How has it come to pass?!

Started by Radagast, Feb 11, 2005, 05:43 AM

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I stumbled across gender-related information on the net two weeks ago. I found it very interesting and started reading. I've spent nearly 60 hours, on various articles, blogs and forums.

Maybe I didn't get it right, but it seems that we're facing nothing more or less than a full-blown TYRANNY? I mean I look at Ferrell's statistics, and the stories of fathers, educators, and a tiny few in the goverment and media that are still honest, persecuted/recieving life threats because they're trying to tell the truth? I feel horror and dismay. I read the the stories, and feel the same unnerving feeling that I felt when they explained at school, exactly how propaganda and fear mongering were used to bring about the rise of totalitarian regimes! It's exactly the same thing here!

I read the off-topic section of a completely unrelated board, someone posted about that female teacher/sex-offender reported several days ago. Some replies were actually that the boy was lucky and one even said it's like he won a sexual jackpot. I replied and asked him/her if a male teacher would've been found humping one of the little schoolgirls for years, would he say that she has won the sexual jackpot also, and if not, why. Strangely, though there were 5 pages of other discussion left intact, both that person's jackpot comment and my question were censored out of the forum. And that's an appearantly liberal forum
I also pointed out that the way I see it, false allegations in an attempt to put someone in prison is morally equivalent to kidnapping that person and keeping him/herlocked up in your basement for years. There is absolutely no difference in the intent. The difference is merely in implementation - like the type of weapon used is to murder cases.
Strangely, that post is still intact.

Excusing false allegations as anything less than what I described would be like saying that hiring an assassin to murder someone makes you guilty of less than premeditated murder. That's moral bankrupcy in my opinion. The legal systems have been perverted and twisted beyond recognision.

I read an article in a blog that talked about how we must fight honorably, and refute all the feminist lies "with the shining blade of truth".
However, I feel that society has morally degraded. In the eyes of many
people, ESPECIALLY the youth, respect and honor don't matter anymore. Many people pretend to be honorable when they try to sell you something - corporations greatly contributed to this effect. So these days, people
respond by just being generally suspicious, especially of things society considers radical, such as, say, True Gender Equality. Feminists will give the PC-programmed mob a catchy 1-liner and we'll struggle with a 4-page-long logically robust refutation. Honor and respect will be beaten every day of the week by ad hominem attacks, emotional appeal, ridiculing, shaming and other generic shit-flinging. Women are far better than men at this. We don't stand a chance.

Maybe I don't have enough faith, I dunno.
Women seem to be naturally more power-hungry than most men are.
The "powerful" men consist mostly of the power-hungry male minority, which couldn't care any less about 99% of the population. They are also driven by forces of economy. We all know feminism pays off, for everyone involved. It's impossible to win. A civic revolt will not happen because most people just don't give a damn about it. Maybe in 20-30 years after MILLIONS of men will be screwed over by a corrupt legal system, the public will begin to notice something isn't quite right. I'm very concerned over this. :?

dr e

Welcome Radagast. I think you voice the concern for many of us.  We have an uphill battle ahead.  Glad you have joined us and see the problem clearly.  Just the fact that you are able to learn about these issues online is a plus for us.  The more folks who do this the more we will be able to form a grass roots movement.  When it gets huge they will have a hard time ignoring us.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


it seems that we're facing nothing more or less than a full-blown TYRANNY? I mean I look at Ferrell's statistics, and the stories of fathers, educators, and a tiny few in the goverment and media that are still honest, persecuted/recieving life threats because they're trying to tell the truth? I feel horror and dismay. I read the the stories, and feel the same unnerving feeling that I felt when they explained at school, exactly how propaganda and fear mongering were used to bring about the rise of totalitarian regimes! It's exactly the same thing here! ... I'm very concerned over this.

Hi Rad, most here are also very concerned if not outright frightened. I too believe that society has degraded and is basically f*cked.

No question, something is much awry ... not just on the surface but rotted deep within.

We talk a lot about these things here ... so you'll probably feel at home woth others who notice the same things you do. Perhaps you can share some more of your thoughts and insights with us.


Welcome Radagast,

Much of what you have described concern's many of the "awakened" men and women here, unlike feminist's we and many MRAS look to exact a societal/legal position of equal representation and accountability for both men and women! --- strange concept I know but should be "as standard."
eminists ...

"Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings, and would surely perish without male protection."

Queen Victoria 1870


Some stories stay the same and just change the characters.
Rent a movie called "They Live" and see if it addresses exactly what you speak of. "The Matrix" goes there too but the point gets lost in special effects.

Is it possible that the lawmakers have some assigned agenda to keep two factions at each others throats? If all hell breaks loose they have that cozy citadel at the luxury hotel in Va. Do they realize how easily their benefactors can turn the reinforced bunker into a mass tomb once the "elite" are all assembled  there? (kind of like"The Dirty Dozen).

Too much coffee? Probably!
Too many late night  conspiricy movies? You bet!
But if I can just put the bug in the congress critters ears..............................oops, too late, sub dermal RFID transmitters "for their safety"

Well, you get the idea.

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