New Anti-Feminist Book

Started by rantmeister, Feb 03, 2005, 07:16 PM

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Greetings all,

It has arrived. Finally!

A lot of men who have joined the men's movement did so because they experienced one big injustice in their lives - paternity fraud, the divorce industry, false sexual harassment and rape accusations. In my case, I've managed to avoid these mortars of the gender wars, but the shells have fallen really close. For me, there isn't one big reason - there are a hundred or more. And I've lived to tell the stories. I'm a survivor!

And so, I am pleased to announce that my book, The Rantings of a Single Male: Losing Patience with Feminism, Political Correctness... and Basically Everything is now available on Amazon.

There are stories all along the path I've taken into the men's movement. Many of them center around Petra, a radical feminist from Munich. Her life decisions are the embodiment of the feminist movement.  When you read about her and the others, keep in mind that this work is non-fiction.

Although there is a lot of humor in the book, be advised that it is not light reading. It's not a feel good book with a happy ending. If you want that, I assume you're watching Oprah, and not reading this.

Anyway, I hope you will support my effort to offer some genuine men's rights literature. The price is as low as I can make it without actually losing money on each sale. I will check this thread from time to time to respond to your comments.




Just ordered it and am looking forward to a challenging read!

BTW, I began 2005 looking to get involved in the war against feminism and stop standing on the sidelines, wringing my hands.  Since the new year, I've written 5 emails/letters to editors in response to anti-male pieces, I've written to one tv network expressing my anger at their depiction of men in their programming, and I've joined this forum!  Buying your book, imo, is yet another way to support the movement AND be active rather than passive.

Best of luck with your book!


"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."  - Winston Churchill
"Get Angry...Get Loud... GET UP off your KNEES!"


Thanks! You will not be disappointed.

Hopefully once the first orders are filled, the "time to ship" will be reduced to 1 to 3 days instead of weeks.

And keep up the activism. I think we're just getting started.



Congratulations, rantmeister.  Too bad I don't have $18 to spend right now...

And who wrote the review?  Excellent.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde



Yeah, I'm going to look into offering it via the "buy this book new or used" feature of Amazon. That way I can cut down on the Amazon premium, and ship directly the the buyer instead of Amazon, which is quicker.

Hey, I'm new at this publishing/marketing stuff.

Also, in a couple weeks, the "search inside the book" feature will be activated (they have to physically scan in the whole book) so you can read parts of it and decide if you actually want to buy it.

The review on Amazon is by Jim Bracewell, who has an online men's magazine He and a few other MRAs I met at last year's men's rights congress got early promotional copies. Actually, if you notice, he signed the review. I will not post any self-composed glowing reviews. Now that the book is written, the fun part for me will be to see the public reaction.



I'd like to congratulate Tom for all the work he's done to get this book out into the marketplace.

It was a pleasure to read the draft that he brought to the Men's Rights Congress last June. Tom relates a number of poignant, a number of irritating, and a number of comical experiences he's had while surviving in our modern, politically correct world. Much of what he wrote sounded like an echo from my own past.

The book is definitely a good read. Buy it if you can, and, whether or not you can afford your own copy, ask your local library to purchase one.
We Are Self-Exterminating Through The Collapse Of Fertility Rates.
The Death of Birth.
Fertility Rates Magazine.


I was privileged to receive a rough copy of The Rantings of a Single Male directly from Tom Ellis at a gathering after last year's first Men's Rights Congress in Washington, DC. I must say it varied from the insightful to the outrageously funny. It should ruffle some feathers in the "Politically Correct" crowd.

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For those interested, here's the Table of Contents and the intro...


Disclaimers and Motivation
The Learning of Ignorance
The Prophecies of Petra  
The New Equality
The Perpetual Female Self-Worth Crisis
It's Different in Other Places
Go Figure
A Control Thing
A Few Memorable Disasters
Beasts Amid Beauty
The Overcoming of Obstacles      
Chicks Dig a Spiritual Guy
Incompatible Histories
The Missing Piece of the Female Brain
The Most Sacred of Sacred Cows
Love and Porn
Political Correctness
Emotional Correctness
My Favorite Phobia
Affirmative Actions
The New Hostile Workplace
Attempts to Empower Women
The Culture of Female Pathology
Welcome to Dating Hell
All the Things I Like About You              
What Needs to Happen                                            
In the End

Disclaimers and Motivation

I've got years of feminism, political correctness, and male-bashing clogging my arteries. So do most men, though they pretend not to notice. I wasn't aware of the extent of the damage until I began some serious self-examination. From the beginning I thought feminism was a toxin that only afflicted women. Now I understand that it's our problem too. Most men I've talked to have only a vague awareness of the impact three decades of unrestrained feminism has had on public policy and relationships. The anti-male onslaught has succeeded in part because men have neglected to actively oppose it.

It's time to end our polite tolerance of injustices committed against us. As men we must make a serious effort to educate ourselves about the ideas feminist literature is cultivating in the minds of women. We must become aware of the extremely negative portrayal of men and "masculinities" in women's studies courses, which are attended by tens of thousands of women each year. We must learn about the huge feminist organizations that are systematically dismantling the rights of men. We must acknowledge the scope of the problem and that we have failed to act. We must also expel the residue of feminist misinformation from our own systems. As it turns out, this book is my own process of detox as I come up to speed on the thirty-year ideological assault on my gender.

Although women are always welcome in my world, I expect these writings will be a challenge even for those of you who consider yourselves "open-minded." If you are capable of reading something that does not simply force-feed you the standard validation and inspiration, read on. For the rest of you, bail now before your heads explode. There are a thousand other books written just for you.

I am not restricted from saying anything by the culture of political correctness that is so rampant in universities and the media. There are professionals who spend their whole lives doing scientific studies of gender characteristics, but are constrained by the herd mentality when it comes to presenting their findings. The few who stray from the pack remain cautious and civilized, even apologetic. They have their careers and their respectability to worry about. Not me. I'll say what I please, thank you.

This is opinion, not science. At least I'm not pretending it is, like all the pop psychologists out there. There are hordes of books by "experts" on the subject of men and women. I see most of them as either manipulation strategy books for women, angry woman books, or books about ways men can change to make women like them. I can't figure out why being who I am is not good enough, at least not in my own culture. A lot of syrupy self-help books are marketed to women asserting that men are dumb and women are right - yeah, we're the primitive men who need to go brood and sulk in our caves - and since they all have "Ph.D." on the cover they must be true. I'd say my views have at least as much validity as a follower of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi with a phony Ph.D. who exploits our neighboring planets metaphorically.

Who am I to write anything? I'm just another laid-off software engineer - a novice writer with a word processor. I have no training, qualifications, grant money, nor data of my own. Not even a TV show. But I have something just as valid. I've got years of my own personal wreckage to draw upon. What the hell happened? I have some thoughts on that topic.

As it turns out, feminism inspired this book. My thirty-year sporadic involvement with a German feminist raised my awareness about what the "women's movement" has been up to all this time. I watched as feminism dictated her life decisions and destroyed her relationships. My wake-up call came early. Even for me, it still took several wake-up calls before I realized the magnitude of the feminist disaster. I barely noticed the erosion of respect for men, the ridicule of our sexuality, and the assault on our rights. Most of my male friends don't understand how widespread the anti-male culture has become. They laugh at the stupid guys on TV shows and commercials. So what if most movies now glorify men getting kicked in the groin? That's just good fun. They think affirmative action is a benign program that corrects inequities, and that there is still a "wage gap." And even though every woman they meet considers herself smarter and morally superior to men, they think the next one will be different. How many wake-up calls will it take?

In the last four decades, men in Western society have actually changed as a result of women's nagging, persistence, emotional outbursts, and most of all, because women have had some genuinely valid points. I must also say that men have had to sort through all the completely bogus studies and angry demands that women have thrown at us in order to find those points with merit. Feminism's valid points were exhausted long ago. All that's left is narcissism and anger masquerading as empowerment. I'm tired of nonsense. That must be why I am so profoundly tired.

But if women thought it was a long rough ride getting men to change their attitudes, it will be far more difficult to get them to admit the attitudes in need of change are now their own. Women have always seen themselves as the molders of men, and are not used to being challenged on issues concerning gender. I'm not sure how to convince women of anything, since they are more responsive to emotional outbursts than to reason. And what can men do to apply pressure, withhold sex? At the end of the day men just give in to anything if getting laid is on the line. Women react angrily to any criticism, and they can stay angry a long, long time, holding out for that male apology. Lots of women now automatically disregard any male viewpoints, since they believe criticism of women is a form of verbal abuse. They will rip apart a relationship if they are offended, even if they are wrong. Women are in really deep.

I also doubt whether women are willing to consider change even if it's laid out in terms of why and how, and even if they decide to try. They enthusiastically avoid responsibility for their actions with trendy denial therapies and philosophies. The only things women are willing to change are their hair, their clothes, and their breast size. And a lot of times not even their hair.

Though I believe women have as much innate intelligence as men, I'm tired of the fiction that women have no limitations other than those imposed upon them by male society. If women don't excel at something, it must be because of male oppression, and damn it, they deserve some compensation. At least dinner and some new shoes. And even if their specific misery can't be traced back to the patriarchy, men should feel at least as bad as they do.

This book is not an attempt to deny women any rights they should have as people, nor is it an attempt to deny that women are treated in substandard ways in many parts of the world. But why are men always excluded from such statements? Why is it acceptable to ignore the suffering of men? I support many women's rights. I do not support more and more women's privileges. I know men have some female allies out there who accept us as we are and believe in us. There are a few women who understand that equality does not simply mean getting their way all the time. Very few. Neither do I blame women for all our problems. Men and women both possess amazing talent when it comes to screwing up a good thing. In that sense I truly believe in equality.

When I began writing, I was concerned that I would upset female readers. I got over it. What is so abhorrent about offending women? They take full liberty in offending us. In fact, I would like to dedicate this book to all the men who have ever been told to "shut up," "get out of the way," or "take it like a man" when challenging the validity of feminism and standing up for their rights. Why do men put up with that? As a man who brushed it aside for many years, I'd say it's because we have been taught it is our responsibility to please women. But there's a difference between pleasing women and appeasing them.

I should not have to compromise my rights as a man to make anyone feel equal. I can make compromises, but not on things like maintaining my own identity, being able to express my own ideas without female approval, or refusing to tell rhetorical lies to maintain a relationship. After many years of being unable to conform to the female vision of men as docile servants, I just want to be myself and speak my mind.

Consider these writings a male catharsis. I'd say the main reason I felt compelled to write an entire book is that I've rarely been listened to by women. At least not for more than about 15 seconds at a time. I have no problem with women expressing anger or whatever they want, but I'm really tired of it now. I'm tired of hearing only the feminist viewpoint of every issue concerning gender. I'm tired of tolerance for female sexism and double standards. I'm tired of the exaggerated consideration given to all females at the expense of males. I've heard it day after day and year after year without any real chance to respond. So finally and without interruption, here is an unobscured look at the world from the male point of view. I'm sure most women will summarily dismiss it as the rantings of a single male. The male voice must be disregarded, ridiculed and silenced. Let's burn that lace curtain. I hope others will help light the fire. Let there be rant.


Thomas, you are an amazing writer.  I definitely have to purchase your book, but I must admit I am squirming in discomfort over some of the topics even while salivating over your articulate style.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde



I'd say if you made it past the intro and didn't bail, you'll probably be OK. I'm not sure which sections have you squeamish (or maybe I do), but I'll just say that some of them are satirical and high in entertainment value. Others are more brutal and intense. But it is the style that will set this book apart from all others.

I expect some sections to generate a lot of controversy, but that's another advantage of self-publising - no one is telling you not to write something because it won't sell to the mass market.

In any case, I hope you find it worth you time, and that you'll be more amused than horrified.


It's sitting in my shopping cart now, Tom. I'm looking forward to reading your work.  :wink:


Hi Rantmeister, im intrigued enough after reading your "Disclaimer's and Motivation" section to ensure your book will join the esteemed company of Warren Farrel's new book --- as my next reading material.

By the way are you "doing the round's" on the growing multitude of other men's board's and blog's?

After reading on another thread how you put this book together, I sincerely hope your book does well and "awaken's" as many male's and female's from their year's of feminist indoctrination and lie's.
eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870


Rantmeister, I was offended by nothing in your intro.  It was brilliant.

I'm assuming from your revelation about your involvement of 30 years with a German feminist that you just about 50, plus/minus a few years?

The reason I ask is because I have a suspicion that, at least in the US, the older one is, the more likely one will have been raised to be respectful of others.  Many of the points listed in your intro can be attributed to an appalling lack of manners as well as self-centeredness in the extreme, qualities I find more prevelant in younger generations.  My mother and father knew how to adjust such attitudes with alacrity - and very often with a belt.  I eschewed the belt when raising my own daughters, but I was every bit as strict.  However, I have heard criticism of baby-boomers as parents - usually along the lines that we over-indulged our children horribly.   Whatever the reason, we are reaping a bumper crop of self-entitled. one-dimensional money-grubbers, whose behavior often borders on the sociopathic. (By the way, I am 49.)

What strikes me is that many self-proclaimed feminists don't seem to care very much about the rights of any but themselves, and feminism is merely the vehicle via which they manage to keep their ego, needs and desires in the forefront at all times.  Quite frankly, I've listened to some of these younger women, and they sound like vaccuous bimbos who buy into everything the various forms of media serves up.  I've also shuddered when I've heard them speak about what kind of man they want - inevitably, some kind of completely self-sacrificing, high-earning robot, content to put his own thoughts and feelings on hold while serving her with a smile....:yikes:

To me, your intro was more upsetting because of your personal experiences rather than your feelings, because it would appear to me that such negative experiences are becoming the norm rather than the exception.  Is this perception genuine?

Finally (although there are so many salient points on which to comment, I do have a lot of housework to do today), I WAS offended by the comment about women not wanting to change even their hair.    :)  If that's true, then why am I sitting here with this disgusting mop of long, dry, brittle string because my fiance declared he prefers long hair?   You mean I didn't actually have to grow it just for him?   :lol:  
Incredible.  I guess I'm not sufficiently entitled - ooops, I mean empowered.   :wink:
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde


Awakened and PROFOUND1,

I shipped an inital order to Amazon on Monday, which should arrive there Thursday, then they get distributed to individuals starting Friday. Slow, but hang in there.


Quite lengthy comments on just the intro!  You got me pegged, I'm 52. Does it count for anything if I'm in total denial?

Many of the points listed in your intro can be attributed to an appalling lack of manners as well as self-centeredness in the extreme, qualities I find more prevelant in younger generations.

I elaborate on some of this in the early chapters of the book - comparing some pre-feminist experiences with those beginning in the mid 70s. I don't  go into upbringing - the point I make is that relationships were screwed up before feminism arrived on the scene. Now things are screwed up in much more complicated ways.

What strikes me is that many self-proclaimed feminists don't seem to care very much about the rights of any but themselves, and feminism is merely the vehicle via which they manage to keep their ego, needs and desires in the forefront at all times.

Expect me to expand greatly on this theme.

To me, your intro was more upsetting because of your personal experiences rather than your feelings, because it would appear to me that such negative experiences are becoming the norm rather than the exception. Is this perception genuine?

Please, hang in there a few days.  The Rantings will be a very big bone to chew on.

I WAS offended by the comment about women not wanting to change even their hair.

Hopefully not really. It's a taste of that dark humor coming up. It's more a comment on women not being willing to make substantive changes. But you know what they say about jokes when you have to explain them...

You will have to adjust to the style and learn to judge when I am satirical and when I'm serious. But relax, I can already tell this book is not about you.



Awakened and PROFOUND1,

I shipped an inital order to Amazon on Monday, which should arrive there Thursday, then they get distributed to individuals starting Friday. Slow, but hang in there.

No problem bro, it's going to be worth the wait.

Quite lengthy comments on just the intro! You got me pegged, I'm 52. Does it count for anything if I'm in total denial?

Denial no, just seemingly a valid collective political personal contrivance of a 52 year old MRA (half)  life's worth of experience devoid of a harsh injection of pre-programmed feminist indoctrinational infestation with all it's invalid (self-indulgent) concern's expressing it's conscious concern's regarding "all thing's female,"  Gee is there another perspective!

Ok im being so sarcastically typically british --- so send me my "fine", any way isn't (british) sarcasm protected under the Geneva convention or something --- if not F##K the european union!
eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870

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