10% of men lie about being single / company's VP / rich

Started by Gerard Velthuis, Feb 02, 2006, 03:27 PM

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Another thought. Women are often protected from economic reality now whether by welfare, child support, property settlement, etc.

They no longer need to look for honest hardworking guys. They can play games with the lying but "exciting" guys.

Gerard Velthuis


Why Women Lie

By Laura Snyder

If we told you that the women in your life spoke nothing but the honest truth, well, we'd be lying.

Not only are women frequent fibbers -- a University of Massachusetts study showed that 60 percent of both men and women lie at least once during a ten-minute conversation -- women are considered better at it, since they're generally better speakers and inspire more credibility.

Let's get straight right now that we're not saying women are generally untrustworthy. By "lie" here, we mean little and white and not big and fat. Still, why does she do it?

To Make You Feel Better

That same UMASS study found that while both genders lie the same amount, their reasons are different. For women, most fibs are told to make the person they're talking to feel better. Like when you ask if your hair is thinning and she says no. Or when she agrees that your boss makes ridiculous demands of you. Be glad she does this, and remember that when it's her turn to ask you if those pants make her look fat, the answer is always no.

To Save Herself

These are the lies that make herself look better or more attractive to you, or to protect herself. Examples: "I'm not even thinking about marriage" (she's had the wedding planned since second grade), "I love football" (that doesn't mean there aren't women out there that can tell you why prevent defense is useless, but this can be a common lie), and "I'm not ready for a serious relationship either".

To Avoid A Fight

You didn't really believe her when you asked if something was wrong and she said no, did you? These are the lies she uses to avoid an issue she's unwilling to bring up at the moment, like "forgetting" to mention she went to the movies with a male friend to avoid your over-possessiveness. Common examples: "I don't remember how much it cost" and "Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired."

Now compare the article that says 10% of men are lying about ....
and this article

Look at the different way they approach it, and in a way they "glorify" the fact that women lie which they obviously did not do with the article about men lying.

women are considered better at it, since they're generally better speakers and inspire more credibility.
Yep it is a good thing women are lying AND they are better at it to ;-) Hooray for women!

Let's get straight right now that we're not saying women are generally untrustworthy. By "lie" here, we mean little and white and not big and fat.

But wait a minute, this does not mean that women are big liars! It is harmless. After all, all lies of women are harmless :-) But men who lie are selfish pigs.

Be glad she does this
Yep, be glad women are lying ;-)

These are the lies that make herself look better or more attractive to you
Yes, well don't the men who lie in the other article, also try and do the same thing???

You didn't really believe her when you asked if something was wrong and she said no, did you? These are the lies she uses to avoid an issue she's unwilling to bring up at the moment

Yes but you can bet your ass she will bring it up again some time in the near future. In the meanwhile her attitude will suck towards you.
But remember, it is a good thing she lies :-) After all, that is what the article tries to point out.
t is time men start behaving like men again and stand up for their rights, instead of behaving like conformist push-overs.

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