What happened to Dean Tong?

Started by Kelly B, Jul 03, 2005, 06:22 PM

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Kelly B

The last few years Dean Tong has been a star of our movement. Then he came out on the side of Bridget Marks, and was sitting side by side with some of the most virulently anti-PAS people you could find. Now I rarely hear him quoted among us. What happened? Does anyone know the story, or the story behind the story? Did the pod people get him?
 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


A black hole, but have you tried this:  [email protected]

Even his blog hasnt been updated.
Gentleman is a man who consciously serves women. I prefer the golden rule.

Behind every great man, is a

Women who say men won't commit, usually aren't worth committing to.


Perhaps he realised that he was more a part of the abuse industry than the men's movement!

ttp://www.angryharry.com ... the only site in the entire world with the aforementioned domain address


Another brilliant piece, Harry.
"To such females, womanhood is more sacrosanct by a thousand times than the Virgin Mary to popes--and motherhood, that degree raised to astronomic power. They have eaten the legend about themselves and believe it; they live it; they require fealty of us all." -- Philip Wylie, Generation of Vipers


There is a ton of money to be made as an expert witness for the side with the money.

I'm not kidding - picture that you get $20,000 for preparing a report (you are certainly allowed to just copy feminist paradigms).

The money right now is on one side.

Kelly B

I actually took Stally's suggestion and emailed Dean Tong. I figured that he probably got enough grief from others, so I used the same lighthearted manner as I did opening my post. My mistake. I got a very pissed off reply. I really wanted to ask him about his asssociation with Dr Kathy Mathis in the Bridget Marks case. I wanted to ask him how he thought it may affect others views of PAS, to be working side by side with someone who debunks something so close to his heart. To me, it affected the way I view his leadership in this, and how I may use his name and examples in any future contact with legislative and policy making bodies. I think that someone who holds himself in a leadership position, in the public eye, should be willing to explain where they are coming from. I know that I am just "Joe Blow" from Long Beach, but I plan to have a very busy year, and all the elected officials in my area will get to know me well.
 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

Men's Rights Activist

<i>"I really wanted to ask him about his asssociation with Dr Kathy Mathis in the Bridget Marks case."</i>

Is that the same Dr. Mathis who worked at the Santa Clarita D.V. shelter in L.A. County, but resigned amid allegations of imporprieties concerning tax-decutable donations to the shelter?
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Kelly B

I believe so, but I am not 100% sure. They were both on the Dr Phil show as advisors to Bridget Marks. Dr Mathis had this to say about PAS.

"Every day court bias and misconduct by judges who have been groomed in Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) harm the children in America. Every day courts collude with sexual predators who grow their own child victims and continue the abuse by awarding custody to these abusive parents. Parent Alienation Syndrome is a pseudo-psychological theory that Dr. Richard Gardner ?made up? in his head and which no mental health, psychological, scientific or any other organization outside of judges and attorneys, back up, support or use. It states that when women are going through divorce and state that there has been sexual misconduct by their partner, they are alienating the children against the father, and should be punished by having a weekend in jail and losing their right to parent. It is the most outrageous act of harm that has come to children across America in the last century. Dr. Gardner didn't have any scientific research to back up his claim and I find it interesting that he committed suicide this past year."

Then Dean Tong from his website.
"Dean Tong presented Child Abuse 2000: False Allegations and Parental Alienation Syndrome at the November 7, 1999 National Cry for the Children Rally in Washington, DC. Visit www.nationalcryforchildren.org to order a copy of his compelling speech!"

"1990'S Attended scores of conference seminars and plenary sessions dealing with child custody, and parental alienation syndrome given by Richard Gardner, M.D., Douglas Darnall, Ph.D., and Philip Stahl, Ph.D., at the Childrens Rights Council, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999."

This is like Warren Farrell and Gloria Allred getting together to praise Andrea Dworkin. I am confused.
 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

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