It just sounds like she's a typical Monday Morning Quarterback who "could do it if I had to - 'how-much-strength-does-it-take-to-pull-a-trigger' type"
And then the 100+ pound ruck sack goes on, the 4-44 days of grunt, being dirty, bones aching, and muscles so sore you can't sleep even though your eyes are gritty and .... then the PC bullshit meets head long into reality.
I would, and do myself, often counter such arguments by emphasizing the arduous, never ending, non-Hollywood-it-aint-a-movie-bub, face reality talk to her. She'll deny, get indignant, and point to some female athelete and pregnancy as an example. I'll counter with "how many fights have you been in where you had 2 broken ribs, took 1/2 an hour, so tired you couldn't hardly raise your arms again, but continued dealing damage fight have you been in" kind of answer.
Reality and gender-"we're all equal" feminism often colide on BBS discussions.