More from UNH...

Started by FP, Apr 24, 2005, 02:49 PM

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At UNH, women's studies professors have come out in support of Williams and the Feminist Action League.

Oh what a surprise. Bolshevik Kommisars rallying to the whine of one of their brainwashed dupes.

Kathy Miriam, who teaches feminist philosophy, said male students have grown up accustomed to women not speaking out and with easy access to pornography.

''The kind of entitlement they feel, it's been so unquestioned on this campus," Miriam said of men at UNH.

How convenient she so deliberately falied to mention the enormous federal handouts feminazi's so gluttonously consume under the pretentious demand of "entitlement".

She said educated members of the campus should see that when Williams points to men as the culprits, she is only stating the truth.

Heres another serial false accuser stereotyping men. Damned bigot!!

''They're not saying anything that's science fiction," Miriam said. ''It just comes down to naming men. That's what's terrifying."

Whats even more terrifying is that we live in the same country with feminazis such as these!

For many on campus, it's been Williams's stance about the participation of men in women's causes that has been offensive. Multiple letters to the editor in the campus paper targeted Williams as a ''man-hater" because she has written that men must step out of the way in order to truly support feminism.

Step out of the way to support feminaziism?? Youve got it backwards. Give me a bulldozer so I can crush feminaziism now and forever.

''I challenge you, Ms. Williams, to stop being an extremist," wrote one student, Jack Gouger, who said in his letter that in the past century, ''women and minorities have made great strides to eliminate the white male's privileged status."

Joshua Varieur, a sophomore, wrote, ''I am not the one to blame, and I am not the one that openly expresses the hate for others or labels them."

But to Williams and the FAL, targeting men is a no-brainer.

Targeting the FAL douchebags is a no-brainer. Exile to north korea would be a fine start.  :twisted:
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius

dr e

It is amazing how easy it seems for folks such as this to flow into the victim role.  The president of the University is urging everyone on campus to look out for her safety!  Isn't this the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off men's genitals?  From yin ot yang in a heartbeat.  Go figure.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Multiple letters to the editor in the campus paper targeted Williams as a ''man-hater" because she has written that men must step out of the way in order to truly support feminism.

That statement right there makes it plain as day to me that these women don't see feminism as a path to equality. They are not interested in equality. They are only interested in taking control from the patriarchy and then having power over the patriarchy and punishing it. These women feel wronged, wronged, wronged, mad as hell, and someone must pay!

Whoa. Scary stuff, man.

In March, the campus debated the merits of feminism again after a male reporter for a conservative campus publication was asked to leave a FAL poetry event.

That's like calling a KKK rally an "ice cream social".

''We knew the backlash would be violent," Williams said of the response she has received to her columns and the FAL. ''I didn't expect this much reaction."

You mean you expected everyone to politely nod in agreement, while you basically lambaste half the population without cause? Man, girl, you are living in a dream world. Thank God you're not my sister.


Isn't this the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off men's genitals?

Nope.  It was the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off rapists' genitals.  Or, contrary to the ongoing protestations around here, do you, Dr. E.,  think man = rapist?  

If men aren't rapists, they have nothing to fear and should not be concerned.  Right?  Right.

i]I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind.[/i]

The Biscuit Queen

If men aren't rapists, they have nothing to fear and should not be concerned. Right? Right.

No, not right.

First of all, cutting off a rapists genitals is against the constitution, ie cruel and unusual punishment. Do you propose cutting of the hands of a woman who abuses a young boy? Or the tongue of a woman who destroys a man's life by falsely accusing him of rape? Probably not.

Second of all, these women are painting all men as potential rapists. Just because they have a penis, they are capable of rape. Right?

So all women are potential false accusers. How would you feel if the men on campus walked around with signs which read "Take back honesty" or "One in 10 women is a false accuser. " How about if they paintballed one out of every ten women on campus with red paint to signify a lying woman. What if the men would not allow you to a public meeting because they would not be comfortable, when they were all wearing scissors to signify cutting out the lying tongues of false accusers? Would you feel like you had nothing to worry about since you yourself would never do that?

I am guessing that you, like myself, would object heartily.

Why am I picking one in ten, btw? Why not. If you look at the one in four rape statistic source, you will find that it is a clever juggling of fact and fiction. Over half of the women in the one in four study went on to date her so called attacker. Most of the one in four women say they did not feel they were attacked.  One of the questions asked if you ever had sex when drunk. Well, considering it is a college campus, what do you think? They throw this in with the rapes, as well as throw in "attempted rapes."  Most other  sources will count one in twelve, some as low as one in 20, all based on interview where only specific questions about assault and rape are asked.  Yet these are never mentioned during take back the night rallies.

When you look at the numbers, and the reasons behind the inflation of statistics, it makes sense. Women will not take it seriously of there is a pretty small chance of them getting raped, which is true. In fact college campuses, which is where the most hoopla is raised, not only get the most funding but have the LOWEST rape rate of any demographic. So when they say take back the night, at most 2 students a year on average get raped for an average college. Not a real crises when you consider how often other crimes like assault, theft, underage drinking and DWI occur.

So not only is Ms Williams stirring up campus, she is doing it under false pretenses.

Anyways, this Williams is a chicken little. She runs around screeching the sky is falling the sky is falling, we must blame all men!  When no one takes her seriously, she ups the ante. Then after she spreads the hate, a little comes back to bite her in the butt, she starts crying victim. Well, what comes around goes around. When you openly antagonize and insult half the campus, you will piss a few people off.
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.

dr e

Well Heart!  Where have you been?  

Thank you BQ for the fine defense. I don't think I can improve on what you have said and think you may have some interesting ideas to try at UNH.  My guess is that they woudn't allow that sort of demonstration if women were the focus. I think they call that sexist right? :wink:  Scissors to cut out the tongues of the false accusers!  LOL!  Yeah, that would go over real well, real well.    

I think it is pretty clear that groups like FAL have a hard time conjuring up an image of a "good" man.  That would be tough for them since they seem dependent on a bigoted world view that  paints one sex as the villains and the other as the damsels in distress.  Kind of like the old movies where there was a bad guy who tied the woman to the train tracks and a hero who came along and saved the day.  Same thing except for one difference:
 There is no hero!   :yikes:

But you don't feel that way do you Heart?  You know that most men are good men right?
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Quote from: "Heart"
If men aren't rapists, they have nothing to fear and should not be concerned.  Right?  Right.

When men are allowed to have a say in the definition of "rapist," then they will have nothing to fear.  At present, "rapist" is a term for "a man a woman doesn't like."

Another human being telling me what I have to do in order to have nothing to fear is a threat in itself.  If you want to draw lines in the sand, don't be surprised when I kick them away.

Sir Jessy of Anti

Quote from: "Heart"
Isn't this the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off men's genitals?

Nope.  It was the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off rapists' genitals.

Two words:  prove it

*edit to add: 'scissor lady' is an absolute lie, as multiple media show it was a group of women who were wearing scissors, and doing poetry about man-hating.  

P.S.  Nice try.  Sort of lame actually.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


If men aren't rapists, they have nothing to fear and should not be concerned. Right? Right.

This is sort of a "strawman/presumption of guilt" cheap shot. After all Heart, what have you got to hide?

I'm a radical feminist, not the fun kind.

"Im an antifeminist, the most virulent kind."
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius

The Gonzman

Quote from: "Heart"
Isn't this the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off men's genitals?

Nope.  It was the scissors lady who in the recent past was wearing scissors around her neck and talking about cutting off rapists' genitals.  Or, contrary to the ongoing protestations around here, do you, Dr. E.,  think man = rapist?  

Now, we leave that to the feminists.

If men aren't rapists, they have nothing to fear and should not be concerned.  Right?  Right.


Straight from the playbook of Heinrich Himmler.  But what do you expect out of femiNAZI?
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

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