I sent her another email in response to this article of hers on the 22nd:
Subject: Women really are the bad guys (Raising the volume)
Date: 28 December 2005 12:38:38 GMT
[email protected]You've said some totally incorrect things.
You said: "the writers believed the pendulum had swung too far in favour of women"
No, many men (perhaps most of the ones who reply to you) believe the "pendulum" was never in the favour of men. We beleive it's simply swung from slightly in favour of women (a century or so ago), to hugely in favour of women.
You say "They feel" a lot. Which is true, but just as importantly is that we KNOW. We have all the real world experience AND all the studies we need to prove it. It's as much an intellectual thing as an emotional thing. Get yourself an education and read "The Myth of Male Power" by Warren Farrell, because really you look like a totally ignorant fool.
"My response? Get over it. If you're a man and you have an opinion, speak out. Put your case."
Really? In reality, speaking out will lose you your job, and friends and perhaps your career. Society reacts by ostracising you and ridiculing you. There really is a matriarchy in control of society. I myself have been rejected by more discussion groups I can remember (well I can think of 5 off-hand), simply for speaking out reasonable logical concerns that are backed up by the real world.
It's OK for the members there to throw all sorts of potty-mouth insults at me, accuse me of being gay, tell me I'm ugly (Which I'm not), tell me I can't get laid, etc etc, in response to me raising logical factual questions about how males are being discriminated against. THAT is just perfectly accepted by the people who run the discussion groups. Why? Because they think I deserve it. Why they think I deserve it I have no idea, I can only *guess* that it's because the moderators think evil females are to be worshipped and protected above all else.
But I am not even allowed to even respond to these abuse even reasonably, or else I will be banned.
That is so unbelievably unfair.
How do you deal with an ultimatum like that?
It's not a standard you hold yourself to even. Women in the 1970s were already protected and privileged beings. There was no discrimination against women for at least 45 years now. Women were helped by men, listened by them, encouraged by them, paid by them, to say what they wanted no matter how nasty and unfair and unreasonable it was.
It's not just me that is getting this total ultimatums from the matriarchy. It is a very common pattern, even for well established academics! ANYONE who questions the matriarchy will receive vile abuse FROM the establishment. Abuse so low, fierce and unfair, that society normally would reject the abuser! But no! It's OK in this case, because it's a MAN who is rationally and fairly questioning the matriarchy!!!!
So, basically you've warped reality. You've said that women had the same situation. NO THEY DIDN'T. They had the OPPOSITE SITUATION.
* Women: Promoted, listened to and paid for to say unreasonably hateful nasty unfair things.
* Men: Abused, rejected, careers ruined for saying reaonable fair patient things. Abuse that normally would merit the abuser being rejected by society!
Don't even try this lie. It's such an insulting lie I really feel total hatred for you that you even dared speak it.
Here is an article written by Jeffrey Asher, a professor who lost his career for questioning the matriarchy:
http://elfdata.com/darkforum/viewtopic.php?t=627 I can find many many more examples like this if you like. Even Warren Farrell has written about his own being rejected by the establishment (the matriarchy), and how this ended him up losing jobs and ending up in huge debt.
At this point I know where you will be. You will be feeling, "no, but I *must not* accept that it really is the fault of us females oppressing males, because that will give the game away, that will acknowledge their problems and give males a chance to fix things. I must do anything, everything I can to lie."
If you were a fair person, you'd do this:
1) Admit you were factually WRONG. (Where you said the situation women faced is the same and not actually reversed.)
2) Admit you said the things you said because you are an evil liar, not because you were innocently mistaken.
I'll quickly address the others: "Perhaps it is governments that are not listening to men, rather than women."
No, it really is women. Women really are the bad guys. Until you deal with this fact, nothing will improve.
"Finally, some men were unsure of their role in society.". I'm not unsure. I know what I want, and I know it's not acceptable according to female values and today's society's values, even though it is acceptable according to equality.
Since when has equality ever guided females choices and demands?
Get a grip will you? Females have only ever been interested in a matriarchy, not equality.