Diluting Feminism

Started by D, Oct 17, 2005, 08:38 PM

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I think I've heard of about 98 different forms of feminism, and according to most feminists who are stuck on debates they always elude to 'well there are lots of different types of feminists'.

When I debated some feminists a while back on shethinks I told them that I was becoming a feminist.  I swear I could actually see their eyes light up.  It wasn't like I changed my stance or was even being sarcastic and pretending to agree with them.  It was just for the simple fact that I called myself a 'feminist'.

I think for some of the more industrious men or women contemplating such activity.  I suggest making up some new forms of feminism.  Make some new websites, or t-shirts, or documentaries whatever.  

Here's a new one 'ManFem'.

Man Feminism is man friendly.  It points out the great qualities and unfairness to men.  It shows how great men and women can work together in a society together.  It gives a more accurate detailed view of domestic violence and violence between the sexes and show how the two can work together to solve problems and create new and idealistic visions of utopia.

Or Objectivist Feminism.   Objectivist Feminists adore Ayn Rand and spout the greatness of free market capitalism.

How about Feminists for porn?  Or Feminists for Christianity?  Or Feminists for pro-life.  Or Feminists for Anti indoctrination on Campuses?

I'm just saying.

Well that's my brainchild for tonight, Dilution Feminism.



If you go to wilkipedia and look up feminism, many "categories" of feminism are outlined and analyzed.  LOL, there's alway the woman who started a Feminist4Fathers Blog  (she follows F4J activities).


Quote from: "TerryGale"
If you go to wilkipedia and look up feminism, many "categories" of feminism are outlined and analyzed.  LOL, there's alway the woman who started a Feminist4Fathers Blog  (she follows F4J activities).



By the way, that "Teri" is not me...  She liked the cartoon F4J avatars that Arte did months ago and even commissioned Arte to do a couple of special ones for her.

Sir Percy

There are many mini-fems out there who appreciate that men are getting a raw deal. They are loath to give up their advantages though and find it all but impossible to deal with the depth of men's anger. Dilution by emulation is a strange strategy but who knows, it just might work with some women. Any that can be turned toward the light of truth and justice can be allies in some small-part way. Not all are as far enough down the track of understanding and actively making sound voices heard as TBQ or TerryGale, even our pretty-nosed Typhoonbleu.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Quote from: "Sir Percy"
There are many mini-fems out there who appreciate that men are getting a raw deal. They are loath to give up their advantages though and find it all but impossible to deal with the depth of men's anger. Dilution by emulation is a strange strategy but who knows, it just might work with some women. Any that can be turned toward the light of truth and justice can be allies in some small-part way. Not all are as far enough down the track of understanding and actively making sound voices heard as TBQ or TerryGale, even our pretty-nosed Typhoonbleu.

And that's my belief.  99% of the girls I talk to actually believe what they are being told.  They believe it and want to 'help' in some way.  If there was a female friendly, or something promiting its self as a feminist site of some sort perhaps you can get some of these women to look at these sites and begin to question things a little.

Often when I am debating with some girls they just simply tell me that they haven't heard that stuff before.  It's brand new to them, they've never heard those stats before and ask my where they came from.  I take these girls as genuine and interested.  Albeit confused.

I'm simply saying that this movement should approach from as many prongs as possible.  The general masses are being lied to by feminist/government/media organizations.  All we have to do is offer the truth.

Sir Percy

Go to it, Dan. But don't be too disappointed if truth is not sufficient. Marshal the arguements, deploy with skill. Appeal to their feelings. Napoleon won several  engagements without a shot being fired simply by being first on the field and well organised.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


You know I was thinking more about Africa and the U.N.s war against men there.  With the perpetual propaganda that men are at fault for all the wrongs in Africa, poverty, disease, violence.  It occured to me this is the perfect microcosm of the Orwellian play for us to study.  Once the U.N. gets rid of men's rights in that continent it can than systematically starv  the women and children to death.

I mean, the U.N.'s belief is that they *kill* the herd in order to save it.  

Women and children become systematic dependants on the system put in place by the U.N.  The U.N. will then be in total control of distribution, which is what those corrupt bastards wanted in the first place.  And exactly like Winston's mother, watch the women and children starve to death under the rationing system.  Watch them be "aborted" out of existence in the "Reverse Right to Genocide" (Which means they were tricked into eracing their race with terms like 'Liberation' and 'Freedom').  Ha!  And people say I'm mysoginist.  At least I call it like it is.

Because of what UNICEF has done in AFrica I will never give them one more penny as long as I live.


It's my observation that whenever a power wishes to castrate a populace, they give the women near-absolute power over the men.

If, in our brief time on this earth, men and women have cast their roles as, respectively, provider/protector and nurturer/provider, then it is a simple task for a conqueror to control the male "protectors" by proxy. By making the woman the family's primary provider (and, if need be protector), usurping the male role entirely, the man is reduced to honorary parasite. "Honey, I can do bad by myself!"

This HowToMakeASlave101 was especially pronounced in the antebellum South when white men were fighting bullshit duels over a lady's "honor," and black men couldn't even prevent their children from being sold or wives being raped.

Chattel is how the male power elite see today's men. Incapable of protecting either their children or themselves from an abusive wife. Incapable of refuting a female accusation. Reduced to performing a child support corvée for children they love but can't hold, theirs or not. The male power elite see theirs as a seat of unchallengable power, the feminists providing muscle, consecration and public approbation.
axine Waters on the 2004 March for Women:
"I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion." ! ! !


I think chattle is the wrong word.  Chattle is useful.  All we've heard from the mogal elites in the last ten years is how useless men are.  As far as I'm concerned they want to stick us all in the gas chambers and be done with us as soon as they can.

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