Gender femelitists quash boys manual

Started by Sir Jessy of Anti, May 10, 2005, 06:14 AM

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Sir Jessy of Anti

Good points Bluegrass.  I think as Wookie pointed out, a good strategy here is to ensure that we point out as often as possible the fact that these types of groups have no grounds in which to present any advice or evidence, as their stated aims are in direct opposition and present a conflict of interest with regards to this subject matter.  

Unfortunately, until we form similar pressure and lobby groups, groups like the Association of Women Educators will continue to drive the policy debate.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Very true Bluegrass,

Also you have to take into account that this group has 1500 members, most of which I will assume are teachers. That means that these female teachers are of the feminist persuasion and how can we know that they don't take their feminist bias into the class room, looking at all the boy's with the view of potential rapists or oppressors!

That is my main concern about organisations like this, I am just please that they have only 1500 members, which to me sound like not a very large number, but I bet you they still have influence!

he Light That Burns Twice As Bright Burns Half As Long - Blade Runner

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)


Quote from: "Wookie"
•Dominance of teachers' time;

•Dominance of linguistic and physical space in the classroom and playground;

•Dominance in the use of sports facilities and resources;

•Dominance in the use of computers and technology;

...resulting in the abuse of women.

You know, I'm beyond tired of hearing this anymore.  I stopped caring.  If you get dominated in a field, you weren't as good.  It's that simple.  Learn to accept runner-up sometimes.

Alpha Male

While school performance can be measured and influences such as social class can befactored into the results, it is undisputed that some boys dominate the statistics in issues suchas:•High incidence of punishment in school;•Dangerous and destructive behaviour;•Abuse and assault of females and other males;•Homophobia;•Drug Abuse;•Suicide;•Road deaths;•Dominance of teachers' time;•Dominance of linguistic and physical space in the classroom and playground;•Dominance in the use of sports facilities and resources;•Dominance in the use of computers and technology; and•School suspension and expulsion.These examples reflect the worst aspects of hegemonic or dominant masculinity and providethe reason that schools need to take action in order to provide alternatives to the currentlyheld narrow view of what it is to be masculine and the restrictions associated with that viewin terms of educational opportunities, life chances and quality of life.As well as creating many problems for some boys, dominant masculinities powerfullyimpacts on the school experiences of girls and perpetuates imbalances of cultural andeconomic power between the sexes, resulting in the abuse of women.

Does anybody else think that most of this list looks suspiciously like the list of negative effects they associate with fatherlessness? Perhaps they should be looking at cause and effect. The gentleman that runs the halfway house in Spokane told me that even the obsessive compulsion to overachieve is tied to fatherless issues.
These examples reflect the worst aspects of hegemonic or dominant masculinity and providethe reason that schools need to take action in order to provide alternatives to the currentlyheld narrow view of what it is to be masculine and the restrictions associated with that viewin terms of educational opportunities, life chances and quality of life.

I read this as "We need to change them into something other than men and we intend to do it through social programming at school."

Homeschooling is the way to go.
ies come in three types: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

The Biscuit Queen

These examples reflect the worst aspects of hegemonic or dominant femininity and provide the reason that schools need to take action in order to provide alternatives to the currently held narrow view of what it is to be feminine and the restrictions associated with that view in terms of educational opportunities, life chances and quality of life.

I wonder if they would ever  look at manipulative behavior of girls and come up with this conclusion. The article on another thread which looked at this behavior mentioned nothing about changing girls, or femininity. It merely looked at coping skills in school.

Note how socially modifying boys is put in terms of how it suppossed to benifit them. Instead of looking at how degrading masculinity damages boys, they think they must change boys to fit their definition. Anyone who thinks that schools today have a narrowly defined idea of boys that actually has anything to do with boys is nuts. The schools look at boys as little girls who misbehave. Maybe allowing masculinity INTO the schools will serve better than trying to further take it out.

I was only planning to homeschool Tom until the end of the year. However, I worry about him going into the system again. I guess we can play it by ear.
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.

Alpha Male

Quote from: "The Biscuit Queen"
I was only planning to homeschool Tom until the end of the year. However, I worry about him going into the system again. I guess we can play it by ear.

*** Warning : Blatant plug for homeschooling follows ***

I can hardly pick up a paper without reading something about our schools. Including but not limited to; guns, drugs, bullying, political correctness run amok, sexual promiscuity, sexual misconduct of the staff, things I would consider social programming, teaching children inappropriate things contrary to our beliefs, things allowing the schools to bypass the parents permission for questionable services under the guise of not interferring with the civil rights of the child, dumbing down standards of performance in order to look good on paper, other dribble like not using red ink or letter grades because of the stress it causes and the damage a child's selfesteem may suffer.

Homeschooling allows you to have 1:1 student/teacher ratio, to complete 6-7 hours of "regular" instruction in a much shorter time, to customize your curriculum to the needs and interest of the student, to eliminate extraneous politically correct fluff and other heinous garbage, to directly address the needs of your individual student(s), to spend enormous amounts of time in fellowship with your child(ren). There are other benefits.

Not everyone can do this depending on their own personal situations and ability to commit to the extra work involved. But if you can, BQ, it is definitely worth it. They don't have to be a student in the school to participate in team sports (at least here they don't) and there are other ways to let them interact socially with their peers.

I'm not saying it's right for you. Just give it some thought.
ies come in three types: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics


Quote from: "scarbo"
Quote from: "Peter"
Rent a boat and sail around the world?

Not a good example in this case. Recently, a 28-year old woman from England did a solo boat trip around the world. My hat is off to her!

Hat off to the one who did it.

Relax, relax. If you get 100 000 feminist in boats to sail around the world, how many do you expect to survive?

Hat off to those who go down?



Inquiry into the education of boys is an unusually blatant sexist doument. It show the usual disregard for men and the admiration for "alternatives", women, homosexuals, foreign cultures, etc...

It is worth the read and worth a much better dissection than what I have had time and patience for.

Spot the contradiction:

Quote from: "AWE"
The Association:

works to eliminate all forms of discrimination in curriculum in institutional practices
and in policies;

encourages and supports women, so that they can effectively pursue careers in

encourages and supports women in the decision making processes at all levels in the
education system;

responds to issues of concern for women both in education and the community;

lobbies for further reform and change generally to enhance the position of women in
education and society.

This text in one of the most pretentious and disgusting sexist thing i have ever seen.

Spot the arrogance. Spot the stupidity. Spot the hatred towards men. Spot the sexism. Spot the admiration for anything but heterosexual white men. Spot the disregard for your own culture (hint: the word "alternative"). Spot the admiration for sexual and other freakshows.

Quote from: "AWE"
1.3 AWE is committed to ongoing research

Aaaaah, so scientific! You really think you know what research is?

Quote from: "AWE"
2.0 Gender Justice
... in examining alternative constructions of gender,

Yes! It is alternative! It must be great!

The postmodernists have carefully explained how it is impossible to live without construction and deconstruction.
Why not deconstructions of gender? Would that not have been still more impressive?

Quote from: "AWE"
The widely held perception that all girls are out performing all boys as a consequence of gender equity policies aimed at girls, and the pro-feminist agenda generally, has fuelled the argument for the pendulum to swing back in favour of boys. The proliferation of media reports on the under-achievement of boys in testing results has added to this perception.
However, the generalisations found in the popular press ignore the vital questions; "Which boys?" "Which girls?" Factors such as social class, race, ethnicity, sexuality and disability
profoundly affect the performance of both boys and girls and should be taken into account in any measure of performance.

Here we try to avoid the simple statistical facts by pretending to dig in to detailed knowledge.

Quote from: "AWE"

School based policies and procedures and the role of staff play major roles in influencing
both boys and girls in the construction of gender.

... construction / desconstruction again. How elegant!

Quote from: "AWE"
2.2 AWE notes with concern the failure of the present "what about the boys" debate to address
issues related to boys' sexual behaviour and sexual responsibility. In addition to the well-
documented dominance of young men in crimes of sexual violence, and the alarming
prevalence among them of attitudes which pre-dispose young men to violence against
women and girls, recent research both in Australia and Great Britain reveals that many
young men fail to accept responsibility for their sexual behaviour.

What about the women? Getting pregnant and sucking the finances out of a man? False accusations of rape? Female domestic violence...

Quote from: "AWE"
3.0 Staffing of Schools
The AWE believes that the curriculum promotes narrow portrayals of masculinities and that narrow subject selection by boys is not effectively addressed by secondary schools. While much of the curriculum continues to be dominated by stories of masculine achievement,

Did you not observe the blank page at the end of the book? That is the list of female achievments.

Do you really want 537 blank pages added to the book? Or should we rip out Isaac Newton, Ludwig van Beethoven and the other sexist pigs?

Quote from: "AWE"

many boys are observers only and some boys, most notably indigenous boys, boys from non-English speaking
background, working-class and homosexual boys see little representation of their experiences in the

To hell with white heterosexual men. More multiculturalism and sexual perversions please!

How can you respect a white man if he does not have regular sexual intercourse with men or other animals.

Quote from: "AWE"

Dominant images of masculinity and a narrow

We are so broadminded.

Quote from: "AWE"
focus on employment opportunities
predispose many boys to chose maths and science whether they have an interest or aptitude in these areas or not.

There is no genetic predisposition for men towards mathematics or engineering! Those greedy men chose math to get rich!

Quote from: "AWE"
4.0 Construction of Gender

... more postmodern bullshit...

Quote from: "AWE"
5.0 Social Justice and Educational Equity

Are you teachers or Judges?

Quote from: "AWE"
6.0 The Teaching Profession
One popular theory suggests that it is the feminisation of the teaching profession which is to blame for the poor performance of some boys in schools.
AWE totally rejects this notion. Although over 70% of teachers are women

But, nota bene, here it is not suitable to demand an equal number of men and women in the profession.

Quote from: "AWE"
the vast majority of administration position in schools and systems are held by males. It is at this policy making level that decisions are made in relation to curriculum content and structures in schools.

Damn men again. They force us to teach about masculine achievement. When we get the administration jobs we fix that.

The source of the problems is the men in the administraton. Besides, being an administrator  must be fun. Otherwise the men would
not do it.
Quote from: "AWE"
A simplistic

Here we prentend deeper knowledge again. If you disagree, your idea is "simplistic".

Quote from: "AWE"
approach which deducts that male teachers produce high achieving motivated boys must be rejected outright.

We are out of arguments here. Best to reject outright.

Do not discuss quotas and any need for balance between the sexes. That is strictly for the boards of commercial companies and other fun places where women are a minority.

Quote from: "AWE"

Both male and female teachers must be made aware during pre-service and later in-service courses of the vital role they play in providing a classroom environment in which a variety of teaching and learning styles are evident and that their styles need to extend into a general acceptance of ways gender is constructed.

Gender construction again? Have you ever heard about DNA? What is a chromosome, perhaps?

The people who did put this document together are not suitable for their jobs. I wonder what they possibly are suitable for?

They are the product of education in humanities: you can write, but you cannot think.


Alternatively it supports the notion of "Gender Justice" as a goal for schools to assist both boys and girls, in examining alternative constructions of gender, which in turn will assist in alleviating the problems experienced by some boys in schools.

This is a quote from the first page of that Inquiry into the education of boys.  This pretty much sums up what feminists want to do to boys, turn them into little women.  Why do we need an "Alternative construction of gender"?  The old one seems to work pretty well as far as I can see.  Is it any wonder why boys are not doing well in an institution where their natural masculine behavior is given a negative spin at such a fundamental level.  Then they end things off by minimalizing the problem by saying that this problem affects "some boys".  Ya, I think there 5 or 6 that I've heard of, can't be any more though, right?  I think we all know what these harpies really mean by "Gender Justice".
It's not illegal to be a man...yet.


Good post, Peter.

In the same document, or even sometimes in the same breath when they are speaking, the pro-woman crowd can simultaneously use "non-discrimination" and then go on to state how they are going to discriminate in favor of girls.  This has become so pervasive, and people are so afraid to call them on it (because then you're anti-woman), that most people in society don't even notice it anymore.

If you DO call them on it, they are masters at dissembling, sleight-of-hand, confusing the issue and shaming tactics.  I suppose if they called the color black "white" and you called them on it, they would launch into a discussion about different shades of gray, and feelings and perceptions and different points of view, and then they would call you a color bigot.

It's not even a conscious attempt to be manipulative in some cases (although it is in many cases) - these people really can't think at all.  And for the most part, these are the people who are guiding education today.

The Biscuit Queen

What the HELL is the Association of WOMEN Educators doing making a report on the inquiry of the education of BOYS?

This in itself should render the document biased and unacceptable.

:evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.


What she said. I was about to post that very thing.

Would you ask, say, Democrats to report on such-and-so about Republicans?

Would you ask Cardinals fans to report on the plusses and minuses of being a Cubs fan?

dr e

What the HELL is the Association of WOMEN Educators doing making a report on the inquiry of the education of BOYS?

This is an excellent point BQ.  Just imagine the Association of Male Educators doing a report on girls!  LOL  How far would that go??
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.




It's deja vu all over again.

Edit: Ignore that remark, Peter changed his post.

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