Male rape statistics

Started by VK, May 30, 2006, 04:40 PM

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Flicking through the research sites, I found some stats:

Struckman-Johnson (1994) reported that 24% of men had been sexually coerced by women after age 16 and 4% had been coerced by men

In one of the first prevalence studies of female-on-male sexual aggression, Struckman-Johnson (1988) found that 2% of the 355 female college students in her sample reported that they had "forced sex on a dating partner" at least once in their lifetime.

In a sample of 212 female participants studied by Anderson and Aymami (1993), 28.5% reported the use of verbal coercion, 14.7% had coerced a man into sexual activity by getting him intoxicated, and 7.1% had threatened or used physical force. Higher prevalence rates were established in a subsequent study by Anderson (1998) in which the same instrument was used. Prevalence of verbal coercion was as high as 43%, and 36.5% of respondents reported having gotten a man intoxicated to make him engage in sexual acts. Threat of force was reported by 27.8%, use of force by 20%, and threatening a man with a weapon by 8.9% of the female participants.

I really wish I could access the rest of this article: As it sounds very interesting.


I am sorry.. I am a sexist pig.  When it comes to affairs of men, statistics, studies, and the like... if a woman does it, I disreguard is almost immediately... unless of course it is from a woman PROVEN to be that of what is lost on most of these loons... INTEGRITY.

BAH!  So if this woman says its 24%, then I would gather that it is probably amost double that.  Motives being what they are en all....

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Cindy Struckman-Johnson PhD is a scientific humanist. She's one of the 'damn to torpeodos' if the stats say X, then X is true people. I trust her work.

This is an important concept too. Yes, a great many women (and men) publishing in the social sciences are publishing with their whole mindset based on causing harm to males. Many others are S-H's with their entire mindset based on science and science only. How do we seperate the two groups?

ay what you mean: Mean what you say.


Struckman-Johnson (1994) reported that 24% of men had been sexually coerced by women after age 16 and 4% had been coerced by men

Of course there's varying degrees here of seriousness, and possible abuse of position (teachers/students etc) but....surely in the real world of relationships, it's not always the case that two people are EXACTLY in the mood for sex at that EXACT moment just before they 'initiate'.  Verbal coercion? I mean, come on - what's wrong with that?  I think it's dangerous to slide into the victimhood realm here just because a partner has used some coercion (particularly verbal!).


FYI, there is a free trial at that site, so if you register, you may access the full article for free.

No matter what number of male victims of rape you would find, you should know that that number is being underreported. Research shows that men tend to underreport (and, on the other hand, women tend to overreport) harm done to them.  

And I disagree with my old buddy IMHO about verbal coercion. Any form of coercion is coercion. Women have been using this for decades now and have placed it on the books as law. Why should men have it any differently? I don't think this is sliding down the slope of victimhood. Rather, if a 16 year old boy is being verbally coerced into sex by a 35 year old woman, then that is rape. If a college woman is pushing and cajoling and "forcing" a man to have sex when he does not want it, and he feels it has been done against his will, then that is rape. By law.

dr e

As always, it is important to know exactly how "coersion" and "force" are defined.  It could be that these terms are watered down to try and go for sensationalism like the feminist "studies" or it could be that they are defined in order to minimize results.  Until we know the definitions they are using we are in the dark.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Being that economic coercion is listed in the "means test" for Human Trafficking, I think verbal coercion should be considered.

Take for example "acquaintance rape" of a woman and apply verbal coercion. "I'm going to break up with you if we can't have sex" would be verbal coercion and considered rape.

Its not that his study is applying extremes to bolster the findings but rather feminist prompted laws have lowered the bar significantly for what passes for rape.

From a MRA perspective, yes the results should be expressed by 2 standards. 1. what is considered rape by feminist standards, and 2. what should actually be considered rape.
Resident Sh!! house attorney at large


Food for thought, and for posting on pro-feminist (ala women can do no wrong and can never be the aggressor) blogs, like Hugo's, if you like:

Barbara Krahé, Renate Scheinberger-Olwig, and Steffen Bieneck. Men's reports of nonconsensual sexual interactions with women: prevalence and impact. Arch Sex Behav. 2003 Apr;32(2):165-75.
From the abstract:
Two studies examined the prevalence and emotional impact of men's nonconsensual sexual interactions with women. The first study included a sample of 247 heterosexual men with a mean age of 18.3 years. The second study was a replication with a sample of 153 heterosexual men with a mean age of 22.3 years....In Study 1, 25.1% of respondents reported at least one incident of nonconsensual sex with a woman and 23.9% reported attempts by women to make them engage in nonconsensual sexual activity. In Study 2, the overall prevalence rate for completed nonconsensual sexual interactions was 30.1%, and 23.5% of the men reported attempts at making them engage in nonconsensual sex. In both samples, exploiting the man's inability to offer resistance was the most frequently reported aggressive strategy.

Cindy Struckman-Johnson and David Struckman-Johnson. Men pressured and forced into sexual experience. Arch Sex Behav. 1994 Feb;23(1):93-114.
From the abstract:
A predominantly heterosexual sample of 204 college men were asked to report incidents of pressured or forced sexual touch or intercourse since age 16. About 34% indicated they had received coercive sexual contact: 24% from women, 4% from men, and 6% from both sexes. Contact involved only sexual touching for 12% and intercourse for 22%. Sexual contact was pressured in 88% of the 81 reported incidents by tactics of persuasion, intoxication, threat of love withdrawal, and bribery. In 12% of the incidents, sexual contact was forced through physical restraint, physical intimidation, threat of harm, or harm. Contact was initiated by an acquaintance or intimate in 77% of incidents.

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