Mike Cox at it again

Started by Bender, Feb 04, 2005, 10:42 AM

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{I posted this over at Cooltools4Men but no one really gave a shit.  We'll try it here and see if there is any response.}

      Jury finds father guilty in child-support case
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
By Steven Hepker
Staff Writer

Unlike some deadbeat dads, Anthony M. Bacon generally pays some child support, falling short some years rather than completely shirking his duty.

That's why his attorney, Wendell Jacobs, was baffled that Bacon's case warranted prosecution by the state attorney general Monday.

"In 2000 he overpaid support. In 2001 he paid close to what was ordered," Jacobs said.

"In 2002 and 2003 he paid when he was able. In 2004, he overpaid."

Attorney General Mike Cox has a reputation for wrangling big-time deadbeats, most recently a Utah man who shelled out $100,000 Friday to avoid trial and prison.

Bacon was small potatoes by comparison to most state cases prosecuted in Jackson County. Officials say his prosecution is a warning to others who do not support their children.

"This should put noncustodial parents on notice that if they chose not to meet their financial obligations, the state will get involved," said Allison Pierce, spokeswoman for Cox. "Every dollar counts for the children in these families."

The jury went with the law, as explained by Circuit Judge Charles Nelson, and found Bacon guilty of failing to pay child support.

Court-ordered support is a general intent law, meaning it makes no difference if Bacon intended to pay the full amount but could not afford to do so, Nelson said.

Prosecutors contend Bacon had the ability to pay, but avoided income withholding by job hopping.

Bacon owes about $20,000 in back support to Lisa Baarns. They dated in 1987 and Baarns had a daughter, Mercedes, in January 1988. Bacon said he joined the Navy to help support the child, and voluntarily paid Baarns while serving in Desert Storm. The couple never married or lived together.

His job history since the military has been up and down, and support has been sporadic, Jacobs said.

"Life doesn't allow us the luxury of always paying on time," Jacobs argued.

Assistant Attorney General Jessica Weiler said the case was simple: Bacon violated a court order to pay child support in the required amount and on schedule. The Jackson County Friend of the Court asked the state to prosecute the case.

The charge was for a specific period: Jan. 1, 2002, through Jan. 15, 2004. Weiler said Bacon owed $2,912 in 2002 and paid $1,539.

He owed $2,864 in 2003 and paid $546.

Pierce said Bacon is rare in that he chose to chance jail rather than come up with the money owed.

Bacon was jailed on a $10,000 cash/surety bond pending sentencing March 9. Non-support is a four-year felony.

-- Reach reporter Steven Hepker at 768-4923 or [email protected]
color=red] You have no Constitutional right not to be offended and I'm here to make sure this non-existent Constitutional right is honored.

<<<---Ya know ya want one.


The charge was for a specific period: Jan. 1, 2002, through Jan. 15, 2004. Weiler said Bacon owed $2,912 in 2002 and paid $1,539.

He owed $2,864 in 2003 and paid $546.

Pierce said Bacon is rare in that he chose to chance jail rather than come up with the money owed.

Bacon was jailed on a $10,000 cash/surety bond pending sentencing March 9. Non-support is a four-year felony.

Oh this is brilliant. Lets waste state money to try a guy on less than 5k. How much did court cost? Lets toss him in jail for 4 years too, of course by then his daughter will be over 18. Guess she won't need any more support till then.


Remember that the debt will accrue while he is in prison, he is still responsible to pay after he gets out of jail.
 do what I need to do to protect my loved ones, friends, and family. This is what men do.


Quote from: "Pernicious"
Remember that the debt will accrue while he is in prison, he is still responsible to pay after he gets out of jail.

I'd forgotten about that. So now we have debtors prisons in the US...


Jeez, what would EMILY do in a case like this.

I know one thing the femborg would not do, they would not sit passively by while they got picked off one at a time. They would not sit by while some messiah of the misled attempted to spearhead a campaign against the most vulnerable of women. They would neutralize him even if it required producing 8x10 glossies.

Well, the fathers' rights movement has nothing even close to the resources EMILY's List has, but there's a whole lot of pain out there. The same way that this Cox-sucker insists on sending a message to poor fathers, we ought to send a message to him and his ilk.

Michael Cox has chosen to make himself a symbol, I suggest we make him a lightning rod. Nationwide, fathers' groups should come together and do our best to end the political career of this opportunist. He is in fact a symbol of the injustices we face -- and by his own chosing -- we would miss a perfect chance if we let him get off the hook politically. We can't take them all on at this moment in time, but it is OUR DUTY to knock off the point man. Whatever it takes, demonstrations, funds, a PR campaign, we have got to take out this sucker.

And if it brings us in direct confrontation with EMILY's List, I say "bring it on!" all the better. If Sister EMILY chooses to defend this asshole, it will bring them out of the backrooms and into the public glare. (We all know that feminazis are nocturnal creatures that only thrive with a public that is asleep.)

The same way his billboard campaign backfired and burned his ass, this whole war on fathers has to be revealed for what it is and exposed nationally. Even the Lace Shrouded press will have a field day if fathers' organizations from all over the country unite to rid ourselves of this guy; they may even seriously examine the reason why we went to so much trouble.

axine Waters on the 2004 March for Women:
"I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion." ! ! !


This issue has to go to the US Supreme court for a constitutional holding. Imputed income and debtors prisons are loaded with constitutional infirmity.

Circuit Judge Charles Nelson:

"Court-ordered support is a general intent law, meaning it makes no difference if Bacon intended to pay the full amount but could not afford to do so, Nelson said."


I wouldn't be surprised if someone shoots him ... and I would not mourn his passing.


Nor would I.
But it would be more effective if men all over the country banded together to end his political aspirations, the same way we did his billboard campaign. If an incensed father with nothing to lose offed him, he would take on a kind of satanic martyrdom. The movement doesn't need this.

A flex of political muscle and a willingness to use a national campaign to dethrone a local tyrant (albeit with nat'l ambitions) would serve as a warning to other pols who want to make hay on the suffering of men.

The publicity couldn't hurt either. It would serve notice that there's a fathers' movement out there, distinct and in many respects diametrically opposed to the sackcloth and ashes-wearing fatherhood and "men's" movement (the Hugo-nauts).
axine Waters on the 2004 March for Women:
"I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion." ! ! !


I live Under the rule of Tyrant COX and i have a plan to bring public attention to the issuse and Much Shame to Mike Cox  . with a minor form of civil disobedience .while already having all Major media in the area for the event .  i simply have to have enough guys willing to do something besides talk about it  show intrest .
quot;Women can help us, but they can't join us. There can be no male/female unity, until there is first some male unity."  Edited from Malcolm X

"Concerning non-violence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." Malcolm X

"We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary." Malcom X


Michael Cox has chosen to make himself a symbol, I suggest we make him a lightning rod. Nationwide, fathers' groups should come together and do our best to end the political career of this opportunist.

Damned straight.
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius


we, need to make, ousting mike Cox the only current goal of teh mens movement .
quot;Women can help us, but they can't join us. There can be no male/female unity, until there is first some male unity."  Edited from Malcolm X

"Concerning non-violence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." Malcolm X

"We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary." Malcom X







Quote from: "VicVanity"
we, need to make, ousting mike Cox the only current goal of teh mens movement .

Yeah. That and preventing the recert of the VAWA. Roasting Cox' ass, however, is probably easier if less urgent.
axine Waters on the 2004 March for Women:
"I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion." ! ! !


We need to send Cox-sucker a nasty letter demanding his resignation from the republican party over this obnoxious and offfensive shit;
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius


The easiest way to take this guy out is to perpetrate a "Kobe" on him.

I'll leave that to your imagination....
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")


The sentence's and draconian attitude dealt out by the court's and judicial system in the US regarding child support --- (seemingly only applicable if your male) is unbelievably worse than it's counterpart's here in the UK. The current trend to "set an example to other's" also ring's disproportionately familiar.

Opportunistic mercenary sleazebag politician's such as Mike Cox do not differentiate between legal disparity and injustice for one group such as men, because he has a much more important agenda to fulfil --- His own political career! with all the lucrative addition's that reward narcissistic sycophantic traitorous feminist lap-dog's, regardless of the detrimental effect on many good men.

Once the "franchise" of F4J spread's throughout the whole of the US, much overdue COAST TO COAST civil disobedience can ensue. However more American men have to adopt more of a vigorous proactive stance, to ensure that their --media-- through whatever action's air their valid concern's.
eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870

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