Started by Sir Percy, Dec 21, 2005, 09:24 PM

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Sir Percy

Just a few days to go and everyone will be busy. Even I may have to take off my armour and don a Santa suit.

I love you people.

The good souls. The sad ones. The hurt folk. The fighters. Even, at this time of year, the not so nice ones!


Merry Christmas to one and all.

Lisa - I hope your dad is OK. Rosemarie - you are an inspiration. Terrygale, no2fembots, AlMartin, Zarby,  so many of you, too many to name - my warrior friends, find time for yourselves. To all, - I cannot single you all out in the way every one of you richly deserves -you are in my thoughts and prayers this week.

Dr. Evil. You ain't a bit evil. You are a great bloke. Thank you for all your work and for bringing us to your table. I apologise now for all the transgression I will undoubtedly make in 2006. :D

Sir Percy.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Sir Percy, Would you be in a full Santa costume or speedo Santa get-up?
Click picture for background article...

Merry Christmas!
That's all I had to say...  Someone with a GIF animator could decompile both and combine the two into one, so that they're coming out of the boxes at the same time...  But they're funny the way they are...

Sir Percy

I had some Santa thongs several Christmases ago. But my Steed ate them. :D

Aussies wear thongs on their feet, at the beach.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


I would have thought Sir Percy more the thong type rather than the briefs type, for a thong would allow for more breathing beneath that armored suit. (Yeah, even I don't want to go past the thong idea, Sir Percy, that's best left to the Scots and their kilts! - or are you a Scottish Knight? Damn it's hard being PC today!)

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Merry Christmas one and all

Especially to the Doc for sorting out this site and board, and to everyone who's taken the time to get involved in any of the campaigns we've attempted (with varying levels of success).
Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"

Men's Rights Activist

Merry Christmas everyone.  

I'm supposed to go to a homeless camp tomorrow.  It seems they're being evicted just before the holidays.  I suspect the majority of the people I will find there will be men.  I made a sign for the event,


If I get any photos I'll post or link to them.  I'm going to try to get out early to get some pastries to bring them.  We do what we can.  Blessings to all, especially the homeless and troubled.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


merry christmas to all the wonderful people here
trange little girl ....


Indeed.  Merry Christmas all of you.

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.

dr e

Merry Christmas Sir Percy and to you all!

Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


:heartbeat:  Merry Christmas, Sir Percy!
quot;Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
--Eleanor Roosevelt

"Something which we think is impossible now is not impossible in another decade."
-- Constance Baker Motley

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."
--Janis Joplin


Merry Christmas,

and here's to a happy New Year of activism.

You are all wicked bunch in your own unique way's

Have a great one, relax and enjoy.

Love, peace and all that shit

he Light That Burns Twice As Bright Burns Half As Long - Blade Runner

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)


Gonzman posted a really funny Christmas Story.....
Gonna make ya go there...

Feel free to borrow this graphic.. I did...


Merry Christmas,

enjoy, eat, drink, dance, sing, sleep and rest!


Merry Christmas
hen I feel at peace: If you listen carefully to the sky, you can hear the voices of Heaven praising me...


Merry Christmas + whatever other holiday you're celebrating!

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