Shelters for MEN

Started by Rob Layton, Dec 30, 2005, 08:22 AM

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Rob Layton

Last night I was confronted with a situation the likes of which I have been in myself.
A good friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, was confronted with the fact that he could be made homeless at any minute. Do you realise that in given similar circumstances you could be in the same boat ?
When I asked him have you got any friends you can go to?  he replied, 'no, and I have no money'.. this man has no car, and no job, through no fault of his own.
The pain that this man was going through must have been unbearable, but where was his support network ?
I was in a similar situation a while back, I found myself in Liverpool late at night with no money and no one I could turn to. I was confronted by a burley 6'6 mangina cop, who snorted  'Kicked you out has she?'
I wondered for hours until I had to give up, and call my son for help.
You may think that this could never happen to you but believe me it can ! !
I had been married for 31 years when this happened. Given the right/wrong circumstances it could happene to you today ! !  especialy with all the anti male legislation this 'new order' has put into place.
By the time you find yourself on the street with no one to turn to, it is to late .
Men of every colour, class, or creed must realise that the time has come to stand together .
The time for talk is over: 'the devil is at your doorstep'  before it is your turn,God forbid, turn your attention towards fighting for shelters and mens support groups.We need them make no mistake.
I hope I have not left it to late for my brothers who need our help NOW.
We need groups like MANKIND, set one up in your area, try wrighting to your M.P
or Congressman. Send letters to your local newspaper, and petiton who you can, remember it could be you next ! !


My heart goes out to your friend and yes, something needs to be done.

How are YOU doing these days?
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde

Rob Layton

Mary... I am fine my dear friend..thank you for asking.
I hope you are well, and wish you and yours, peace and happiness for the new year.
I feel we have to do something urgently on this issue.
It makes sense to me that if there is violence from any side, then the best course of action would be to devide the two factions, until the matter can be investigated and resolved by the authorities. Other matters such as a domestic or family dispute are quickly sorted out given a breathing space, and a no blame policy. To me this makes sense.


Quote from: "Rob Layton"
Mary... I am fine my dear friend..thank you for asking.
I hope you are well, and wish you and yours, peace and happiness for the new year.
I feel we have to do something urgently on this issue.
It makes sense to me that if there is violence from any side, then the best course of action would be to devide the two factions, until the matter can be investigated and resolved by the authorities. Other matters such as a domestic or family dispute are quickly sorted out given a breathing space, and a no blame policy. To me this makes sense.

I want to get more involved, but I do have a problem -  my partner is not an activist.  I'm not sure he would approve.  I told him I spend time here, but I don't think, with all he is going through - it has sunk in.  He thinks I spend my time trolling on Yahoo Boards.

But this is a subject for another thread.  I have to get to work -

Just please know that others  here do care.  But you're right - I must do more than simply care.

Thanks for the beautiful wishes.  Chester....why is this sounding familiar to me?  

I was married to a man from the UK for six years - Yorkshire.  Beautiful place.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde

Men's Rights Activist

"You may think that this could never happen to you but believe me it can ! !"

Being single eases my anxiety somewhat, but there's no denying that all men are in danger.[email protected]/detail?.dir=7de6&.dnm=507f.jpg&.src=ph

HATE TARGET OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS[email protected]/detail?.dir=7de6&.dnm=e765.jpg&.src=ph

Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Rob Layton

You have my admiration friend ,may I use this info on my blog is outstanding ?

Rob Layton

Quote from: "contrarymary"
Quote from: "Rob Layton"
Mary... I am fine my dear friend..thank you for asking.
I hope you are well, and wish you and yours, peace and happiness for the new year.
I feel we have to do something urgently on this issue.
It makes sense to me that if there is violence from any side, then the best course of action would be to devide the two factions, until the matter can be investigated and resolved by the authorities. Other matters such as a domestic or family dispute are quickly sorted out given a breathing space, and a no blame policy. To me this makes sense.

I want to get more involved, but I do have a problem -  my partner is not an activist.  I'm not sure he would approve.  I told him I spend time here, but I don't think, with all he is going through - it has sunk in.  He thinks I spend my time trolling on Yahoo Boards.

But this is a subject for another thread.  I have to get to work -

Just please know that others  here do care.  But you're right - I must do more than simply care.

Thanks for the beautiful wishes.  Chester....why is this sounding familiar to me?  

I was married to a man from the UK for six years - Yorkshire.  Beautiful place.

Mary my dear friend.. I have no doubt that they do care, thats why I am trying to enlist aid, no matter how small it all counts.
Men also need a support network to.. with someone like yourself who can sit and listen at the worst times in a mans life.
My friend could not type last night for crying, but he listened to someone who understood and cared.
Men have feelings to but we bottle them up.
Of all the people on the net who cares ..We can all rely on you MARY. :wink:

Men's Rights Activist

Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Men's Rights Activist

"Men also need a support network to.. with someone like yourself who can sit and listen at the worst times in a mans life.
My friend could not type last night for crying, but he listened to someone who understood and cared.
Men have feelings to but we bottle them up."

Sadly, that is very true.  Men are known to cry in the night, into pillows, in the solitary confinement of their homes, etc.  As long as no one else ever knows then they still fit the role model society has conditioned them to have.  In extreme cases, social conditioning leads some despondent, desperate men to the door way of suicide where many pass through.  75% of suicides are men.  Other men would rather get "tough or die" as role conditioning has taught them to play to the bitter end.  "On top of the world Ma," was a line spoken by Jimmy Cagney in an old Hollywood movie.  After a shoot out with Police he "ended it all" in a fiery death scene.  Decades after that movie, allusions to such deaths are daily sensationalized for ratings on local news shows.  Such suggestive imagery is commonplace and endless, while positive male role models become fewer and fewer thanks in large part to anti-Patriarchal, political correctness.


#  Men are 99.999% of all combat deaths and injuries (historically) - DOD
#  Men are over 97% of all combat deaths and injuries (currently) - DOD
#  Men are 76% of homicides - DOJ
#  Men are 94% of work place deaths and injuries - NIOSH
#  Men are 75% of suicides - CDC
#  Men are 93% of the prison population. (America has the highest rate of incarceration in the world having passed Russia).
#  Over 60% of the incarcerated have no High School diploma.
#  Of the top ten leading causes of death by disease men lead in all categories in all age ranges (except one).
#  Men are the majority of the homeless

Yet in a modern, progressive state like California we have 31 women's commissions and none for men.  In California today a returning male war veteran experiencing domestic violence is ineligible for services in the vast majority of domestic violence shelters.  

In a modern progressive city like Los Angeles we have an Office of Women's Health, but none for men.

California has over 50 women's studies programs on college and university campuses, teaching hundreds or thousands of classes from the gender feminist perspective, enumerating the oppressions of women, but not one from a masculinist perspective anywhere that I know of.  Additionally, these programs fund internships that train people to lobby and advocate for gender feminist women's issues without any effort to do the same for males from a masculiniest prespective.

Today in CA Family court injustice for men is a rampant condition, and a lengthy story.

The gender inequities for men in California society are glaring and despicable.  The story is much the same in other states and countries, and throughout the rest of Western society.  Shame on all California elected officials for shunning the valid needs of males within their responsibility.

Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


It is really, really hard to fathom how women can claim to be oppressed in view of the statistics that you cite. It is very obvious that men suffer the majority of the most serious misery (death, imprisonment, etc). I suppose this is because men are "bad" -- they deserve it. Right?

Rob Layton

Mens Rights Activist.... I shall use this information with many thanks.
Something must be done to redress the evil of indifference and injustice that men face in the modern world.
Zarby my friend, no one deseves this as your rhetorical question implies.
These message boards will have a huge job to play in the immancipation of men in the near future. No one should ever doubt the power and influence you all have. If we speak with one voice and one purpose..let the politicians quake wherever they may be. Together we can reshape the world for the better. There are many signs that you are all making a vast difference..Lets all do better however small we think a task is, we can change things.


Rob, I am such a total dumbass - I just realized who you are. I'm so very, very sorry!!  Please - PM me and tell me how you really are.  I so wish I could help you and your friend.
quot;I can resist anything but temptation."

 Oscar Wilde

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