Did anyone listen to the show?

Started by Beste, Mar 07, 2005, 08:48 AM

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Well...That Adam's Apple is very endearing.  Wish I could say the same for her voice.



"Law, for the most part, is about regulating human behavior," she says. "In order to regulate human behavior, we have to understand humans. Many other disciplines, from history to psychology to literature, often do a more comprehensive job of studying human behavior than traditional legal scholarship does. Laws are more effective, and more just, when they incorporate what we know about the human condition from other disciplines."


Those 'other disciplines' could boil down to someones ideological beliefs. I think Ms Baker sees the law as a means to an end.


You can alway send them an email and let them know what you think.

[email protected]

[email protected]


You know what's VERY interesting here????  Her bio goes out of its way to mention feminism, and her stance on rape laws.  I thought that law makers weren't supposed to be biased by their own political agendas, but you can tell that she is.  Safe sex and the safety of men and women is the LAST thing on her mind!!!  Clearly, her beliefs are tainting her work.  Why else would she endorse putting ONLY MEN in prison, when women have most of the birth control options in the twenty-first century, and an equal ability to protect herself against STD's?!?!  She conveniently forgot to mention that she's a feminist on Glenn's show, which led me to believe that maybe she wasn't.  But, as usual, her true motives surface!

    I'm sorry.  I'm really ticked off today, and I'm rambling.  Do you ever just have one of those days or weeks when you feel like the whole dad-gummed country is against you?!


Quote from: "Beste"

"Law, for the most part, is about regulating human behavior," she says. "In order to regulate human behavior, we have to understand humans. Many other disciplines, from history to psychology to literature, often do a more comprehensive job of studying human behavior than traditional legal scholarship does. Laws are more effective, and more just, when they incorporate what we know about the human condition from other disciplines."


Those 'other disciplines' could boil down to someones ideological beliefs. I think Ms Baker sees the law as a means to an end.

Well there you have it -- she doesn't believe in or value a free society.  Law in a free society is NOT about regulating human behavior, culture is about regulating human behavior.

In a free society. law is about establishing limits on both gov't and tyranny of the majority in order to protect inalienable human rights.  She's an advocate of the class based society wherein all rights are contractual rather than inalienable.

I'm talking about this stuff on my blog actually....
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


Her profile is an interesting read given how predictable every single sentence is.

My question though -- who's that guy in the picture?
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


Quote from: "Roy"
Please e-mail Glenn and ask him to restore the RealAudio stream option his site used to offer.

MP3 requires a file download and too much time waiting.

Or do I have my Windows Player set up wrong?

When I click on HisSide's "Listen to Show MP3" option, I'm looking at an hour of file download on a 56kb "techno-peasant" 'Net connection.

Other options, anybody?

As others have said, try streaming it with windows media player or quicktime. Unfortunately, its your slow net connection I'm guess. 1 hour seems high for a what,3-4mb file?


And look under her publications!

MY GOD it's a "feminazi literature" haven.

Wealth tranfers, rape, power, rape, feminist 'economics', rape, and PATERNITY law.

This woman CLEARLY has an agenda that in all cases of conflict the woman must win.  

And, this is a guess, but I wonder if she's a lesbian?  I mention this because she sure does seem to beat up on men and want hetero sex to be viewed with suspicion.

Trying to increase her dating potential maybe?

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"


Hey Beste,

Thanks for the Quicktime tip!

Back in my professional youth as a director of college computing geekness, I tried to defend Apple Macs as the dominant platform.

They were always rock solid, and the money a school didn't spend on employing Windoz/DOS repairmen/women could actually be invested in students!

I lost the war....

But I still have an original Mac 128k "toaster," serial No. 5005, with etched individual signatures on the inside chassis by Jobs, Woz, et. al.

Of course, my fish are swimming in it (the MacAquarium) now.   :lol:
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")


One thing that always strikes me about people like Ms Baker is that she is a lawyer which means she's been through law school which means that she's supposedly studied law and its history.

So why does she seem to have either no idea about or no respect for rule of law and objective legal fact? Why does she seem to have no understanding of how important these things are to a free society?

Shes a marxist who became a lawyer. Marxists reject the concept of Due Process altogether and work covertly to subvert Amercian civil rights under the guise of security, in feminazi's case for womens security only. To expect any kind of objectivity from this kind of radical is futile. We should be prosecuting them for sedition instead of appointing them to office.
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius

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