Ms. Corey performed what I like to call an "Internet drive-by shooting". Only she's shooting blanks.
She quickly entered a debate, fired off what
appears to be some devastating ammunition (notice that I said "appears"), and then quickly exits.
Firstly, notice what she said about Ayn Rand and Objectivism:
For those of you who don't adhere to such marginal and debunked philosophies as objectivism...
So how has Objectivism been debunked? By whom? As Ms. Rand would say, BLANK-OUT! Ms. Corey hopes the reader will just naturally assume that Objectivism has been debunked simply because Corey says it has, thus taking Corey's word for it. Yet Ms. Corey fails to tell the reader that Objectivism has been the topic of perpetual debate since Rand envisioned it all those years ago. For every "point" that statists offer, Objectivists have always been quick to offer a "counter-point". In truth, I suspect that Corey hasn't actually read much, if any, of Rand's works. Corey knows just enough about Ojectivism to get herself into trouble, but not enough to actually "debunk" it herself.
Doubt me? I'll wager good money that if Corey were to come here and debate Objectivism with Amber and myself, she would ultimately resort to arguments like "You just don't have compassion for your fellow man!" or "What about the poor?"
Ms. Corey wants the reader to believe that feminism isn't really anti-men, and in
her individual case, that may be true. However, I suspect that Ms. Corey, indeed all feminists, would get nauseous at the thought of having to acknowledge
a man as the "father" of feminism. But such is the case. Because if it weren't for Immanuel Kant, feminism wouldn't have a leg to stand on. (Of course, the "leg" he contributed to them is a hollowed out wooded leg eaten away at by disease and rot.)
Secondly, notice the question Ms. Corey asks:
Do you actually believe that men and women abuse each other with the same brutality?
Ah, Ms. Corey, you're not addressing the point that Amber made. Amber pointed out that the same research method which resulted in the "1 in 4 women are raped" stat was also used in surveying males. Not only that, but
the same definition of rape was used! By that very same definition, 1 in 4 males have been raped! Additionally, men and women
do initiate aggression against each other at roughly the same rates. Granted, women generally suffer greater bodily injury, but that is only true insofar as men are willing to tell an emergency room doctor how his injuries really happened. I don't know of too many men who will tell a doctor that his wife broke his ribs. The fact remains that women initiate aggression about as much as men do.
What Ms. Corey's argument ultimately boils down to is "men are big and tough and can take it." What she fails to answer is "Why should they
have to take it?" BLANK-OUT.
So, Ms. Corey, I challenge
you to step up. Drop by
http://www.standyourground sometime and debate us on the issues. If you're really right and can "debunk" us, then you should be happy to do so. After all, we're ignorant, right? Don't you want us to join the ranks of the enlightened? However, be prepared to defend your arguments. Because you damn well better believe we'll be offering some "counter-points".