Grass Roots

Started by johnnyp, Oct 05, 2005, 08:24 PM

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Quote from: "damnbiker"
I was failing my electrical course (I studied mechanical engineering) but still she needed me to change her signal lights and battery.  P!ssed me off to no end!

LOL.  I studied electrical engineering in my undergraduate days, but my eyes glazed over in the required thermodynamics course (for mechanical engineers).  I still have no idea who Carnot was or if he did anything important.

Darth Sidious

Quote from: "lkanneg"
if the person stopping to offer aid first tried to screen me for some personal belief (for instance, as he was bending down towards the tire, he said, "Are you a Christian?" I'd be sufficiently weirded out by that that I'd say whatever would get rid of him the quickest, including refusing any aid.

And just how many Christians screen those they are getting ready to help to determine if they will in fact help or not?  Would it ever occur to your "brilliant mind" that someone who would ask that question might actually care about the state of your soul?  The person did not have to stop to help you in the first place.  You would be willing to refuse help because of a question like that?  The only thing offensive in that situation would be your ridiculous attitude. :angryfire:


Quote from: "lkanneg"

if the person stopping to offer aid first tried to screen me for some personal belief (for instance, as he was bending down towards the tire, he said, "Are you a Christian?" I'd be sufficiently weirded out by that that I'd say whatever would get rid of him the quickest, including refusing any aid.

What weirds me out is when the mass media does their story on the BLS annual report on workplace fatalities, and never mention that 93% occupational fatalities are men - I really really got weirded out when a reporter had the nerve to say that "the most dangerous occupation is commercial fishing and x number of fishermen and women died last year".  The weirding got worse when I learned from the BLS website that ZERO women even died in the commercial fishing industry over the past 10 years.

I also get weirded out when each quarter the mass media state that women earn 76% of what men earn, while not mentioning anything about education/experience/industry.  Another weird thing that the news folks do is not mention anything about who consumes the income in question.  I totally get weirded out when affirmative action laws are passed to change the meaningless statistic.

Another weird situation is when a man is in a college class and an attractive young girl asks him to share his work with her while batting her little eyes.  Then the next day she exclaims to the class that "women always get longer prison sentences".

I am tired of getting weirded out.

Even though the situation may cause discomfort - I may also cause a thought.
 woman needs a man like a fish needs water


Darth, I pretty much agree with you according to the stated mission of Christians.

But I was pulled over on the highway once by a state trooper for speeding late at night on the way from Michigan to Chicago.  He told me to come to his car.  I sat inside and saw Christian posters plastered all over the place - I didn't know what to make of it, because it was inappropriate for a state trooper.  He also started in about my speeding possibly endangering my young, good-looking passenger ... and I just wanted to get out of there.  He had the weapons.

Nothing further happened, but I thought it strange that he was bringing his message across in that way late at night.

I was raised as a Christian by my parents, but am fairly agnostic today (although I think "spiritual") despite their intensive efforts.


Quote from: "damnbiker"
I really can't understand ANYONE who doesn't know how their car works aside from "I turn the key and press the accelerator".  It really is one of my biggest pet peeves.  Personally I don't care if you're a femminist, a masculist or a podiatrist - it doesn't matter.  If you drive, you should know the basics of how a car works and what to do if something bad happens other than "whip out the cell phone and call a tow truck."

I dated a femminist in my younger days.  She was an electrical engineering student and had a car.  I was failing my electrical course (I studied mechanical engineering) but still she needed me to change her signal lights and battery.  P!ssed me off to no end!

A freind of mine refused to put gas in her car - her husband did it for her every weekend.  But then again, she did the vast majority of the housework and cooking.  He took care of some things, and she took care of others.  I enjoyed seeing their relationship - I admiered the respect they have for each other.
 woman needs a man like a fish needs water


Quote from: "johnnyp"
I admiered the respect they have for each other.

What's his respect for her based on?


Quote from: "Galt"
Quote from: "johnnyp"
I admiered the respect they have for each other.

What's his respect for her based on?

I do not quite understand the question - please elaborate.
 woman needs a man like a fish needs water

Darth Sidious

Quote from: "Galt"
Darth, I pretty much agree with you according to the stated mission of Christians.

But I was pulled over on the highway once by a state trooper for speeding late at night on the way from Michigan to Chicago.  He told me to come to his car.  I sat inside and saw Christian posters plastered all over the place - I didn't know what to make of it, because it was inappropriate for a state trooper.  He also started in about my speeding possibly endangering my young, good-looking passenger ... and I just wanted to get out of there.  He had the weapons.

Nothing further happened, but I thought it strange that he was bringing his message across in that way late at night.

I was raised as a Christian by my parents, but am fairly agnostic today (although I think "spiritual") despite their intensive efforts.

As you said, nothing further happened.  I could understand some discomfort you might feel in that situation, but that is very different from a man pulling over to help a lady and then asking her if she was a Christian.  I cannot conceive someone, especially a Christian, would take time out of his day to help someone and then screen the one to be helped to determine if said person is worthy of the help.

I consider it exceedingly rude for someone to behave like lkanneg said she would behave in that situation.  Why refuse help if you need it?  "Beggars can't be choosers."


Sorry - if you analyze it in detail, sometimes men's "respect" for women is either based on their gold-lined vagina or respect for women in general that was taught to them in childhood.

dr e

Great story Galt.
By the way, I saw a documentary once (kind of a "hidden camera" kind of thing), in which a woman said that she lost a valuable ring in a public trash bin - and could a brave man stick his hand down in the garbage and find it for her? She didn't want to put her own hand down in the garbage because it was "icky".

But this was done with a good-looking woman, the same woman made up to look fat and ugly, and a man.

Almost all of the men who were stopped helped the good-looking woman. Fewer men, but still a substantial number, helped the woman made up to look fat and ugly. No one helped the man.

This is an accurate representation of what happens in congress.  Needy women ask for Congress to stick their hands in the trash can and the majority will do so.  Men ask for the same thing and are laughed at.  This story is a so simple and so profoundly accurate in its representation of the differences in the ways men and women are actually treated.  It would be intereseting to see a similar version with different characters:  a man who looks wealthy and then made up to appear to be much less wealthy and a woman.  Film the responses of women to the above and see what the results might be.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


It seems to me that men whether nature or nurture expect and want to do things for women. On the other hand, women expect and want men to do things for them. This is fine as long as it is consensual. In other words, it is Ok if a man wants to put his hand into a garbage can to help a good looking woman. The problem starts when government gets involved. Men are forced to do things for women (e.g. child support). Tax money is spent for women. The men in Congress do things for women but with other people's money and lives not their owns. If these congressmen want to do things for women, they should do it themselves. Further, at least the woman at the garbage can does something for the man with his arm in the garbage. She smiles at him. She makes him feel manly. However, the women who benefit from government coerced favors don't have to do anything. In fact, they scorn and mock the men who have to do things for them. When was the last time you heard any woman thank the man who labors like a slave to pay her huge child support each month? It doesn't happen in my experience. Just my thoughts.

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