Reply to what Hugo wrote on his blog follows::
Debates don't solve anything. Thoughtful, honest sharing of "where one is coming from" is worth more than highly structured, left-brain-oriented exchanges. It's not cowardice to refuse to participate in a forum where I did not set the rules and where I got handed a highly structured question.
Dude, the entire feminist movement is based on the "fact" that women are oppressed by society.
The structure of the question is due *solely* to the structure of feminist rhetoric.
Feminist: Women are oppressed by society.
Non-feminist: Could you give an example?
Feminist: Nothing is served by logical debate!
Unfortunately for you and me, this discussion only exists on the level of abstraction. I'm not going to argue that I have a direct experience of the oppression of men and I doubt you could argue the opposite.
And since we can't talk about how we feel, we can only talk about the logical basis for our conclusions about the opposite sex--about something we have no direct experience of.
Logic is at the base of communication. If we abandon it, we're either muddling around with competing subjectivities going no-where or we are privilaging one subjectivity over another.