A question for the ladies.

Started by angryharry, Dec 20, 2004, 07:52 PM

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Mr Benn

Quote from: "Graboid"
Paul McCartney and Russell Simmons spring to mind.

I hear that Paul McCartney bought Heather Mills a new artificial leg for Christmas. It wasn't her main present though, more of a stocking filler!


LOVL ! I surprised that woman didn't bring a garden spade with her down the aisle.  

But she is not half as bad as Kimora Lee Simmons - Russell Simmons' golddigga wife. I watched the MTV show Cribs recently - she was in it, taking cameras around their home. I'm not a person easily moved by anything, but i just felt sick after watching her.  :vomit:
I don't think I'll get married again. I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her a house." - Lewis Grizzard

Their slogan may as well be 'From each according to his ability, to each according to her gender" - Judge John Roberts


Mr Benn

I notice that the quality of your jokes continues to deteriorate inexorably towards the very pits of poor taste.

Another price of feminism!

ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


One of feminism's more diabolical/deceitful successes has been to impose a very naive, infantile understanding of (gender) POWER on the masses.

Angry Harry's comments did a nice job of pointing out how this ideological fiction breaks down totally in the context of an intimate partnership.

I've yet to meet a working man at any level of society, blue collar or white, who's first thought upon awakening in the morning to go to work is -- "Thank Gawd for the Patriarchy... I am soooo powerful!"

And every man with an I.Q. above 80 fully understands that women use their considerable power in negotiating or dictating what they want in relationships. (Those below 80 I.Q. call this "pussy power...")

A.H.'s No. 8 is worthy of extended consideration:

8. If you discover that your woman lies or exaggerates a great deal, then get the hell out.  
You have no hope.
The same goes for histrionics.
Get the hell out before your life is completely ruined - no matter how emotionally attached you are.
Out. Out. Out.
No ifs.
No buts.

This is especially critical during the early, lustful daze of pheromone-induced madness.... otherwise called "being in love!"

Any man so besotted is not going to be a very good judge of character.

(And yes, this is precisely where you need to read Schopenhauer's "On Women" essay, and then re-read it, again....)

Typhonblue gets some honorable mention for the term "feminist two-step."

(And give rise to the amusing feminist two step, accusing men of using their power to benefit themselves while expecting men to benefit women with that power.)

In the DSM "Bible" of clinical psychological diagnoses, this was once termed "passive-aggression."

Because P-A was too scarily descriptive of the average female's behavior, the American Psychological Association deleted P-A from its official inventory of mental/emotional pathologies.

I believe it's been replaced with the less offensive "Borderline Personality Disorders" spectrum of delights....

The good Dr. Freud confessed in his latter years that he'd spent most of his professional life trying to understand "what women want..." and had failed miserably.

Maybe that's why he's so reviled by "two-stepping" feminists?

At least Freud recognized hysteria when he saw it.
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")

dr e

Roy - "Passive aggressive" is a description of a behavior.  Borderline personality disorder is a diagnosis.  What diagnosis are you saying was dropped?  Do you have a link?  The two are basically unrelated.  Replacing one with the other just doesn't make any sense.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Dr. E.,

You may be correct, but the DSM has played games with redefining "behaviors" vs. "clinical disorders" over the years....

Psychology is perhaps the most "political" of the social sciences, and thus very vulnerable to feminist coercion.

Especially since psychology is now dominated by female practicioners, most of whom have been through a few feminist "gender studies" courses!

Recognizing that the definition (of P-A) as then formulated wasn't working but uncertain how to fix it, the compilers of DSM-IV (1994) dumped PAPD from the list of official disorders and relegated it to an appendix. The most telling complaint, in my opinion, was that merely being passive-aggressive isn't a disorder but a behavior--sometimes a perfectly rational behavior, which lets you dodge unpleasant chores while avoiding confrontation.

It's only pathological if it's a habitual, crippling response reflecting a pervasively pessimistic attitude--people who suffer from PAPD expect disappointment, and gain a sense of control over their lives by bringing it about.

Some psychiatrists have suggested that PAPD be merged into a broader category, called negativistic personality disorder. Diagnostic criteria: passive-aggressive plus (a) mad at the world, (b) envious and resentful, (c) feels cheated by life, and (d) alternately hostile and clingy.

Please tell me that this observation is an unfair description of the typical feminist ideologue!

Full piece at -

What is "passive-aggressive?"
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")

dr e

Roy - You are correct that the psyche industry is feminist dominated.  It's a sad fact.  Even before the fems hijacked things it was pretty much "feminine" territory.  With the exception of behavioral techniques the vast majority of treatment was streamlined to meet the needs of women.  Men were an overlooked "extremity" that were simply judged for not being like women.  

If you look at the following statement:

Some psychiatrists have suggested that PAPD be merged into a broader category, called negativistic personality disorder. Diagnostic criteria: passive-aggressive plus (a) mad at the world, (b) envious and resentful, (c) feels cheated by life, and (d) alternately hostile and clingy.

I would agree that it fits with a typical unglued fembot.  However, it also fits with a typical unglued man who is on the other side of the fence.  In fact, most of it fits with any man or woman who is reacting to extreme discrimination or prejudice.  

The part that you seem to be protesting having been omitted is

passively resists fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks

Again, this type of behavior is not typical of either men or women.  I've seen it go both ways.

The DSM in fact, tells us that the borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders are all populated by more women than men.  ;>  The DSM clearly states that 75% of those who are diagnosed with BPD are women!  I'm sure that must piss of the fembots.  However it is clear to point out that all of these disorders occur in both men and women.

PAPD is still in the DSM and is descriptive of someone who will NOT do things in order to piss someone off.  I have seen plenty of this from both men and women and both boys and girls.  Like other dx's, PAPD reflects a small portion of the population. Contrast this with how the feminists have been successful in painting a general image of the "pathological man" and then claimed this is representative of ALL men.  This is bullshit.  Let's not swing that door in the other direction.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

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