Men use moisturizers when they are alone

Started by Gerard Velthuis, Dec 26, 2005, 08:42 AM

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Quote from: "tricycle"
I think that 'article' is probably an advertorial - an advertisment pretending to be an editorial or serious article.

That is the sense that I get from it as well.


Quote from: "Gerard Velthuis"
Only one use for moisturizer by men I can think of (besides medicinal value), and I credit feminism for any increase of this product's use by men.

K9, which use are you talking about??

(but I think you and me are at the same line, I also believe feminism and the PC media / PC marketing are credited for this)

Let's not go there, but for some it might involve a rubber chicken, two bannanas and a wet suit
Explaining misandry to a feminist is like explaining "wet" to a fish.


A funny skin care story ...

When my father was going through cancer therapy his doc recomended using coloidal oatmeal as a dry skin therapy. Dad didn't hear the coloidal part. He put half a pack of Quaker Oats in a hot bath and got in.

You would not believe the mess!

ay what you mean: Mean what you say.


Quote from: "devia"
I've never used moisturizer on my face, and I'm 38 and wrinkle free so yeah I agree that they can cause more problems then they help (but I've never had any sun damage). However because I shave my legs I've always had to use it on my legs.  
Husband shaves face=moisturizers it after. Makes sense to me.

As for women liking manly hands, yep but sandpaper in certain parts isn't a good thing either. When I groomed pets in the spring my hands would literaly bleed, so I used that transparent glove stuff + moisturiser. Kids dad is in autobody, about the most macho of guys you'd ever meet and uses it too now.

Proof, please.   :D

Just kidding (you lucky bitch)   :D

Hey, it's not the wrinkles - mine aren't bad at all - I'm sagging around the eyes and that really sucks.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde

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