Why are there so many single girls?

Started by neonsamurai, Oct 05, 2005, 01:01 AM

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A large number of my girlfriend's friends are single. They're not bad girls, mostly aged in their late twenties to mid thirties and are unable to find decent men. I've learned not to stick my nose into this situation but trouble came looking for me at the weekend and I've been thinking about it since.

Like I said, they're not a bunch of feminist harpies, but one of them actually asked me why it's so hard to meet a decent man these days and I launched into a 'you can blame feminism for this' tirade. To which the girl shrugged and said "You're probably right."

Basically I said that guys these days have given up approaching women because we're fed up with getting knocked back by rude women or getting taken advantage of for free drinks etc. That the images of married men we see on TV are mostly negative ('Bring Your Husband to Heel', various adverts) and dads fair even worse (having to dress up as batman and break into Buckingham Palace to see their own kids). Then there's the whole matter of divorce to contend with. Why should we bother trying to meet women if that's ultimately what our fates will more than likely be?

But the problem isn't one sided. Women's expectations of men seems to have gone through the roof. Not only are we expected to earn more (as it was even before women became part of the workforce) but the trend of what women like in a man changes as rapidly as high street fashion. Plus, the same women who complain of men and their 'fear of commitment' are they very same ones who are 'waiting for the right guy to come along'. But most importantly (for me anyway) is that women are less feminine than ever these days. I don't want to date a masculine woman anymore than a woman wants to date a feminine man.

>>End of rant<<

But that was just my perspective. I'm probably meeting up with these girls on Saturday night, so I'll be leaping back up on my soapbox and letting fly again.

Although this is just my perspective.
Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"


Yes. That's true.

I was shocked the other day. I friend was speaking about his wife. He was not hostile to her. He was just expressing his sentiments.

A direct quote that came out of his mouth was: "she is really more of a man than a woman." I was amazed. I was a little embarrassed and I didn't follow up on what he meant by this.

It is absolutely true, though. The feminine woman hardly exists anymore. Yes, they will dress feminine sometimes, but its just "pretend."

They may pretend to be "feminine" during the courtship phase, but after a "commitment" is made that will disappear.

An elderly woman was asked at a deposition "why did you move to ____." Her response was "because my husband decided to move."

The lawyer was so shocked he started coughing and laughing. He said something like "My wife won't even let me decide where we go to dinner."

Just random thoughts. I am pretty sure that the average man doesn't want a manly woman. He wants a feminine woman.

Women have turned themselves into something that men don't want, and they  have turned themselves into something dangerous to men (e.g. DV accusations, divorce, rape accusations, etc.). They are a product that is difficult to sell. It may be that a particular woman is "nice" and doesn't intend to do the DV, Divorce, etc. thing but even if that is true, she can change her mind at any time. Further, her marketability is going to be tarnished by her sisters regardless of whether she would ever do it.

I almost said "feminist" sisters. It occurred to me the irony. The "feminist" are anything but feminine. Language is almost never honest anymore.


I can't see the feminine side of the Y2s anymore. I'm starting to think I've lost my "MoJo".


Zarby Wrote:
Women have turned themselves into something that men don't want, and they have turned themselves into something dangerous to men (e.g. DV accusations, divorce, rape accusations, etc.). They are a product that is difficult to sell. It may be that a particular woman is "nice" and doesn't intend to do the DV, Divorce, etc. thing but even if that is true, she can change her mind at any time. Further, her marketability is going to be tarnished by her sisters regardless of whether she would ever do it.

I agree that some women are making themselves less appealing in many ways, but I doubt that this is a deliberate move. The impression I get is that they're not being given any boundaries, and in the true 21st century 'you deserve to have it all' mindset they believe that they can have anything they want no matter what.

I think a lot of women are starting to see what has happened, maybe that's why I got a shrug rather than a verbal assault when I mentioned it to the girl. If I'd said something like that 10 years ago I'd have had a right ear full. But will this simply create a generation of bitter career women who drive Porsches and come home late to empty homes, blaming men for their unfulfilled lives? Or will we start to see more women speaking out at such lifestyles that can lead women to be single and alone? Probably both.
Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"


There's a leftist political magazine in Hungary which published an article with the title "The Loneliness Of The Single (Female)". Among other things there was a short interview with a (middle-aged) female psychiatrist (providing psychological services in these cases); she said that numerous young female patients of her asked her if they're going to be alone for (most of their) life. Once she answered with the affirmative (based on statistics/personal feelings), according to her, (most of) the patients weren't downcast or anything; they simply took the news and started to arrange their lives in accordance with such a prediction.
The spreading of information about the [quantum] system through the [classical] environment is ultimately responsible for the emergence of "objective reality." 

Wojciech Hubert Zurek: Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical



I've met most of your girlfriends friends and I have to say the reason they are single is that they are one or more of :-

a) Fat

b) Ugly

c) Miserable

Except one....who'd probably get it...well at least if I was single she would. In fact the one with the Chinese boyfriend was pretty hot too.


Mr. Bad

This is a common refrain among men, and IMO there's a lot of truth to it.  The truly sad part about it is that most women don't want to realize the truth of our words, so they pull the same old tired, threadbare shaming tactic and accuse us of being "afraid of strong, powerful women," "afraid to commit," etc.  What they don't understand is that as we men become more disengaged from modern women, the less we care what they think vis-a-vis being "afraid  of" or "intimidated by" women, etc.  None of that matters when we simply don't give a shit about women or what they think.

It seems to me that the more women whine and complain about there "being no good men" for them, the more we men get fed up with their BS and the less we give a fuck about what they think.  And IMO it's a self-perpetuating phenomenon.  

Women are making their own bed re. this issue, and as usual, they're blaming men for problems of their own doing.  Typical.
"Men in teams... got the human species from caves to palaces. When we watch men's teams at work, we pay homage to 10,000 years of male achievements; a record of vision, ingenuity and Herculean labor that feminism has been too mean-spirited to acknowledge."  Camille Paglia


Quote from: "Warcod"

I've met most of your girlfriends friends and I have to say the reason they are single is that they are one or more of :-

a) Fat

b) Ugly

c) Miserable

Except one....who'd probably get it...well at least if I was single she would. In fact the one with the Chinese boyfriend was pretty hot too.


Warcod, I can't say I've ever seem much evidence of the first two normally being an issue.


Warcod decreed that:
I've met most of your girlfriends friends and I have to say the reason they are single is that they are one or more of :-

a) Fat
b) Ugly
c) Miserable

Except one....who'd probably get it...well at least if I was single she would. In fact the one with the Chinese boyfriend was pretty hot too.

Your last post has put the men's movement back by about forty years. In an attempt at damage limitation I will try to correct you. My girlfriend's friends:

a) Enjoy food
b) Don't pander to the traditional values of beauty
c) Are miserable - Especially the one with the Chinese boyfriend

Cootewards observed that:
Warcod, I can't say I've ever seem much evidence of the first two normally being an issue.

Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"


To be consistent, there are a lot of fat and ugly men also. There are also a lot of miserable men. I don't think any of those things advance the ball.

People used to work things out. There used to always be people who would find another of less than perfect beauty or weight lovable.

I just don't think those things really address what is at issue here (I think) -- how feminist dogma (and laws) have screwed things up.

I don't think the relevant issue is physical attractiveness. I think the relevant issue at least to me is that I fear women.

I fear a call to the police not because I did anything wrong, but because my wife (or girlfriend is having an affair and wants me gone -- instead of telling me I am history and there is no chance of anything else it is so much easier to have me arrested and let the police get rid of me -- like the the garbage man gets rid of the trash; and, the courts can keep the trash from coming back with a protective order).

I fear if I ever got together with a woman who already has children that one of them would claim I "touched them." I have seen that happen to many (in fairness, I am a lawyer so I see more of this than most). I don't think I would ever get together with a woman who has children for this reason (well, there goes 90 percent of the women my age).

I fear a woman will get ugly and mean with me like the last one. I fear she will just take and not give and resent what I give.

These and similar things are the problems caused by feminism -- attractiveness. The level of attractiveness is something entirely different. Insulting women's attractiveness is not really constructive. I am no Greek God. I don't expect a woman to be either. I expect her to make me feel safe and happy and secure. I don't think "feminized" women do that.


I'm not particularly skinny or feminine and I managed to get married.

I think the issue is absurd expectations and the array of weapons the state gives women to use against men should said men not fullfill their expectations.


Quote from: "typhonblue"
I'm not particularly skinny or feminine and I managed to get married.

I think the issue is absurd expectations and the array of weapons the state gives women to use against men should said men not fullfill their expectations.

Your husband was probably smart enough to figure out that you haven't been brainwashed by the feminist media.

Whenever I'm in the United States, I look left, I look right, and I have difficulty seeing women other than PowerFraus who are on their cell phones arranging important accommodations for some important person or another.  Not that they're getting a Ph.D. in physics or anything.  I'm sure that they earn good money in this world - probably more than physics or cancer-research doofuses.  Paris Hilton certainly does.



Zarby my man, you could be a real asset to our cause if you are so inclined to help.  Tell us, what type of law do you practice?
Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan: "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."


I do all kinds of things. Most relevant here, I have defended alleged molestors (who I believed were innocent), men who were not allowed to visit their children, etc. I have been in some men's rights type battles. I also as you have figured out went through my own nightmare. I was arrested for no reason (my wife had an affair and moved him in within hours). I was arrested a second time. She nicely asked me to pick up the children. When I arrived, I was arrested. I never figured out why to this day. I took a friend with me. I figure if I had not I would have been in real trouble. Their plan was to accuse me of something but it didn't work because I had a witness with me. It all eventually went away. I was never convicted of anything, but as you can tell I am angry about it. I was not in the wrong. I was not the one having the affair. I did nothing wrong. In fact, I endured several years of emotional abuse (I didn't know why at the time -- the affair). Yet, the law treated me like dirt. The same judges who treated me well (and still do) in other cases treated me like dirt in my divorce case. It was an eye opening experience to say the least.


So is 35 USC 103 fair or not fair?


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