Hello Kal147
The most complex part of running a website is dealing with the software that creates it - in my case, Microsoft's Front Page.
And so my advice would be to get a copy of Front Page and simply learn how to use it.
It is like a clunky word processor with its own idiosyncracies and techniques.
You can create a 'website' on your own hard disk, and faff about with it all that you like.
Then, when you want to put it online so that everyone can see it, you do this ...
1. You buy yourself a domain name (such as JohnSmith.com) - which you can do here ...
http://www.networksolutions.com2. You then get some company to 'host' your website. This means that you shove your website on to **their** computer. And since their computer is online 24/7 then your website is accessible 24/7 to the public.
A good company that specialises in Front Page is here ...
http://www.outfront.net/(If you use Front Page, then you must use a company that caters for Front Page.)
The cost is $15/month.
3. When you first buy your domain name from, say, Network Solutions, then a sort of blank website will appear, and just sit there - with just one page on it; saying "This website is under construction" or something like that.
And if anyone types in JohnSmith.com, this is where they will end up.
This is because the internet will 'point' to Network Solutions as the place where JohnSmith.com currently resides.
But when you get your website 'hosted', say at Outfront.com (as per above) you simply change the 'pointers' so that the internet now directs people to Outfront's computers.
And that's it!
There are two things that I would also recommend doing.
1. If you buy Front Page, just read the manual a couple of times as if it were a book **before** installing the product.
Use the book as bedtime reading.
You don't have to understand all of it or try to remember any of the details. Just read it as a book to get the feel for the whole thing and to increase your understanding of the terminology. By doing this you will also end up knowing where to look things up when you need to look things up!
2. Construct a website that ***interests*** you and amuses you just for practice. Remember, you don't have to put anything online. Your 'website' can simply exist on your hard disk alone.
Just enjoy the damn thing.
Fool about with pictures. Play around with text.
Post up pictures of naked ladies and people that you hate.
My point is that you will more likely make good progress if you do not see it as a chore but as a way of enjoying yourself and empowering yourself at the same time.
And then, when there is something serious that you want to tackle with a website, go ahead and buy a domain name, and get it hosted online. These last two things are the easy part!