It was very telling that the men were advocating what's best FOR THE CHILDREN, and the women were concerned about themselves. Truly disgusting.
Great video though.
I would partially agree, but we also need to understand the WHY of it.
MOST women (and many men for that matter)
honestly think that (well of course,
that the "
is mom and the kids with a dad as an
optional and
discardable accessory to the "
family". It's ingrained in our culture that the women should get the kids under any circumstances barring dismemberment of a child's limbs (except if she cuts off his penis - the exception).
Men's messages have become better as we have (by playing "catch up") had to learn the "
marketing" of our message. Losing our kids is a certain motivator for learning to fight on any battlefield that presents itself.
What is telling is how ingrained the arrogance of the feminist lawyer was. She had to bring up "women fleeing abuse", "denial of a woman's career choices", and "video conferencing" as visitation.
First off how is it that women get to keep the children and the changing custody is "so traumatic"? I mean:
the kid(s) already LOST one parent.
Now mom wants to remove all the rest of their reality.
Second, how is it "
so traumatic" then, if I follow logic (
bastardly male logic!)
would it not be better if the kids switched parents (
they already lost one) and in this way
they only lose one parent in the bargain, but get to remain in a stable environment.Isn't THAT the "best interests".I think that if a man is willing to take a career hit to move to be with THEIR children I think it should be
an AUTOMATIC reassesment of "child support". Truly money can't be a parent, and this person chose a child over money and career. Clearly the child was first to them.
THAT'S the messages we need to hit home with. The arguements we need to memorize (but put in better terms than how I did) are the ones where we show that "switching custody" once a divorce has started is "bad" due to loss of stability, and how when mom moves why not let dad have the kids? I mean they already have been denied a parent, why now the loss of their little world?
I hope I added to the discusion.