Sometimes these things just turn into an article - Sorry about the length. Personally, I think
the myth of male privilege is the biggest crock to have ever evolved out of the "devoid of intelligence" swamps of stupidity and radical/gender feminism.,
the myth of male privilege, or something like it, would sure make a great title for a book, That book should be required reading in every Women's Studies 101 course in the world.
My Dearly departed Father only had a 7th grade education, because he had to quit school to go work in the fields and help the family make a living. Historically, families where considered more privileged if they had more male children to work the fields so how is breaking your back for a living male privilege? Patriarchs or Beasts of BurdenIronically, it was my mother, who had the 8th grade education, who was the most bitter about being denied a chance to go on to high school, and one of her oft repeated phrases was, "Those books will make a damned fool out of you." Yes, I guess my own dear Mom, suffered from that common female malady of today; having a perception of unjustly being denied privileges, then being confused and conflicted about the whole thing. If the truth be told, I have no recollection of my Dad having ever expressed any disatisfaction or bitterness with his lot in life. He just accepted it and made the best of it like the truly noble guy he was.
Men have historically been sent off to war with no choice in the matter. Even in today's volunteer army America still says that only men can serve in direct front line combat roles on the ground. So how is getting gassed or blown up by artillery (as some of my relatives have been) male privilege? Patriarch or Disposable PatriotMen are 94% of industrial deaths and injuries so are men who are forced to take the death jobs to support their families, Privileged Partriarchs, or are they, historically, really just industrial guinea pigs? Here's an old book that gives a glimpse of the historical toll taken on men's lives to build the industry and infrastructure of this great nation. on the JobHow do male feminists and women's studies instructors explain male privilege to black men who die (on average) 14 years sooner than privileged, pampered white women who are the driving force of the bigoted, anti-male radical/gender feminist movement?
A good male friend of mine, who happens to be black, nailed it for me one day when he matter of factly stated, "
Death is the Ultimate Indicator of Oppression." are 76% of homicides and 75% of suicides, but some male feminists have the nerve to say men are privileged to not have to be in fear of violence like women, #8 on the Male Privilege checklist, "
I am not taught to fear walking alone after dark in average public spaces." I heard a self-avowed male feminist say this in a women's studies program at UCLA.
What a stupid thing to say, that men are privileged because they are taught to not have to fear walking alone after dark in average public places,
This statement implies that women are fearful and thereby oppressed to have do that.
It is men who are oppressed by not being taught that they are the ones who are clearly in the most danger . Men are not fearful in those situations, but the homicide and assualt rates by gender indicate they clearly should be.
That is not a privilege, it is an oppression born out of the courageous protector (hero) mentality that men are taught .
Furthemore, of the ten leading causes of death by disease, men lead in all categories in nearly all age ranges, yet in L.A. County there is an Office of Women's Health, but not an Office of Men's Health. There are 31 women's commissions in CA, but none for men. CA men are routinely denied access to domestic violence shelters, because almost exclusively, they're for women only. I could go on and on citing examples of the gender feminist bigotry against men in CA, but you get the idea, and that pattern is duplicated throughout the rest of the U.S. and the rest of the western world and beyond.
The myth of male privilege is one of the most offensive, insulting and just plain stupid propaganda lies to have ever come out of the stupid mouths of radical/gender feminists. Men and women
have both, historically experienced oppression and privilege in many ways and in differing degrees in different areas throughout history.
Individually, men and women have both experienced privilege and oppression, and no one gender has an overwhelming amount of overall privilege or oppression .
To stereotype all "men" or all "women" together as women's studies routinely does (using half truths, lies and irresponsible research), is not as much a sign of the female privilege of modern women as it is a sign of the intellectual bankruptcy, gross stupidity, and outright bigotry of the radical/gender feminist mentality comprising that hate movement.
To further stereotype men as a group who have overwhelmingly been privileged, and women as a group who have overwhelmingly been oppressed is not just ridiculous, bigoted, it is flat out asinine, and clinically bordering on a form of mental illness.