Wow. I have to agree.
This kind of electronic interaction is how the young males of our time are learning, because it's not being taught in schools. Information wants to be free, because if no one knows it, it has no future value.
The internet gives me hope, because in such a vast and complicated world, it is important to be able to communicate with the enthusiasts, to be able to dive into a subject like men's rights, or bagpipery, and to be able to learn so much in such a short time. It's not beaming learning directly into your head, like in the Matrix, but such a resource for self-education has never ever been around, and it's only getting better.
Such a book as described above would simply be the refinement of the collective wisdom created here. The next step, standing on the shoulders of those who had come before. And thank god the resources exist to even make an idea like that possible.