no2fembots actually believed in feminist equality bullshit as a young man and this skewed his thinking re: relationships. He refused to consider feminine maternal women cuz they were 'parasites' who would expect him to be a 'provider', a word that used to be the most pejorative expletive. He would not be 'free' but would be a father and provider, burdened with responsibility.
no2fembots wife - now separated - believed in feminist bullshit as a young woman, so she screwed around with many men because that was what a liberated girl was supposed to do. She suppressed her real life's desire: to be a wife and a mother, words that earned her much verbal abuse when she dared share her desires with other women.
no2fembots and his ex got together and lumbered through their marriage like two heroin addicts. Moving from crisis to self-generated crisis, always seeking something that was not real and turning our backs on what was real - feminist utopian crap versus innate man/woman needs meeting behaviors. Like trying to put a square peg in a round hole, we rejected our true masculine/feminine natures.
We tried to have children. no2fembots was slowly coming around, out of his femifuck ideological stupor and was becoming ready to take on the time-honoured mantle of Dad-hood. However, his ex could not conceive. Thanks to the times she was raised in, her feminist Zeitgeist, and the behavior she chose as a result, she had unbeknownst to her, a case of PID that rendered her unable to have children.
The really sad part of our 17 plus years together is this: no2fembots recognized early in their courtship that this was, under the surface, a real feminine woman, a girl who would make a great mother. A woman, like all real woman, who truly liked and respected men, who looked to her man to provide leadership to the family she wanted to create. She wanted a more traditional life. Thanks to no2fembots feminist Zeitgeist and other stuff, he crushed those sentiments out of his ex and insisted she conform to the modern ideal: career and no dependence on him. Hey, we're all equal now, right? A man can go his own way, right?
no2fembot's ex is living the femifuck dream and has it all now: a career, her freedom and she ain't dependant on NO MAN! And she is a sad woman seeking relationship happiness within a demographic populated with the walking wounded. And the empty space where a child should have been is forever present.
no2fembots got what he was supposed to get out of feminism: freedom from the burden of patriarchal, head of the household responsibility. He has fucked well over 100 women - and been truly close to so few. And he stares out at his life and sees 'things' instead of an intact family, and yet another failed marriage to add to the list. How many woman that he fucked indiscriminately later found themselves unable to have a child thanks to a STD unkowingly delivered to her body? Things that make you go hmmm...
no2fembots life can be seen as an insane victory for feminism. There are plenty of others who share a similar fate, too.