Ampersand has left the building ! !
It appears Ampersand (that artful dodger, piss be unto him), so vacillating in his defense of Hu-go-Boy, has no desire to defend his own writings in a thread prominently bearing his tag. He probably gave up on "educating" the posters on standyourground and decided to find a site where they're dissecting Faludi's last book -- what was it "Screwed," "Shafted," "Fucked," something like that.
He and his ilk highlight the fact that MRAs have to take a higher profile in the men's movement. Should the government ever come around and begin to recognize men's issues, who do you think they'll go to to run their male/father-positive programs. Will it be us or the ACFC and the like? OR will it be the compliant, "unoffensive" National Fatherhood Initiative and the Hugos and Ampersands of the nation? You betcha.
Imagine the VAWA or Title IX made gender-neutral or with male parity. Now imagine a clone war of Hugos running the men's commissions and shelter networks. See?