My new favorite myth/denial -whatever
How Fathers Can Win Child CustodyA work in progress at Intellectual Conservitive (check out the list of contributing writers to the site)
When I first saw this I thought "Sheesh, what a load. This is just the same stuff woman have done for the last thirty years!"
Then I thought it makes a fine outline for fathers and those considering fatherhood- "What some women have done,what to to watch for, what to expect- if things may heading for the courtroom"
Strategies origanally prompted by divorce lawers to women-then, as word got out, through womens authors and chatty-chat at women only gatherings (usually smaller discreet ones).
Waaaaay too many years of "antecdotal" cases in the courts and MSM showing abuse by spiteful and greedy mothers using their children as tools in settlements -some of these schemes come straight out of hollywood!(effective in the CS industry none the less)
Within 48 hours the hyperlinks and trackbacks were appearing on the websites of "the usual suspects" and beyond. Most who have ZERO insight to the divorce/childrens legal system.
The usual "Men are scum", stereotyping of all male groups, instant "misdirection" with the all inclusive No CS/F4J/MRA/ex-revenge, and other folk
that had nothing to do with it are casually tossed around by the chorus. When faced with the horrid lack of empathy, indisputable truths, and irrefutable facts, the responses ranged from the expected "Well I'll bet you....", to "You must have a....".
But, of course, what is most amusing is the instant denial, and the developmen of
"A mother/woman would NEVER do this" myth. It was clear to me that "the usual suspects" believe that the same old
Acceptance as truth by ceasless repetition they've learned from their screeching older sisters will still carry the day, and that endless denial in the bald face of truth will garner their ilk a "herstoric"(sic) place in the public eye.
Well, they're right,it will,
but it's no longer a place that they'll feel so smug looking up from the bottom of.