LA Times. Women in prison are victims, need special rights

Started by Kelly B, Jun 19, 2005, 08:04 PM

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Kelly B

I read an article today in the Sunday LA Times. Women in prison are "different", and they need "special treatment" unlike those nasty violent men. Better food, medical care, no men as guards, more emphasis on keeping the ties to family. They are "victims" of abuse just acting out against society, committing survival crimes, raped again by the system. Hey, sorry, they are criminals. If they do not want to be there, get their acts together. Wow, as if men who are the majority of the prison population do not need help. Medical care, rape prevention, violence prevention, counseling, contact with their families, spend some money on them. Maybe when they come out there will be some hope for them and their children. Happy Fathers Day everyone!
 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


Thanks for the insight...and for the happy fathers day. :)
ny man living in this feminized world has got to be tough to tolerate it.

>> <<


Well what is there to say ?
Sympathy and understanding for females, harshness for males.
I am so sick of this.

As if female criminals really are so fucking different from male ones. They have comitted a crime, there should be punished in the same way.
But instead they analyze the underlying reasons behind what made them a criminal and give sympathy to them, but for the male criminals they simply put blame on them without attempting to rationalize it by digging into what made them this way.
They are just evil, and that's it.

There is an assumption that all females are "ladies" by default, so their bad actions should be excused and rationalized.
On the other hand males are "neutral" by default, and even "suspectable" in the eyes of many people, so their bad actions are natural, or even something to be expected.
I already wrote about this in the "Lady and gentleman" thread (or whatever it was called).

Now, what do you think is the underlying reason behind all this ? Isn't it motherhood, sexual appeal, and a more dainty behaviour ?
Females are considered to be more "gentle" in almost every culture I know of. I doubt that this can be ever changed.

And in a virulently sexist culture, like today's western world, it will end up being reflected in the legal system.
In order for it not to be, it would have to be run entirely by people with an extraordinary sense of justice, or by robots.
Otherwise, whatever biases a society has will always end up being reflected in its legal system, it works like this everywhere.
o pity for feminazis.


This means that it's a bad path to blame the legal system for not being "just enough", rather it's the anti-male bias that causes it.
Biscuit Queen once said "it's the laws that are bad". Nope, the laws aren't bad, and they are mostly gender neutral, as everyone knows. I believe even that VAWA thing in America will eventually be removed.
But the bias will stay.
It's the anti-male bias that is bad, not the laws.
o pity for feminazis.


Also can someone explain to me why is it ok to make jokes about male inmates being raped in prison, but for female inmates, the fact that they were raped in their young years, or whenever, maybe in prison too, means that they should get sympathy ?

I have noticed that feminists love making jokes about "dropping the soap" and such. It seems like a hilarious ligh-hearted thing to say to them.
But the rape of females is a horrible thing and means that they should get better conditions in prison.

Fucking feminazis, god I hate them.
o pity for feminazis.

Kelly B

 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


instead they analyze the underlying reasons behind what made them a criminal and give sympathy to them, but for the male criminals they simply but blame on them

That's because they are "progressive"--not to mention sexist--for women and reactionary toward men.  They give women context for their actions and leave out context for men.  Thuse men are treated as less than human and so deserving less love and understanding.

Plus, you know, women are victims of the system, and so deserve not to be treated as harsh by it......



As a result, women prisoners, most of them serving less than two years for drug offenses and other nonviolent crimes, are thrust into a one-size-fits-all world.

What about male prisoners that are there for the same thing ? Drug offenses and nonviolent crimes ?
What about them ?
Fuck them they aren't female.

Also in this sentence we can observe the western culture's fixation on violence as the "worst" type of negative behaviour.
What about fraud or blackmail ? Ah, well that is a "clean" crime, there is no blood and fighting, so it must be not as bad.
Nevermind that it hurts the victims just as much if not more.


Inside, they are governed by rules and practices that ignore their distinctive pathways into crime and do little to help them mend their tattered lives.

The lives of male prisoners aren't tattered of course, and all of them have only one "male criminal" pathway into a crime, they aren't individuals with different circumstances.
Circumstances only matter for women.

I totally agree that different people end up being in prison for different reasons, and yes, some of them might need a different approach than the more violent psychopath-like criminals.
I even thought before this much before I gained interest in anti-feminism and sexism.

On the other hand, the European prison system seems to be too soft on even violent psychopath-like criminals. Or at least this is what my European friends tell me, I don't know much about this.
It's much less heavily used than the american prison system, so it makes sense.
Maybe Galt or The sad geek could tell something about this...
o pity for feminazis.


Also I wonder, if this thing succeeds, will it end up benefitting all female prisoners ? Even the ones that actually are violent psychopaths.
For example some woman that, let's say, stabs her child to death, will be given better conditions and preservation of close family ties.
This article is fucking sexist.


"Women are typically arrested for survival crimes: dealing drugs, selling sex for drugs, bad checks, welfare fraud, credit card abuse,"

1) Dealing drugs is a survival crime ?? Credit card abuse ?
2) What about males that commit the same kind of crimes ?

Why does it have to be focused on gender, instead of on given prisoners different conditions depending on personal circumstances ??
Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ????

Who can fucking tell me ?
This sexist shit makes me so mad.
How hard is it to be logical and the treat the issue the way I described it ? But no, they have to be fucking sexist scumbags, and extrapolate this issue on gender, instead of its true context, people's circumstances for commiting crime.
o pity for feminazis.


Quote from: "bukowski"

Plus, you know, women are victims of the system, and so deserve not to be treated as harsh by it......

Yes, I know. Except in reality this is what happens all the damn time, so instead of being the victims of the system, they are actually protected by the system. How paradoxical.
We live in an age of doublethinking.
Look, even the article about double standards on wikipedia is a double standard ! And a feminazi one nonetheless. Thank you feminazis for extending your slimy tentacles to wikipedia too.
o pity for feminazis.

Kelly B

Write to the LA Times. Call them on this. Let others hear what we have learned. Maybe a few will go "wait a minute?!" or better yet, "what the hell!", or best yet "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!"
 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


Yes, I am sure they will, Kelly B, since the article's content wasn't enough, and it wasn't approved by the editor, and it wasn't posted because the newspaper has a feminist agenda. (Since it's filled with feminazis and other similar scumbags.)
o pity for feminazis.



By Jenifer Warren, Times Staff Writer

Oh my...
Well I am sure that upon reading Kelly B's letter Jennifer Warren will suddenly realize the error of her ways, and write a new article apologizing for her previous one, as well as handling the topic in a non-sexist way.
o pity for feminazis.


Since, you know, she isn't a satanic monster that does all this on purpose to generate hatred and bias against males and make their life harder. She is just a little confused wimmen. ^_^

Kelly B will enlighten the feminazi, and she will be nice again. Feminists aren't truly evil twisted demonic beings, they are just confused but have good intentions.
o pity for feminazis.


I bet our brave Assault would save her from drowning, since you know, it's so terrible seeing a "fellow human being" dying. :<
o pity for feminazis.

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