Started by manhoodsbliss, May 18, 2006, 10:24 AM

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and as for respect for men, I have so much respect for men its untrue.

Woa, how did everyone miss this?

In other words she has no true respect for men.

I thought this bimbo was boasting of being inttelligent and having respect for men.

Feminist who respect men; That's an Oxymoron.
It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.
~Thomas Jefferson

Men don't need women to fulfill themselves spiritually. They only need them to realize they don't need them.
~Henry Makow


Why would I say one thing and mean another.  Use some common sense. Are that narrow minded that you honestly believe all feminists are out to "man hate" and lack any respect?

I respect men who deserve respect.  Now think about how Ive reacted to many of the men on this forum? Ive treated them with disregard because they have shown me nothing but extremeist hate for women.  Im sick of hearing "Have you ever been accused of rape, like I have. Oh it's all down to feminists". GET A GRIP.  My tooth fell out, I'm not on some mad rampage against all dentists, my pet died, Ive not set up a forum against vets, my sister got raped, I didn't become a man-hater and pledge never to have sex with a man again.  Its ridiculous.
 will wash the world

dr e

Quote from: "Billy"
and as for respect for men, I have so much respect for men its untrue.

Woa, how did everyone miss this?

In other words she has no true respect for men.

I thought this bimbo was boasting of being inttelligent and having respect for men.

Feminist who respect men; That's an Oxymoron.

Billy - That's a warning for you.  No name calling.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

dr e

I respect men who deserve respect. Now think about how Ive reacted to many of the men on this forum? Ive treated them with disregard because they have shown me nothing but extremeist hate for women.

When you first came here you offered respect to none of those on this board.  You are fabricating history in order to make yourself appear better than you actually are.  You have absolutely no room to complain about anyone.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


I have as much as room as I want.  I did offer respect, but because I didn't get on my hands and knees and beg for acceptance i got a rampage of insults.  Plus I did a post with at least some substanmce and granted people thanked me for it, but people still treated me like shit.  So like the ye olde feminists, if you dont agree you dont win.
 will wash the world


Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
Why would I say one thing and mean another.  Use some common sense. Are (you) that narrow minded that you honestly believe all feminists are out to "man hate" and lack any respect?

I'll tell you what, give us ONE REAL CONCRETE EXAMPLE where a feminist PUBLICLY stood up for a man.  A REAL FEMINIST......

Point, Set, Match.

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
I respect men who deserve respect.

Really now.  Shall we go back to your initial date of arrival here to check that out?  I didn't think so.

Point, Set, Match.

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
Now think about how Ive reacted to many of the men on this forum?

Must we?  It gives me heartburn.  I think it makes me fart too, I am not sure though.  I'll keep you posted.

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
Ive treated them with disregard because they have shown me nothing but extremeist hate for women.

You really should try to get your facts correct.  It is not disdain (hatred as you put it) towards women.  It is towards FEMINIST DOCTRINE and somewhat by default, FEMINISTS.  Besides, you reap what you sow twinkle toes....

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
Im sick of hearing "Have you ever been accused of rape, like I have. Oh it's all down to feminists".

You know, I don't know why any of us bother with you.  Maybe it's some sick thing we all have.  You know, like a scab that you keep picking and wonder why it isn't healing correctly...

If you would spend just a few moments to actually read, you know close the pie hole and READ, some of the situations posted here that MRA's, Men, Fathers, and yes, some women face, you'd undoubtedly get it.  It is the system, the man=bad/Woman=good NO MATTER WHAT that most of us have a problem with.  It's the way the system has railroaded most of the men here that we are fighting and complaining about.  A system created and perpetuated by feminists and their ilk (read sock puppets).

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"

Is this shaming language similar to "take it like a man"?  Yea, I figured.

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
I didn't become a man-hater and pledge never to have sex with a man again.  Its ridiculous.

Yea, and I am not a doctor.  I just play one on TV..

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
I have as much as room as I want.  I did offer respect, but because I didn't get on my hands and knees and beg for acceptance i got a rampage of insults.  Plus I did a post with at least some substanmce and granted people thanked me for it, but people still treated me like shit.  So like the ye olde feminists, if you dont agree you dont win.

MAN!  You are so full of shit that your freaking eyes are brown.

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


"If you would spend just a few moments to actually read, you know close the pie hole and READ, some of the situations posted here that MRA's, Men, Fathers, and yes, some women face, you'd undoubtedly get it. It is the system, the man=bad/Woman=good NO MATTER WHAT that most of us have a problem with. It's the way the system has railroaded most of the men here that we are fighting and complaining about. A system created and perpetuated by feminists and their ilk (read sock puppets)."


MAYBE YOU SHOULD PUT "WO" IN FRONT OF YOUR GENDER.  I'd like to see my first post, because I forget. Im going to find it.
 will wash the world


Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
I'd like to see my first post, because I forget. Im going to find it.

Your first.
Im new, ive been reading up on all these threads etc, and as far as im concerned you are all contradicting yourselves. ive seen a number of members basically say that there problem with feminism is the fact that its a "HATE MOVEMENT" yet most people on this forum are creating a hate movement of their own.

Feminism is not a hate movement, by no means. it is not extreme as it should be. I dont think it blames men entirely anymore. some people need to widen there eyes and see that there is an increasing number of people writing about new strands of feminism that dont even include men ("Female chauvinist pigs"-ariel levy).

Im a feminist and you can say what the hell you want to me but you wont win.

Your second
yes and the simple existence of a forum like this proves that we are getting peoples backs up. Ill ask politely for you not to respond again because ur a waste of my time. ur an example of the men we want catapulted of this earth.

and the other fella "Dr Evil", id definetley be up for debating. i enjoy bringing people down. au revoir
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.


That's right twinkle toes.... Men are NEVER victims.  Funny how you cringe at the mere thought that a site dediated to MEN and MENS ISSUES would GASP! mention men as victims....

THe difference is pookie pie is that ANYONE can be a victim; yet folks like you cannot fathom that men are victimized on a daily basis and it is LEGAL to do so.  Thus, men are NOT victims.  

Me thinkith you washed the world so damn much that you forgot to wash yourself.

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Lest we foget this gem....

Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
tell ur wife to enjoy sucking ur pretentious cock.  and trust me love, im above ur standards. psch psch ur baths getting cold honey and dont forget the razor.

this forum proves only that men are coming to the realisation that they are no longer superior.  therefore attack feminists as a weak target. ur responses are typical sugar.
The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


The first post wasn't bad at all.  Haha, god hang me.

The last sentance was touchy but the biots before that were actually quite liberal, and certainly not hostile.

Oh yes the pretentious cock bit, one of my best pieces. haha.
 will wash the world


Quote from: "manhoodsbliss"
The first post wasn't bad at all.  Haha, god hang me.

The last sentance was touchy but the biots before that were actually quite liberal, and certainly not hostile.

Oh yes the pretentious cock bit, one of my best pieces. haha.

I found it laughable too. If that's you at your best you've got a long, long way to go.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

Disposable Dick

Was somebody looking for a pretentious cock?

Thus have you heard me sever'd from my bliss;
That by misfortunes was my life prolong'd,
To tell sad stories of my own mishaps.
Ninety five percent of workplace deaths are men
Over ninety percent of the homeless are men
Men typically die nine years earlier than women
Eighty five percent of adult suicides are men
Ninety percent of teenage suicides are boys
Others can become famous by removing parts of my anatomy


Yeah, I made note of this on the old site:

Problems for her:
When a woman has problems in bed, the general consensus is that her man is useless in bed and doesn't know how to please her; he's more interested in his pleasure than hers; he needs educating on how a woman enjoys intimacy.
Problems for him:
He has issues and can't get it up.
ny man living in this feminized world has got to be tough to tolerate it.

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