Y'all might find this interesting

Started by napnip, Jul 23, 2005, 06:46 AM

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I was at break yesterday talking with a couple of people I work with.  One is a male, the other is a female.

The female is a professed lesbian.  She was telling us about how she's been crying constantly the past couple of days because of an altercation with her lover.

It turns out she hit her girlfriend because her girlfriend wouldn't ask two houseguests to leave.

"I've said I'm sorry like a hundred times!  I've been so upset!  But she made me so mad!   She deserved it!"

So I say to her:

"Now wait a minute.  First you tell us that you've been crying and have apologized to her, now you tell us that she deserved it?  You didn't really mean it when you told her you're sorry.  You're just making excuses.  You're not actually sorry for hitting her, because you're saying she deserved it."

Then I looked at the guy who was with us and said:   "Who says women don't commit domestic violence?"

When I said that, the lesbian woman actually had a smirk on her face.

Ya know, it's pretty sad that feminists will condemn male violence against women, but will jump through hoops to make excuses for female violence.  Of course, we've known for a long time that feminists will make excuses for female violence against men, but now they're even making excuses for female violence against other women!

And these are the same people who have politicians handing them basically whatever they want on a silver platter.  They're the ones dictating policy in America and other countries.
i] We drank our toast to innocence,
We drank our toast to now.
We tried to reach beyond the emptiness,
But neither one knew how. [/i]

Men's Rights Activist

No More Secrets: Violence in Lesbian Relationships is a book by Janice Ristock available through Amazon.com http://tinyurl.com/dqrwq  Here is a quore from that book,

"More significantly, Ristock argues, the lesbian feminist culture has readily adopted the idea that men are more violent than women in order to validate lesbian relationships. Recognizing abuse among lesbians would undermine the cemented belief that domestic abuse is an expression of patriarchy and gender bias."

In an article about corruption and fraud commited through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) we find mention of another book about lesbian domestic violence,

"In the preface to "Naming the Violence: Speaking Out About Lesbian Battering," Barbara Hart writes,

"It contradicts our belief in the inherent nonviolence of women," (emphasis mine), Pp. 10,


"We felt it would destroy our credibility and that it would make us even more vulnerable to ... those people in the dominant culture that wanted to discredit the efforts of the battered women's movement. So, we pulled a tight lid down on the subject and did not discuss lesbian battering even among ourselves until the first NCADV conference two years later (emphasis mine). I was concerned that battered lesbians were being ignored, even sacrificed, to enable us to work on safer issues."

The author of the article continues,
"That's quite an admission coming from someone in an industry that is still ignoring and covering up male victims of domestic violence."
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


In relationships, it's a lesson learned by too many (almost all IMO) girls no matter what they grow up to be: "It's never my fault."


MRA- the Lesbian argument is a hollow one and should be avoided. Lesbians are the way they are because they have female to male reversed cell clusters in their brains (male brains).

Although such information is still esoteric to most it wont be for too much longer. Any argument that Lesbian violence indicates that women are just as violent as men would be easily and logically countered by the biological facts.

The fact is a normal healthy man IS inherently more prone to violence then a normal healthy woman (a cursory look at the Testosterone molecule shows this clearly) BUT because of this it is more important that women compliment and help focus our natural aggressions. This does not mean we men are less moral people, it is simply a fact of our evolutionary survival.

The domestic violence laws need to be repealed. They are anti-male and anti-family, but any attempt to say lesbians shatter any so-called myths is like I said, best avoided.


Quote from: "Russ2d"
Lesbians are the way they are because they have female to male reversed cell clusters in their brains (male brains).

The fact is a normal healthy man IS inherently more prone to violence then a normal healthy woman (a cursory look at the Testosterone molecule shows this clearly)

But therein lies the contradiction of your argument, as I see it.  If testosterone is the culprit, then even in the "reversed" lesbian brain, where is the testosterone coming from?  Perhaps I am biologically ignorant, but I was under the impression that the testicles produced the vast amount of testosterone in the male body.

Even if (IF!) you're right about the "reversed" lesbian brain, they still don't have testicles to produce testosterone.

Of course, if the brain is ultimately the culprit and testosterone is innocent, then a close look at a testosterone molecule won't in fact show anything.
i] We drank our toast to innocence,
We drank our toast to now.
We tried to reach beyond the emptiness,
But neither one knew how. [/i]


If men really were as prone to violence and aggression as women, the world would have exploded several times over by now.

Thank god women are weaker and rarely have direct access to the button.


typhon --
Thank god women are weaker ....

You're kidding right?

About the god thang?   :wink:
It's a terrible thing ... living in fear." (Roy - hunted replicant. "Blade Runner.")


But therein lies the contradiction of your argument, as I see it. If testosterone is the culprit, then even in the "reversed" lesbian brain, where is the testosterone coming from? Perhaps I am biologically ignorant, but I was under the impression that the testicles produced the vast amount of testosterone in the male body.

Even if (IF!) you're right about the "reversed" lesbian brain, they still don't have testicles to produce testosterone.

Of course, if the brain is ultimately the culprit and testosterone is innocent, then a close look at a testosterone molecule won't in fact show anything.

Women produce testosterone men just produce much more of it. The most testosterone-laden woman has about a fifth the amount of a man with the least testosterone. Testosterone is the hormone in both men and women which promotes horniness.

Testosterone is indeed innocent. Recent research shows that rather than being the stereotypical aggression hormone, it is the peace-keeper. Testosterone produces feelings of confidence and efficacy, making one less likely to engage in pointless aggression. The most violent men are found to have less testosterone, a reason why there is so much mindless violence in testosterone-depressed settings like prison. (In a reflex related to smell, men in all-male settings start producing less testosterone.)

After a preliminary conversion in the metabolism of the hormone in the brain, it changes to estrogen. Scientists now think that the estrogen is the source of the aggressive proclivities...

...which is why sniffing a feminazi always makes me want to fight.


When TP said thank God women are weaker, she meant physically. Jeez, imagine if they were physically stronger. Men would always be getting their asses kicked.
axine Waters on the 2004 March for Women:
"I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion." ! ! !

Sir Percy

""...which is why sniffing a feminazi always makes me want to fight. ""

(A Knight falls from his saddle and lies on the floor, legs up, clutching his stomach)

:D  :D hahaha....hahahahahahaha.........hahahahahhahahaha

Oh the vision :!:  Where precisely do you sniff :?: Is that what gave you the bent back, my distorted friend.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.

Men's Rights Activist

"MRA- the Lesbian argument is a hollow one and should be avoided. Lesbians are the way they are because they have female to male reversed cell clusters in their brains (male brains).

Although such information is still esoteric to most it wont be for too much longer. Any argument that Lesbian violence indicates that women are just as violent as men would be easily and logically countered by the biological facts.'

Sounds like another lame domestic violence industry contention.  How then do you explain male homosexual domestic violence.  Let me guess, it's the male part of their biology that's at fault.  In homosexual relationships there is sometimes a dominant role and a submissive role.  How does your theory apply to each?

I tend to think that the reason estrogen driven women commit the majority of domestic violence is because of territorial nesting instincts in the female brain, that claims the home as the female's territory.  The male then becomes a temporary guest at best (for reproduction) and eventually is seen as an intruder who needs to be separated from his money and thrown out.  I certainly see that as abusive for the male.   The female's territroial instinct works to drive the male away, even to the point of using violence (after she gets what she wants).  ...and what she wants is offspring and financial support.  In lesbian relationships there are certainly different biological and psychological factors at play, but I'll be the last to excuse female violence.  There's no excuse for excusing the batterers.  Wake up!  Don't buy the lies of the d.v. industry that tags domestic violence as a trait belonging exclusively in the domain of males.  If you have any further questions I suggest you read the infomative book by Tom James,
Domestic Violence:  The Twelve Things You Aren't Suppossed to Know.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

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