I'm starting a blog

Started by bluegrass, Feb 08, 2005, 10:47 AM

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Yeah I know -- you and everybody else with a computer.

Anyway, if you're interested it's called "Craic Pipe" and can be viewed and commented on here:


I'd love to see some of you folks show up now and then.

"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


Hi Bluegrass, I just took a look at your blog although it's a bit bare at present ---from the subject's you listed to be included in your blog it has great potential. Just as a side note I have an interest in Irish history from the ancient Celts up to the present day- fascinating stuff!

I have also pondered the concept of starting a blog or indeed really taking the plunge and create a website, which from my personal perspective would be a site addressing the concern's of men's issue's predominantly -- This however would be laced with an injection of british humour to make it more appealing and palateble to a wider audience.

Angry Harry recommend's using microsoft front office for creating website's, as he state's it's one of the easier program's to use. Also for all blogger's and potential webmaster's Harry offer's his material to be used on your project's.

Angry Harry stated:

To budding men's activist webmasters ...

I have no interest whatsoever in maintaining any sort of claim over anything on angryharry.

Indeed, the more that others make use of the material on angryharry the better do I feel.

In fact, it would not perturb me in the slightest if someone lifted the whole blooming site every week and posted it up somewhere else in a different guise.

The more that the material is disseminated - particularly the links to news items - the better, as far as I am concerned.

So please take ANYTHING from this site - as often as you like.

Just Copy and Paste the bits to wherever you wish.

And, as I have often said, it is not difficult to run a website, and knowing how to run a website is extremely empowering - in very many ways.

So, instead of spending so many of your hours with your eyes glazing over in front of rubbish emanating from the TV set, sit at your computer screen and, instead of gawping at naked women, google your way into finding out all that you can about running a simple website.

And if you do run a website and wish to update the content regularly in order to attract many visitors, then please do not hesitate to lift any material from here that you want.

Many of the writers whose works are linked to from this website are amazing.

Their voices need to be heard by many more people.

So, please make use of the material and the links on this website in any way that you can.
eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870



Go to it Boys!

And, Profound1, I use Microsoft FRONT PAGE (not Microsoft Office).

Front Page is a programme designed specifically for creating websites.

And I'm going to say this to others who might be reading this.

********Learn how to set up and run a website.************

It is not hard to do.

It is very empowering.

There are LOADS of things that you can do with a website.

And, if nothing else, you will learn a bit more about how the whole enchalada operates in practice, and also how to deal with it more effectively.

Furthermore, there is no hurry!

You can just sit back in front of the screen, relax, play music, take it easy, and, gradually, over just a few weeks, you will find that you have googled your way into mastering an extremely powerful tool.

And I can almost guarantee you that, one day, you will stumble across some considerable use - probably many uses - for your acquired ability to set up and run a website - which you will be able to do within HOURS - and/or for the knowledge that you will have gained.

Indeed, even if you just get yourself a domain name (e.g. xxx.com) and post up a website that no-one but you ever visits, you will still have mastered some cognitive skills that I am sure will, one day, be useful to you.

This thing in front of you is where the future 'power' lies - on many fronts.

Fundamentally, it is for this reason that people are flocking to the internet in droves.

It ***empowers*** them in one way or another.

And being able to create a website presence for yourself within hours opens up very many possibilities - particularly given that your web pages (apart from your front page) do not need to be visible to the passing public.

Ooops. I'm getting carried away again. I think I'd better shut up!


ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Ooops. I'm getting carried away again. I think I'd better shut up!


Can you share with us some materials, references, tools, etc that us uninitiated should go to to learn how to do these things.


Hello Kal147

The most complex part of running a website is dealing with the software that creates it - in my case, Microsoft's Front Page.

And so my advice would be to get a copy of Front Page and simply learn how to use it.

It is like a clunky word processor with its own idiosyncracies and techniques.

You can create a 'website' on your own hard disk, and faff about with it all that you like.

Then, when you want to put it online so that everyone can see it, you do this ...

1. You buy yourself a domain name (such as JohnSmith.com) - which you can do here ...


2. You then get some company to 'host' your website. This means that you shove your website on to **their** computer. And since their computer is online 24/7 then your website is accessible 24/7 to the public.

A good company that specialises in Front Page is here ...


(If you use Front Page, then you must use a company that caters for Front Page.)

The cost is $15/month.

3. When you first buy your domain name from, say, Network Solutions, then a sort of blank website will appear, and just sit there - with just one page on it; saying "This website is under construction" or something like that.

And if anyone types in JohnSmith.com, this is where they will end up.

This is because the internet will 'point' to Network Solutions as the place where JohnSmith.com currently resides.

But when you get your website 'hosted', say at Outfront.com (as per above) you simply change the 'pointers' so that the internet now directs people to Outfront's computers.

And that's it!

There are two things that I would also recommend doing.

1. If you buy Front Page, just read the manual a couple of times as if it were a book **before** installing the product.

Use the book as bedtime reading.

You don't have to understand all of it or try to remember any of the details. Just read it as a book to get the feel for the whole thing and to increase your understanding of the terminology. By doing this you will also end up knowing where to look things up when you need to look things up!

2. Construct a website that ***interests*** you and amuses you just for practice. Remember, you don't have to put anything online. Your 'website' can simply exist on your hard disk alone.

Just enjoy the damn thing.

Fool about with pictures. Play around with text.

Post up pictures of naked ladies and people that you hate.

My point is that you will more likely make good progress if you do not see it as a chore but as a way of enjoying yourself and empowering yourself at the same time.

And then, when there is something serious that you want to tackle with a website, go ahead and buy a domain name, and get it hosted online. These last two things are the easy part!
ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Thanks for the info Harry, BTW I discovered that "video professor" offers a CD tutorial on how to use "Front Page".


Check this out *******FIRST******* Kal147 !

ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Code: [Select]
Check this out *******FIRST******* Kal147 !


Leave it to Harry to pull up the real scoop!


Angryharry said:

And, Profound1, I use Microsoft FRONT PAGE (not Microsoft Office).

Doh! Im not so familiar with software program's, however when I go to purchase a copy I shall ensure that I buy the correct one!

Thank's for the advice on setting up a website using microsoft front page,  it will prove to be undoubtedly invaluable in constructing my little "oasis" of opposition to misandric feminism.

By the way Ive been an avid regular visitor to your site for some time now and a visit is both informative and cheer's me up no end, keep up the excellent work Harry.
eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870


If you haven't committed to a system yet, I really recommend avoiding Frontpage - Frontpage creates ugly, slow-loading, needlessly complex code.

I'd recommend Dreamweaver, instead.



You may want to try this program, it's free, has alot of higher functions on it and is really quite easy to use.

t is perhaps a terrible thing to say, but "rights and freedoms we are not willing to fight for are rights and freedoms we don't deserve."


I use good old Notepad / Nano to write my awesome webpages!
 do what I need to do to protect my loved ones, friends, and family. This is what men do.

Sir Jessy of Anti

If anyone could write an interesting blog, it would be you Bluegrass.  I look forward to your meandering/observations.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Ampersand - doesn't dreamweaver require more technical knowhow?
ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Quote from: "Sir Jessy of Anti"
If anyone could write an interesting blog, it would be you Bluegrass.  I look forward to your meandering/observations.

Thanks for that Jessy.  I just wrote up a good one on freedom of religion, but lost most of it in the navigation!  Back to the drawing board.

So let me ask you -- how does a person get hits on his blog and a little bit of action?
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers

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