I was so pleased to find out that Joint Custody might become the norm in divorce cases....at least in Massachusetts.
Check out these sites.
That's a great victory for Men's and Father's Rights activists.
Is this development in any way a State response to stem the recent exedus of taxpayers from Mass? (especially the Boston area)
All I read about census reports is -cost of living,high unemployment,fake addresses over the border,etc..- however, I'd truly like to imagine that it's the single(or recently disenfranchised) males fed up with the States recent history of farming and harvesting resources(primarily in the male labor force range of citizen)through taxes and legal system.
Any data on the average profile of what type of person is leaving Mass?
Is the Joint Custody potentially becoming the the norm in divorce cases a "sudden" thing?
Are there any "Move away protections" (a la California) pending with that?
Where do the brand new same sex unions come into this?
Where do the even newer rash of same sex divorces after pitifly short uniions fit in?
And I realize this may sound stupid but it's already come up- where do pets fit into this new divorce proposal?
I'd just hate to see a Joint Custody assumptiion be used as a gateway to more complex (and more profit/expense generating ) issues and sandbag for ulterior agendas.