Men can breastfeed!

Started by VK, May 04, 2006, 05:57 AM

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"I knew these two wonderful guys, very dear friends of mine for years. A mutual acquaintance of ours was pregnant, unplanned, and did not want to do the whole "adoption thing" so when the guys approached her about taking the baby, they just proceeded as if it had been a planned surrogate pregnancy. The guys were adamant that the baby should get breastmilk. So when she was in her 7th month we bought a really good quality breastpump and Ian started pumping, every 2 hours during the day and once during the night. He was wonderful about it! He used an SNS (supplimental nursing system) after she was born, with donated milk from several friends who were nursing. He was making milk but not a full supply. By the time the baby was 12 weeks old he was making a full milk supply! He stayed at home with the baby (he was a massage therapist) and nursed her exclusively until she was 8 months old!! I don't think many people outside their intimate circle knew about it, I'm sure folks would have had a fit if they'd known...but I thought it was wonderful!"

Somebody else

Sorry, not buying it for a minute.
ust because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you.


Darn, fooled! That seemed really interesting too...


For male breasts to start producing milk the male must take a HIGH dose of one of the female hormones (I can't remember which one it is) and a medium dose of several others. He must continue to take it throughout the breast feeding.

He must effectively become a pre-op transexual. He will have breasts for the rest of his life.

Males do on occaision produce liquid from the nipples: It is a sign of an infection or breast cancer.

ay what you mean: Mean what you say.

dr e

Quote from: "whome112"
For male breasts to start producing milk the male must take a HIGH dose of one of the female hormones (I can't remember which one it is) and a medium dose of several others. He must continue to take it throughout the breast feeding.

He must effectively become a pre-op transexual. He will have breasts for the rest of his life.

Males do on occaision produce liquid from the nipples: It is a sign of an infection or breast cancer.


I think it is prolactin, a pituitary hormone related to breastfeeding.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Quote from: "whome112"
For male breasts to start producing milk the male must take a HIGH dose of one of the female hormones (I can't remember which one it is) and a medium dose of several others. He must continue to take it throughout the breast feeding.

Actually the article is claiming that it is possible for men to breastfeed without taking any hormones.

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