Let's List Some of the Insane Victories of Feminists

Started by Russ2d, Jul 13, 2005, 10:08 PM

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I'll start, we have:

Females suing their way onto male sports teams
Females suing their way into men's locker rooms
Females in New York have sued successfully to be able to take their tops off like men.

One woman in New York successfully sued her way into a men's bathroom as the tipping towel.

In MA females may have their own fitness clubs, men may not.
Females sued their way into the Citadel and into higher ranks of the military.


Sir Jessy of Anti

In New York, legislators deemed that women should have two toilets for every one male toilet.

In New Jersey, a judge deemed that forcing men to pay more for the same event is ok, as long as he is a man and it is ladies night.

In Canada, bitter mans-haters secured a grant of 70K to write a 'government' document that promotes the view that people wondering about the scholastic future of boys judging by current statistics is equivalent to women-hating and anti-feminism, and incidentally, should be recommended to be illegal.

"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Academic study of gender issues is overwhelmingly labelled 'Women's Studies', performed by women and favors women.

I was going to add these two:

Domestic Violence law and practice commonly assumes that abuser and male are interchangeable terms and that female is equivalent to victim. Government funding, police training and help for the abused follows through on that assumption.

Family law assumes that a family is a mother and child, and that the best interest of the child largely coincides with the best interest of the mother.

... but while unfair, I don't think they're the result of Feminism exclusively, or even significantly. If they were they wouldn't be universal throughout the U.S.

Females in New York have sued successfully to be able to take their tops off like men.

How does that hurt men?

In MA females may have their own fitness clubs, men may not.

Curves is a national chain. The male-only golf club that gets all the press on the PGA tour is in Georgia. Why single out Massachusetts?
Are you a man?', that's what she asked, as if I were wearing a man mask. -- Sean Altman


Abreviated training for job qualification to meet hiring quota demographics
(airline pilots and medical positions come to mind)

Demographic based representaton on private company executive boards-
(Think Nordic)

"Extra" help in school-
(suplimentary engineering prep courses, and let's not even START with Harvards new brain trust.

Hiring quotas in civil service jobs.

Employee quotas to qualify for US Govt. Contractor
Employee quotas to qualify for US Govt. Business Loans
Special considerations to qualify for Fed. Business Loans  

Sheesh, this list  stuff could get boring fairly quickly!


I live in MA, that's why Fezzik. There was a bid by a man here to build a men-only club and he was denied on the basis it was discriminatory. Another man then tried to sue his way into one of the women's clubs (you know the way they always do to us- there is more then just Curves here by the way) and it was dismissed.

Speaking of Curves, can anyone name a men-only fitness club anywhere in the country?

As far as the situation in New York, if you had read carefully I was speaking about feminist insanity, which such a decision certainly is.

Good list so far, I think it's important to have such a list- handing it to someone is a powerful argument for our side.


I don't know this as a fact but I think that there are different qualifications for female fire fighters, police, and military personal.

I read an article about, "why women shouldn't be allowed on the battle field", in the Army.
The simple reason being, a lot of women can't throw a hand grandade(sp) far enough, to keep from killing themselves!
Even a whole village can't replace dad, children need both parents.

Conspiracy Theory

Quote from: "Russ2d"
I live in MA, that's why Fezzik. There was a bid by a man here to build a men-only club and he was denied on the basis it was discriminatory. Another man then tried to sue his way into one of the women's clubs (you know the way they always do to us- there is more then just Curves here by the way) and it was dismissed.

Speaking of Curves, can anyone name a men-only fitness club anywhere in the country?

As far as the situation in New York, if you had read carefully I was speaking about feminist insanity, which such a decision certainly is.

Good list so far, I think it's important to have such a list- handing it to someone is a powerful argument for our side.

In my city there is a club called "NO MEN" in big bold letters.  LIke "NO JEWS" or "NO BLACKS", the reverse does not exist.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: "Russ2d"
I live in MA, that's why Fezzik.

Hey, me too.
Are you a man?', that's what she asked, as if I were wearing a man mask. -- Sean Altman


Orwell is no doubt rolling in his grave over this one, the poor soul. I consider this hideous disaster to be one of the feminazi's numerous transgressions;
What good fortune for government that people do not think."
                         Adolph Hitler

"Where madness rules the absurd is not far away."

We must not make the mistake of thinking that all those who eat the bread of dictatorship are evil from the first; but they must necessarily become evil....The curse of a system of terror is that there is no turning back; neither in the large realm of policies nor the 'smaller' realm of everyday human relationships is it possible for men to retrace their steps."
- Dr. Hans Bernd Gisevius

Kelly B

Quote from: "Russ2d"

Females in New York have sued successfully to be able to take their tops off like men.

That one is a mixed blessing. Any supermodel who wishes to exercise that particular victory, well I will concede defeat. I even heard that Amanda Marcotte is pretty hot for a feminist, so if she wishes to.....well I am open minded. Thank god that Andrea D is not with us any more, as I am not that open minded.
 don't visit my children, I raise them!

"Let us not assassinate this man further, Feminist. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency ma'am, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


no2fembots actually believed in feminist equality bullshit as a young man and this skewed his thinking re: relationships.  He refused to consider feminine maternal women cuz they were 'parasites' who would expect him to be a 'provider', a word that used to be the most pejorative expletive.  He would not be 'free' but would be a father and provider, burdened with responsibility.

no2fembots wife - now separated - believed in feminist bullshit as a young woman, so she screwed around with many men because that was what a liberated girl was supposed to do.  She suppressed her real life's desire: to be a wife and a mother, words that earned her much verbal abuse when she dared share her desires with other women.

no2fembots and his ex got together and lumbered through their marriage like two heroin addicts.  Moving from crisis to self-generated crisis, always seeking something that was not real and turning our backs on what was real - feminist utopian crap versus innate man/woman needs meeting behaviors.  Like trying to put a square peg in a round hole, we rejected our true masculine/feminine natures.

We tried to have children.  no2fembots was slowly coming around, out of his femifuck ideological stupor and was becoming ready to take on the time-honoured mantle of Dad-hood.  However, his ex could not conceive.  Thanks to the times she was raised in, her feminist Zeitgeist, and the behavior she chose as a result, she had unbeknownst to her, a case of PID that rendered her unable to have children.

The really sad part of our 17 plus years together is this:  no2fembots recognized early in their courtship that this was, under the surface, a real feminine woman, a girl who would make a great mother.  A woman, like all real woman, who truly liked and respected men, who looked to her man to provide leadership to the family she wanted to create.  She wanted a more traditional life.  Thanks to no2fembots feminist Zeitgeist and other stuff, he crushed those sentiments out of his ex and insisted she conform to the modern ideal: career and no dependence on him.  Hey, we're all equal now, right?  A man can go his own way, right?

no2fembot's ex is living the femifuck dream and has it all now: a career, her freedom and she ain't dependant on NO MAN!  And she is a sad woman seeking relationship happiness within a demographic populated with the walking wounded.  And the empty space where a child should have been is forever present.

no2fembots got what he was supposed to get out of feminism: freedom from the burden of patriarchal, head of the household responsibility.  He has fucked well over 100 women - and been truly close to so few.  And he stares out at his life and sees 'things' instead of an intact family, and yet another failed marriage to add to the list.  How many woman that he fucked indiscriminately later found themselves unable to have a child thanks to a STD unkowingly delivered to her body?  Things that make you go hmmm...

no2fembots life can be seen as an insane victory for feminism.  There are plenty of others who share a similar fate, too.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."  - Winston Churchill
"Get Angry...Get Loud... GET UP off your KNEES!"


Quote from: "woof"
I don't know this as a fact but I think that there are different qualifications for female fire fighters, police, and military personal.

There is one that I know of. My uncle is a cop. When he took his test for corporal about 10 years ago, there was a woman also competing for the promotion out of 30 people total, 29 men 1 woman. If the woman had come in 3rd place she would've gotten the promotion instead of the 2 men who would've come in 1st and 2nd. It was a regulation.

When I was in the Marine Corps, if a woman was competing in a meritorious promotion board, she would be guaranteed to win as long as she didn't get disqualified for missing a test or something. It was common knowledge that it would happen even if the girl came in dead last place in the test scores, I saw it happen a bunch of times, they based the promotion on "other things then just the test scores," supposedly their service records. It wasn't a regulation so I'm not sure why they did it other then the judges on the board were all career Marines and would be more interested in their career then who was the most deserving of the promotion. A complaint of discrimination or harrassment by a female Marine is taken very seriously and would probobly go on the fitness reports of the judges regardless of the veracity of the claim.

The Biscuit Queen

My dad was a cop, and he was screwed over several times by affirmative action with blacks. Twice he took the lieutenant's test, twice he was passed over for black men who scored lower on the test.

Affirmative action creates racism and sexism. You think my father didn't resent this? If he wasn't a racist then, he certainly is now.  

So AA hurts everyone eventually. There has to be a better way. I would think anti-discrimination laws would be more effective, if a bit slower.

I also cannot imagine those black men felt good about hosing other men who worked just as hard.  Getting handed favors leaves you in debt.
he Biscuit Queen

There are always two extremes....the truth lies in the middle.


When I was in the Navy, you(male) couldn't be in the same compartment(room) with a female with the hatch(door) closed if it was just you and her, there had to be three or more people, or you(male) would have to leave.
I forgot what the punishment was, but there was some kind of repercussion for this violation.
Even a whole village can't replace dad, children need both parents.


List insane victories of the feminists?

  • Women initiating divorce 91% of the time.  
color=red] You have no Constitutional right not to be offended and I'm here to make sure this non-existent Constitutional right is honored.

<<<---Ya know ya want one.

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