This man's 1st Point is just priceless.
I'm starting to get a kick out of feminists trying to tell people off. Aside from obviously PC politicians, everyone else seems to be able shred all feminist arguments with hardly any effort at all.
At Amp's Blog, all the femikooks complain that the big bad MRA's come to "their place" to argue but the femikooks don't come to SYG to harass us. I believe the real reason for their unwillingness (or fear) to engage in the debate is the realization that once someone displays a shred of common sense and logical argument, their whole reason to exist shatters to pieces.
I have as much (or more?) justification to punch German's in nose for World War II as feminists do to still be ranting against men. Yet oddly, I don't hold anything against Germans, nor do my parents who grew up in Nazi occupied Europe.
The problem with identifying yourself with a movement, such as the feminists have done, is that you will never allow the movement to die at the appropriate time because doing so will mean a loss of your self identity.
Imagine a world where there was no rape; no man had struck or spoken harsh words to a woman for a decade; women earned twice the wages as men while working half the hours; men were only sperm donors and 2nd class worker slaves who were under a 7pm curfew; there is complete state sponsored childcare; there is a free abortion clinic on every corner and every man who even slightly annoys a woman gets 100 lashes in the town square... Guess what, in this world, Trish Wilson will still be writing her column and she will still be claiming women are getting the short end of the stick! What else can Trish do?