A question

Started by typhonblue, Dec 30, 2004, 03:12 PM

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I have a question for all you guys and gals...

Someone said this:

"And speaking of the military, even though women are sent into combat zones, with all the benefits and opportunities that arise from that status, they can't be classed as having combat jobs because the government won't allow that."

On another forum... do any of you have an idea how to respond to it? I'm not even sure I understand what she's getting at.


Quote from: "typhonblue"
I have a question for all you guys and gals...

Someone said this:

"And speaking of the military, even though women are sent into combat zones, with all the benefits and opportunities that arise from that status, they can't be classed as having combat jobs because the government won't allow that."

On another forum... do any of you have an idea how to respond to it? I'm not even sure I understand what she's getting at.

It sounds like she's saying that women can only serve in non-fighting roles in the military, because the employer can't have the publicity nightmare of having women die in combat.

We have the same kind of thing in my job. When something serious happens in the prison, it's the men who respond. The women usually get out of the way, or panic. There are a FEW who can do the job, but they are few and far between. But these women are paid the same a I am, and I'm the one who does the dirty work, and puts my life on the line. :roll:
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -

Sir Jessy of Anti

I see nothing wrong with the reasoning.

My reason is that she can talk herself into an early grave if she wants.

OTOH perhaps she gets better benefits if she dies in 'combat', or better pay.   Perhaps in that case she can take the benefits with the responsibility and be eligible for selective service.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


It just sounds like she's a typical Monday Morning Quarterback who "could do it if I had to - 'how-much-strength-does-it-take-to-pull-a-trigger' type"

And then the 100+ pound ruck sack goes on, the 4-44 days of grunt, being dirty, bones aching, and muscles so sore you can't sleep even though your eyes are gritty and .... then the PC bullshit meets head long into reality.

I would, and do myself, often counter such arguments by emphasizing the arduous, never ending, non-Hollywood-it-aint-a-movie-bub, face reality talk to her.  She'll deny, get indignant, and point to some female athelete and pregnancy as an example.  I'll counter with "how many fights have you been in where you had 2 broken ribs, took 1/2 an hour, so tired you couldn't hardly raise your arms again, but continued dealing damage fight have you been in" kind of answer.

Reality and gender-"we're all equal" feminism often colide on BBS discussions.

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

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