't make it so.  And she implies that the horrors of war are perfectly suitable for the psyche of men, while women should be spared.  But, only if women want to be spared.  Men don't get a choice according to Sarah.

Second, female reproductive organs are much more complicated than men's are therefore effects of chemical war far could be much more consequential for a woman.

   Is Sarah a doctor?  Has she studied the effects of chemical weapons?  Does she hold a degree in biochemistry, bio-toxins, or have one clue about the effects of chemical weapons.  Does she even know what a blood agent does, how a non-persistent nerve agent effects the body, or what blister agent can do?  Has she seen the pictures of the Kurds in N. Iraq, or talk to even one of them?  Ask Sarah what the long term effects of Gb agents are on male reproductive agents.  But first ask her what a Gb agent is.

   Sarah makes broad statements that seem to imply that women and their bodies are sacred and that men's are disposable.  I can extrapolate that because she sees the very real possibility of chemical weapons being used, sees that as horrifying if applied to women, and as a non-issue if men are the victims of it.  That's not a feminist advocate, that's a female-supremacist advocate with shades of eugenic theories applying to men.

Third, what about rape in the army? Women are so susceptible to rape because men are stupid and even evil!

   This one is blatant misandry.  Rape per capita in the military is LOWER than in the civilian world.  If Sarah would do some research instead of happily be spoon-fed propaganda she might know that.  Also, the bigoted and hateful comments that men, implying ALL men, are stupid and evil, smacks of comments made by KKK'ers or Ethnic Cleansers you might meet.

   According to rape advocates that I have heard, men who DO rape, rape repeatedly.  Dozens, if not tens of dozens of times.  Simple math will then show you that most rapes are committed by a very few sick men, and that by definition those men are not the norm.  That means, if Sarah could do some simple math, that very very few men are rapists.  Oh, does Sarah concern herself about men who are P.O.W.s (not to mention U.S. prison rape) who are sodomized?  Does Sarah even care?

if every man and woman between 18-26 could be drafted what would happen when both of a married couple with children were drafted? You people forget that there are still plenty of young people out there getting married and having children. I bet you are thinking "The grandparents would take in the children." Not everyone has that possibility.

   Sarah shows her ignorance of the military, the draft, and a complete lack of research .... again.

   The draft, if there is one, is done by lottery.  Few are chosen.  Therefore her first premise is fallacious.  Second, many SINGLE women join the military.  They are required to have a "Family Care Plan", and if one cannot be worked out, they are given several options.  Jointly married military couples have the same requirements and options.  Funny how Sarah never even thought of, nor mentioned single military fathers.  They not only exist, but in an organization that is comprised of more then 80% male members there are quite a few single dads in the military.  Did Sarah not care about them, dismiss them because she dismisses men as parents, or because her "female first" ideology gave her blinders?

   Also, currently the military is ALL VOLUNTEER.  How is this relevant?  It occurs to one who is interested in equality (and not to Sarah .... ) that women are already given great accommodation as to life choices.  But what Sarah, deliberately or due to her female-supremacist blinders, did not explore was this: what about women who have volunteered and who are in now?  What about the F-14 pilots, the medics, respiratory therapists, crew chiefs, and the plethora of other women already in?  Should they be removed?  I mean, is Sarah advocating that men ONLY should be susceptible to the draft, but women should be given a choice?  How convenient that would be: the rights w/out the responsibilities.  Equality is an ALL TIME/ 24 hours a day state of mind and concept.  It is not a concept of convenience nor an entitlement/privilege to be taken when it garners a want, but to be pushed aside when the bill comes due.  If women are men's equals, and many women have labored and sacrificed to make it so, then women take the mixed blessing of equality.  Either women can be in the military and get the "posh" jobs of flying jets (very physically straining, where was Sarah decrying that if it hurt women?) then they get the grunt jobs of filling sand bags.  And if the draft comes, they are to get in line, go to the front line, and serve like the equals they are.

   Sarah has a lot of growing up to do and needs to learn before she spouts off about subjects she knows nothing about.  Her "feelings" need to be based on actual facts, and not poorly thought out, one sided "I want this when it's good, but don't want it when it costs" wants.  Freedom isn't free, and a lot of women already paid for Sarah's freedom.  Maybe she should ask military women if they want her to limit their choices.  And if she ever gets around to asking men how they feel about being 2nd class citizens in people like Sarah's eyes.

   Sarah then goes on to warmly talk about how women are "empathetic" and men are not.  Surely she needs to look in the mirror and realize had she replaced men with the words Jew, Negro, or [any-other-class-of-person] she would clearly see her duplicitous sexism and complete lack of empathy.  She has a delusional self-image if she thinks her statements reflect empathy while advocating for men to be put into situations where they could be chemically maimed, calls men in general rapists, cares not what war does to men's psyche, and never even thinks of single military men as fathers.  Her mask came off, and it wasn't pretty.

L. Steven Beene II

As always, feedback and comments are welcome.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Sir Jessy of Anti

Sweet reply Steven.  Kick ass.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Steven, I have to agree with Jesse, that was a more insightful and well thought out answer which is much better than what I would come up with.

 do what I need to do to protect my loved ones, friends, and family. This is what men do.


Check this one out :

Women & The Draft: The Perpetuation Of Gender Discrimination
By David W. Behrens
February 28, 2004  

With very rare exceptions, every man residing in the United States 18 to 26 years of age is required by the Military Selective Service Act to register with the Selective Service System, and thereby subject himself to the possibility of involuntary military service. Yet, even with the war in Iraq, the prosecution of which may require millions of U.S. military personnel, absolutely no woman in the U.S. is required to register.

This clear fact of gender discrimination has not been focused upon in public discussions, I believe, because an active draft has not been in effect since 1973.

The United States Selective Service System offers on its Website a short history of the draft with respect to women. The primary reason given for non-registration of women is a twenty-year-old Supreme Court decision, Rostker v. Goldberg, 453 U.S. 57 (1981).

Simply stated, this decision says that since all men registered with the Selective Service are considered combat replacements, and since Congress forbids women to go into combat, women should not be registered.

Of course, this reasoning is absolutely absurd, since it presupposes that every man called for involuntary military service will be used exclusively for combat, and that no man called will be used for the approximately 90% of military jobs which are non-combat related.

Twenty years after Rostker, the Uniformed Military Training Service Act (H.R. 3598) attempts a draft reformation by shortening the length of involuntary service, but still perpetuates gender discrimination by maintaining the requirement of involuntary service for all males registered under the Military Selective Service Act and exempting absolutely all females.

Some questions arise as a result of these blatant facts of gender discrimination:

1. U.S. women enjoy the same civil rights as U.S. men; they comprise 50.9% of the population and 18.8% of all military personnel. Why is the pretext of a ridiculous Supreme Court decision used to exempt the majority of the population from even the possibility of involuntary military service in any capacity?

2. Should women be permitted to vote in elections for candidates who may have to decide on war for our country, in light of the facts that women will never serve involuntarily in any military conflict and that even females who do volunteer for military service are exempted from life threatening combat jobs?

3. Title IX demands that proportionately gender-equal funds be used for all school-based activities that receive any federal funding, including athletics. Many schools have had to abandon male team sports that earn revenue in excess of their costs and which aid in the preparation of males for the teamwork and organization of military service, in order to provide gender-equal funding for female sports which perennially lose revenue. Yet there is no requirement for females to utilize the skills and strengths learned on the athletic field and the classroom in the military defense of their country. Should Title IX continue?

4. Do equal civil rights for women obligate women to equal civil responsibilities?

If you have any thoughts, comments or responses to the above questions, please contact the author directly by e-mail at: [email protected].
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers

Alpha Male

LSBeene, that was awsome. Couldn't have said it any better if I wanted to.
ies come in three types: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics


2. Should women be permitted to vote in elections for candidates who may have to decide on war for our country, in light of the facts that women will never serve involuntarily in any military conflict and that even females who do volunteer for military service are exempted from life threatening combat jobs?

If that were all elected officials do, it might be a valid point. Because these elected officials do a lot more in terms of domestic policy at all levels of government, how could women be fairly excluded from choosing the representatives who will decide what taxes they pay, what laws they follow, environmental issues, welfare issues, employment concerns, and a whole host of other things?


Quote from: "nyet"

how could women be fairly excluded from choosing the representatives who will decide what taxes they pay, what laws they follow, environmental issues, welfare issues, employment concerns, and a whole host of other things?

Rights, welfare and facilities countries offer to their citizens exist not just because the citizens paid for them, they need to be protected in order to exist. One cannot cannot have their rights and at same time expect others to defend them when they are threatened. Every physically fit person should be ready to protect their own country and in doing so, they can then have right to have a say in its policies.

The Gonzman

I'm curious - does Sarah argue that women should therefore BE mothers?  Or is it just that potential of motherhood that gives all women a pass?

That argument she puts forth only holds water in the pre-feminist days.  My daughter - DAUGHTER! - put it best that I have heard, "So long as my brother has the draft and death hanging over his head as the price of his citizenship, and I don't, his citizenship will be worth more than mine, and I will never be equal.  And women who argue against drafting women don't deserve to be equal."

*sniff*  That's my baby girl....

Do I want to see my daughter go off and die in a war somewhere?  No - but I don't want it for my son, either.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

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