After reading the reviews at Amazon and everything written here, I'm VERY intrigued. I'm one of those unfortunate souls born during the decade in which Feminism really took root; the 80's. I wish I had a support group, but I don't. Oh, the pain! Don't look at me!!!!!
One of my very first memories of openly questioning feminism and the portrayals of men in the media goes back to when I was in eighth grade. I had seen a very degrading TV ad of some sort (given their previous track record, it may have been Progressive Insurance!), and during lunch one day, I brought it up to a group of male classmates, all of whom had seen the ad. But, when I brought up the male-bashing factor, they stared blankly at me, and said that they hadn't noticed anything like that.
That's when I realized, most people are so desensitized to negative portrayals of men in the media that when they see them, they don't even notice! School-aged kids are generally pretty observant, but they absolutely hadn't seen how they were being mocked and ridiculed by society for their gender!
Books like yours are sorely needed these days, and I hope to obtain a copy ASAP. Are you doing anything promotion-wise to get the word out? This could become a bible for the MRA crowd if enough people know. It's naive to hope for such things in an era of rampant political correctness, but it would be awesome if it became a best-seller!