Domestic violence program report

Started by Assault, Dec 13, 2004, 06:08 PM

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Quote from: "The Biscuit Queen"
Hey Assault, where did your avatar pic go? I miss it :(

I was asked to take it down, repeatedly, so I did.
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -


Quote from: "daksdaddy"


Dave knows about this????

(wonder what his response might be)?

If a man/woman is secure with themselves, it won't matter if thier spouse looks at pictures.

Only insecure little boys/girls whine and throw a tantrum because thier spouse has the ability to look at another human being and say "Gee, that's an attractive person."
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -

The Biscuit Queen

I will tell you what, Daksdaddy, when my husband stops appreciating good looking women I will stop appreciating good looking men. Of course you will have to come poke out his eyeballs first, but hey, what's a few eyeballs among friends! 8)

If you are coming to the men's conference in DC you can ask him yourself.  I will do my best not to leap apon Assault and ravage him on the spot, will that make you feel better? :D

So who wanted it taken down?
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.


The last meeting was just more stories from the men. One of the men's stories was heartbreaking and he started crying. I felt so bad for him. His decisions allowed his ex to control him, but the things she's doing to him and his son are criminal and disgusting. :cry:

The instructor and I had another little spat because he said he felt that "some" of us weren't getting the fact that our current thinking is dangerous and could get us in trouble in the future. He was looking at me during this speech, so I explained the difference between submitting to liberal politically correct rhetoric, and standing up for my beliefs.

I told him I have the ability to see where I went wrong (by slapping my ex wife), but I can still be extremely angry at the justice system, social workers, and women in general for letting this go on without question.

On a side note, I can't figure this program out. One minute they're quoting the Duluth model anti male feminist crap, then they turn around and give the men some usefull information that if implemented, could really give them the power to change thier lives.

The instructor even mentioned that this course is contraversial in Canada because the other social workers, etc run thiers in a strict browbeating manner, forcing the men into submission. Very strange. :?
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -


Well, I am very very interested in finding out more about these programs.  Institutional psychological torture of men is one of the greatest violation of our rights.  Yet on all MR sites I read so little about it -- Assault's was the most detailed account.  Where can I find more info?


Assault -- I told him I have the ability to see where I went wrong (by slapping my ex wife), but I can still be extremely angry at the justice system, social workers, and women in general for letting this go on without question.

On a side note, I can't figure this program out. One minute they're quoting the Duluth model anti male feminist crap, then they turn around and give the men some usefull information that if implemented, could really give them the power to change thier lives.

Your first observation above really drives Duluth Model counselors crazy, because it's too logical. It suggests that persons of either (any?) gender can accept responsibility for improper behavior, without buying into the whole false-feminist-ideology (Evil Patriarchy one-size-fits-all explanation for DV) that is at the core of their "helping" practice.

One you assert that people can both accept responsibility and reject simpleminded explanations, you're well beyond their programmed ability to respond sensibly.

Not the least because, that opens the door to questioning what WOMEN'S
ACCOUNTABILITY might be, and whether women should be considered to be adults with choices and actual obligations accordingly. (The Victimhood Myth forbids this line of inquiry...)

Your second remark about the apparent schizophrenia of the counselors is 100% correct.

Because they are (typically) "wounded healers" with tons of unresolved issues about their own gender and intimate partner experiences, they are walking examples of deeply conflicted people who really should not be allowed to try to "help," let alone "educate" anyone, anytime.

They want to be admired, respected, and given credibility as "enlightened" professionals. Unfortunately, they realize (dimly) that they are predators in a bankrupt scam racketeering industry.

Your insight about using the DV "treatment" to provide men with some useful techniques and knowledge is also revealing.

You used the word "power" ... as in, helping men obtain it.

Not power "over" women; rather "power" to realize better self-control, better self-understanding, better relationships with women.

Now, why do you suppose this goal -- to actually "empower" men, to have better relationships with women -- might be fundamentally against the actual modus operandi of the DV Industry?

Have you ever come across a parasite that seeks to extinguish its host?

Have you ever met a "healer" who truly wants to heal the inflicted?

The counselors who are "helping you" depend for their very income on NOT helping you!

But, you already know that.

And, they know you know.

Assault, watch your back... play the charade out with finesse ... and, most crucially, GET 100% OUT!
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")


A very insightful post Roy. You continue to impress! 8)
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -


Have you ever met a "healer" who truly wants to heal the inflicted?

Having spent time in psych hospitals being treated for depression and over-drinking, I can attest to the fact that I have only met one health care professional who seemed to care about the patients.  To the rest, we were just a means to an end: a paycheck.  One woman counsellor actually told us one morning, "I don't want any of your shit today; I'm not in a good mood".  

WTF?  It's her job to help us, not tell us to shut the hell up.

Assault, there are definite parallels between your experience and mine.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde



Roy is right.  

And this is my own belief system: it seems of all the programs you could have entered, God put you in one that won't drive you over the edge or one that won't dent the steel that is our your heart.

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it shamelessly again: we're with you buddy.

When I told everyone I was getting a divorce I had some kind man, this guy who I had nothing to offer, YOU, PM me and offer the kindest words and an offer of being a friend.

That's right, on "the street", in front of everyone, I say it:

This man helped me.  I was frustrated, needed to vent, I was getting overwhelmed.  Some guy named "Assault" (no non-handles given) PM'd me and offered of himself.

How coud I not say something about that?  Could any of you?  

I do this because, in my job, like yours, I DEPEND on my team.  Without them I can be only marginally effective.  Well, corny or not, we're your team.  Right here man.  Steven Beene is "Assault"'s friend and hope that, in some small measure, that our words can be useful.

Sue me for being corny, but fuck it, he offered his hand to me .. can any of us do less?

I thank you for that, and in the same token, hope we (me?) can do the same for you.

I'm right here buddy.  We all are.

with abiding respect, and the warmest friendship,

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

The Biscuit Queen

While I am not as eloquent as Beene, I echo his sentiments. We are here for you Assault. You are doing a phenominal job in an impossible situation, and you have my respect and support.

he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.


Quote from: "Roy"
Dan L. --
However I strongly believe that women are not at fault spcifically;

Accordingly, are they "fault-less?"

What role does individual/female responsibility play in correcting the acknowledged injustices against men that feminism has conspired to inflict on both/all? genders?

It is my opinion that it is the male and has always been males who are the liberators of enslavement.  This modern form of enslavement is no different.  The males have liberated females historically.  The tyranny we face is the tyranny of the system.  Much like the "Empire" in Star Wars.  The machine if yu will.  

The "Battle of the Sexes" is a hoax and one designed to divide us.


Of course you concede that feminism unconditionally/unspecifically        finds all men at fault?



So, under what logic does the female species/individual women get a "pass?"

Your assumption is that you think all women are feminists and no men participate in misandry.  You are wrong.

Feminism by analogy is as genderless as nazism, communism, socialism, liberalism, conservatism etc.....

The core of the movement merely hides like a virus on a host gaining ground.  Like most viruses it destroys the host and moves on.  Feminism is just that virus.  It hides behind the veil of "For women" when in fact it is really for itself.  Men defend it thinking it's for women,  women defend it because they think it's for themselves.  They are wrong.  However the social engineers know better and utilize this to their advantage not society's.

Man women fight against feminism, they just don't get the voice.  Much like the men's movement.


Is this "stealth chivalry" poking its nose under the tent yet again?

Imagine a philosophy that convinces women to cut of their breasts and rip out their uteruses in order to be "normal" , "equal".

If I am chivilrous it is a good thing.  Even to my own detriment.  Nobody fights feminism more than me on a person to person basis to both men adn women.  I still maintain that I am protecting women, and believe that I am.


Quote from: "LSBeene"

When I told everyone I was getting a divorce I had some kind man, this guy who I had nothing to offer, YOU, PM me and offer the kindest words and an offer of being a friend.


Now you've done it! You've shattered the image I've been cultivating as a heartless mean bastard!! :lol:

I'm glad I was able to help buddy! 8)
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -


Quote from: "The Biscuit Queen"
While I am not as eloquent as Beene, I echo his sentiments. We are here for you Assault. You are doing a phenominal job in an impossible situation, and you have my respect and support.


Thanks BQ. I appreciate everyone's support more than you know.
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -


Quote: (Roy) -- So, under what logic does the female species/individual women get a "pass?"

(Dan Lynch) -- Your assumption is that you think all women are feminists and no men participate in misandry. You are wrong.

Actually, my assumption is that the next-to-the-most dangerous feminists are the non-declared, ordinary non-radicalized females who say nothing, do nothing, and yet enjoy all the privileges-without-obligations that the "sisterhood" provides.

The most dangerous feminists are men who hold positions of political and legal influence and who are quite comfortable with being bought and sold by N.O.W., VAWA, and all the attendant feminist coercion.

(D.L.) -- If I am chivilrous it is a good thing. Even to my own detriment. Nobody fights feminism more than me on a person to person basis to both men adn women. I still maintain that I am protecting women, and believe that I am.

This is an interesting argument. That by being chivalrous one might both fight feminism and protect women.

I'd like to hear more about this strategy.

Especially the "to my detriment" angle...

I've perhaps uncritically assumed that men's rights and actual gender equality would overcome either women or men having to accept detrimental (individually harmful, disempowering) postures.

Chivalry historically was about a particular kind of contract, or "exchange" between genders. It was in fact about distributing power.

It's more or less accepted that the social-economic conditions that made chivalry a functional system for both women and men have been destroyed by industrialism, feminism, and the adaptation of human desire.

My current argument would be that for a man to extend/impose chivalry towards women is equivalent to treating them as infants.

I guess I assumed women's liberation sought above all else full adulthood, with all its perplexing consequences.

I've been wrong before...
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")


Dan Lynch has long since claimed that more chivalry is the answer.

Uhhhmm, I don't think so.

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