Tea. Hmmm. Iced tea? Long as it's the house wine of the south; ain't the Yankee born what knows how to make a proper batch of sweet tea.
Anyway. Harry, You will be happy to know that someone has taken and run with the underwear idea, namely, Moi. After cleaning out some drawers, I found a set of my own boxers what had seen better days; so, rather than throw them into the trash (Rubbish, to you, Harry) I shrugged my shoulders, said "Cheerio, Harry!" and attached them to the antennae of my car. Like a flag.
Just a couple days later someone asked me why I had my drawers flapping in the breeze, and I replied that it was to send a message to the asswipes in family court. They loooked at my BVDs, looked at me, and asked, "Okay, what kind of message would that be?"
I was almost stumped. Harry, you never said what kind of message this would send. The one thing missing from your underwear campaign has been the catchphrase to sum it all up, to bring it together, to make people recognize the significance of a pair of underpants, to make them do more than raise their eyebrows and back away slowly. Feeling panic rise, I looked, and saw inspiration - in the form of a young girl carrying a Bart Simpson doll to her car.
Smiling evilly, I replied, "An invitation to dinner. The phrase what pays is `Eat My Shorts.'"
We need to adopt that as a motto: "Vescere bracis meis!"