Phrases I hate to hear

Started by mens_issues, Feb 06, 2005, 12:02 PM

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"By the way"....

Has anyone ever noticed that a statement preceeded with "by the way" is inevitably something critically important?

"By the way, I got drunk and ....."

"By the way, the check I wrote for Macy's bounced...."

"By the way, I'm moving out...."

"By the way, I got expelled from school today...."
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde


Many of these I've heard from women lamenting that they can't find a worthy man. I just laugh at them and say, "Yeah, it's everyone else sweatheart. You couldn't possibly be the problem" :lol:

"Men are intimidated by my intellect/beauty.etc." :roll:

"You can't just can't handle a real woman!"

"Where are all the good men?"

"Suck it up and be a man!"
Feminism is the product of female selfishness, compounded by male chivalry.

- Peter Zohrab -

Tony Ananda

He's a Nazi.

I.e. Rush Limbaugh is a Nazi; Sean Hannity is a Nazi; Dick Cheney is Hitler; of course George Bush I and II are Nazis; Christopher Hitchens was elevated to Nazi status after 2001; years ago I actually heard with my own ears that Dan Quayle is a Nazi.  There are so many Nazis everywhere that I just can't keep track of them all.

New preface for the Revolt of the Primitive from Howard S. Schwartz:
When the going gets weird, the wierd turn pro.


How about:

"You're a jerk/creep/nerd/geek/loser/fool/idiot"
"You're making me (or someone else) nervous"
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Any phrases starting with...

"Remember your car? Well..."


How about this common phraseology used by women to extend the mindset of their eternal victimhood.

"It was like being raped." ------ AGGRHHHHHHH!

eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870


Perhaps the worst comment is the famous wordless female comment-without-comment...


The "nobody's home" VACANCY SIGN!

Every man has seen it at least once.

Just when you think you've been understood, her eyes go blank.

Like watching a room go dark as the dimmer switch rotates counterclockwise.

It usually appears when you have logically "won" (lost?) the argument...  :shock:
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")


"Do you want to..."

"Would you mind...."


"You're getting defensive" (It's  always the other person who's getting "defensive" rather than "defending themselves")

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" (from a policeman)

"You said it" (In response to a self criticism.  You're supposed to say "that's not so" you #$%#$%)
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Ever notice that when someone's giving you a hard time, they often phrase it in the form of a question?

"What's your problem?"
"Is there a reason you did this?"
"What makes you think...?"
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"Girls mature faster than boys"

"Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays"
Are you a man?', that's what she asked, as if I were wearing a man mask. -- Sean Altman


Men are intimidated by my intellect/beauty.etc


Must be that.  Couldn't possibly be the ego the size of the friggin' planet.   :roll:
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde


<<Men are intimidated by my intellect/beauty etc. >>

What's bizarre is that I've come across women who assert that and seem to have neither.

I guess another episode of "Xenia - Warrior Princess" is in order to pump them up in their self-esteem again.


Quote from: "Galt"
<<Men are intimidated by my intellect/beauty etc. >>

What's bizarre is that I've come across women who assert that and seem to have neither.

Anyone who would actually utter such nonsense is, in reality, the epitome of stupid as well as emotionally ugly.   Never mind what the vacuous bimbo looks like.  Conceit has the tendency to make beautiful persons repulsively unattractive, at least in my humble (   :wink: ) opinion.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde


The phrase "your superiors" in the workplace.  This is so demeaning - what, does that mean we're "inferiors?"  Maybe this is one place that political correctness can make a change.
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