Damn us men !!! its all our fault !!
Wait a minute .....
Aint gender politics fun.
If they're anorexic it's my fault.
If they're fat it's my fault.
If they can't find a partner it's my fault for not asking.
If I do ask I'm stalking.
If I glance at a cleavage at work I'm harassing.
If I don't look I'm ignoring them.
If they're uneducated I'm restricting their schooling.
If they are educated I'm afraid of them.
If my sex drive is too high I'm a rapist.
If my sex drive is too low I'm a poofter.
If I earn more than them I'm discriminating against them.
If I earn less than them they wont give me the time of day.
If I question the totality of their opression I'm a filthy raping pig of a misogynist.
If I'm taken aback by being called a filthy raping pig of a misogynist I can't take a joke.
No wonder I'm bi-polar.