Mr Justice Kirby is well known in Oz for his blatent homosexuality. He is totally unsympthetic to fatherhood. It is a 'condition' he deliberately chooses not to experience, prefering to use the services of rent-boys in King's Cross, if the rumours are to be believed.
"This is the Pandora's box we open ... every case where the male, hurt and having to pay child support, is unhappy about it, they are going to sue and claim minutiae of time they spent with the child who turns out not to be their genetic child," he said.
And quite rightly too. As an Officer of the Court, he should be encouraging it.
Justice Kirby, one of six judges hearing the case, told a hearing in Canberra this month that the law of deceit could be used vindictively by emotionally wounded couples.
Can you imagine a Judge saying this in an insurance fraud case? Or a dodgy car sale issue? Vindication is the issue not vindictiveness. And restitution.
Justice Kirby said three important social changes appeared to be pushing the need for legal reform in this area: availability of quick and discreet tests to establish paternity, the rising rate of marriage breakdown and the end of laws allowing spousal legal immunity.
Don't mention the breakdown of fairness and justice in all matters of male - female law. Don't mention the cost of raising children that aren't yours. Don't mention the explosion of cheating, lying women infecting society.
Kirby is a fucking disgrace who is only on the Bench because of his left wing mates who put him there. The same ones who brought in no-fault divorce.