Andrea wuz shuckin' us???

Started by Fidelbogen, Feb 24, 2006, 07:37 PM

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Remember all the femmeroids who were screeching and hand-wringing on the theme of  "we must forgive her."....?

I've always said that I'll agree to "forgive" Andrea Yates if THEY will agree to "forgive" Mark Lepine. Seems like a reasonable bargain.... :twisted:


A great post, Fidelbogen. She certainly is a pinup girl for the feminist movement.


No matter what they will keep their mantra up because we KNOW it is all the fault of the father.

Another inmate, Lynnette Licantino, told prosecutors Yates said her children "were just too much" and that her husband at the time, Russell Yates, would not let her put them in day care, according to the documents.


She's slime.

It's my husband's fault because he wouldn't PROVIDE daycare.  Here's a life survival tip Andrea: GET A JOB and pay for it YOURSELF.

It's her "inner demons" (proven in her new book: "How to murder your own children and get away with it : I did it, now YOU can too"  - only $29.99 - forget - get it from

'Watch our backs at home, we'll guard the wall over here. You can sleep safe tonight, we'll guard the door."

Isaiah 6:8
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Men's Rights Activist

"Yates' trial is set to begin March 20."

It will be interesting to see how hard the Yates prosecution works in this new trial.  Is Andrea Yates legally insane?  Personally, I have always had serious doubts about that, and now this new revelation creates additional doubts.

Main stream news media spent an inordinate amount of time vilifying the husband the first time around.  Mainstream news media (toadies of the gender feminists) gave ample sound bites to grandstanding, big mouthed gender feminists in their addled, coverage of the first case.

Maybe this time much more effort will be spent by all, taking a much more professional look at Andrea Yates and her cruelly premeditated barbarism.

America will certainly be watching this case, now many more months/years aware of just how bigoted America truly is in its social and legal institutions, when it comes to excusing violent women.

Andrea Yates children are going to receive justice???  I'm from Missouri - Show Me!
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

Men's Rights Activist

"...I hope her children are in a better place now. What must it be like to know such fear? That you cry so much you vomit? Nobody should endure such agony of panic and fear. There must be an afterlife or at least a "final analysis" so that these children can rest in peace knowing love.

I hope, for ONCE, this woman is universally condemned by even the most lunatic fringes of the feminist movement, and that she is used as an example case the next time a woman (and yes, it is mainly women, sorry to generalise, but it's true) who play the mental illness card when she murders."

This was posted on the duplicate of this thread, but it was so good I thought it wouldn't hurt to repeat what IMHO said.

and yes, biological mothers as a group commit the largest percentage of child fatalities of any group measured.
"This pie chart indicates that 30 percent of child fatalities were perpetrated by the mother acting alone."
"During 2003, an estimated 1,500 children died from abuse or neglect--a rate of 2.00 deaths per 100,000 children."

There are  roughly a few hundred more child fatalities in a year than there are intimate partner homicides of women, but I don't see or hear bigoted gender feminists pushing for a Violence Against Children Act.  The truth might ruin the fallacious, non-violent image of women as perpetrated by those lying scumbags (gender feminists).  Who will speak for the children?  Who will tell the truth about abusive biological mothers?  Where is the Violence Against Children Act (VACA) with billions in funding, harsh profiling of the main, perpetrators, mandatory arrest, police and judicial training?
Break the Silence!
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


Very revealing statements, yet all the news I see is still seeped in sympathy for this psycho killer mom. The broadcast media always adds in tragic emotional music in the background when they show her.

I've always said that I'll agree to "forgive" Andrea Yates if THEY will agree to "forgive" Mark Lepine. Seems like a reasonable bargain....

I think this is intended as a quip, but I don't want either of these psychos "forgiven." I also never want it implied that the MRM seeks any such thing, that we sympathize with Lepine, nor that we associate ourselves with him in any way. I think your point is that Yates should be treated with equal loathing by the media.


Sir Percy

It is sheer arrogance  for person A to grant  forgiveness of person B's crimes against person C. Only person C can provide forgiveness - if they choose to.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Quote from: "Sir Percy"
It is sheer arrogance  for person A to grant  forgiveness of person B's crimes against person C. Only person C can provide forgiveness - if they choose to.

If they're still alive, that is!  :(

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