MGTOW on Wikipedia

Started by Laboratory Mike, Jun 03, 2006, 10:43 PM

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Laboratory Mike

Jun 03, 2006, 10:43 PM Last Edit: Jul 15, 2011, 05:29 PM by Laboratory Mike


Of course I want to help defend it, but I don't know how to do that in wikipedia.
 A man needs a woman like a lion needs a stove. ~

~ Women deserve only equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. ~

~ Never needing to be pregnant is a blessing. ~

~ Everybody makes choices, and nobody should be entitled to special treatment because of those choices.
Equal results based on unequal treatment amounts to no kind of equality at all. ~

Laboratory Mike

You can do it by clicking the "edit" function for that page, and put in what you want to say. I am not an expert with Wiki code, but you can learn it easily enough. Just copy what the others have done.

So far, it seems that there is quite a bit of trouble being caused voer there now. At the very least, Wiki editors will learn that the Men's movement does indeed exist, and is wants others to know.


why do they care? I mean you can look up absurd things like info on street fighter character Ryu. I mean come on.. who really needs to know that? lol.
Yet they're making a stink about MGTOW?

It's the funniest thing. This movement has nothing to do with hating women. Simply behaving in a manner that's better for everyone, and not taking female abuse. I mean if we were as bad as fem's that would be another story. O.o


I tried editting over there once, specifically the feminism page. I discovered there is a group of people who identify as wiki-feminists, (or something to that effect), that are very active in seeing it defined their way. After a couple days of trying to edit it I gave up. One discussion in particular we had was although they let me put in a feminist quotes list, (briefly), they insisted on adding a paragraph about how dishonest it was and would always delete any mention I made about the popularity or positions of power of the feminists I was quoting. I checked the page again a few days later and every single word I'd written had been editted out, (even things like adding "claims to" to "feminism is a movement which advocates gender equality").


Solicit opinion from (un-named here) ex-pat Tommy, Yank, and Digger "boaties"  that have chosen to drop off the radar around  former Carribian and Oceania colonies.

Solicit opinion from (un-named here) ex-pats that have chosen SE Asia/ Pacific Rim, and live  the life of MGTOW while maintaining loose asscciation with their kindred.

Solicit opinion from (un-named here) folks in Mexico, and parts South, that have dropped out and are living quite comfortably, while maintaining loose asscciation with their kindred .

The problem, as I see it,  is-while the concept espoused by Ragnar has been around for quite some time, its practitioners don't particularly care to de-lurk,  can be quite difficult contact,  or convince of the value of re-accessing the Main-Stream for (apparently) pissing matches in Wikipedia, or on-line ego driven book review wars.

Possible citation threads.
current trends in marriage vs. cohabitation, Esp. with children, as recorded by Govt. agencies.
Marriage strike backlash-
Trends in palamony awards- Esp. California beginning late 1970's
Recent (2 year+) "domestic partner" vagina/felatio  monitory awards in England
Any other legal and political "backlash" actions in response to current trends of the "unorganized" "unofficial", and "under the radar" MGTOW.
(sperm donor shortage, liberal arts college application/ED complaints)

Possible sources-
Soldier of Fortune Magazine
Unclassified CIA, State Department, Veterans Affairs geographical data.
Mother Jones Magazine
Ex Parte, or other court documents citing  "...address unknown.."
US and UK postal data citing demographics of " forwarding address.."
US Census data- (I have NO idea how this works in UK, Can, AU, Ger, ITY, FR, SP, MEX, , or ANYWHERE in the land of Thor, AFR, Asia, Russia, etc.)
And of course, "international" bars in world class sea and air ports.

In  My  Humble  Opinion
The mere fact that there is dispute and controversy regarding the issue is fact enough for a Peoples Encyclopedia that MGTOW os indeed an entity. Entries such as
"....and often subject to  politicly motivated and concerted denial of citation, specificly by those opposed to the values implied....".  as well as restating the purpose that Wikipedia is not a forum for recognition competition, merely an intellectual repository.  (perhaps found in the Charter of intent one would hope) may serve well .
Not to mention an intellectualy prudent use of  "contested", or "disputed"
red flags.

I certainly find it odd that entries "disappear" the next day. Perhaps
the "feminist data clerk" phenomina should be examined!
Part of the Communist manifesto/ Marxist dupe agenda- so endeared by radical Feminists (see Wikipedia)-is to quietly establish such positions in bureaucracy to establish manipulation of competitive information. A lesson learned from  espionage 101.
Perhaps determination of WHO EXACTLY is authorised to delete entries, and a complaint to the head cheese, will prove fruitful. It did at Amazon book review!

But that's just me.


... One discussion in particular we had was although they let me put in a feminist quotes list, (briefly), they insisted on adding a paragraph about how dishonest it was and would always delete any mention I made about the popularity or positions of power of the feminists I was quoting. I checked the page again a few days later and every single word I'd written had been editted out, (even things like adding "claims to" to "feminism is a movement which advocates gender equality")....

Hombre, know that I lifted this  claiming ("fair use") in a MGTOW discussion article at Wikipedia. It was imbedded in (basicly) a copy of what I wrote above.

For lurkers-
Let all know that I am NOT a "first time" recent poster there.
I did NOT "vote" on any entries in the pissing match either.

The attempt at intimidation "warning"  at the top of the page is self contradictory, and unsigned, it can safely be ignored as disingenious.

Feel free to examine every "guideline" that becomes a "rule" when needed. Or just start talking and let others squirm over the Robert's Rules of Order suppository.
Understand that as the guidelines approach the complexity
of the "US Unified Tax Code", and by some magic- "...some animals are more equal than others...." Wikipedia loses it's value as an independant and qualified point of referance. I fear that yet another 'Grand Social Experiment", like all others before it, may have succumbed to infestation
of parasites.

But again, that's just me.
As you were ;)


Lab Mike, this site not found..  Men's Activism Wiki - A wiki dedicated to men's rights..


Quote from: "TerryGale"
Lab Mike, this site not found..  Men's Activism Wiki - A wiki dedicated to men's rights..

This works
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

Laboratory Mike

Quote from: "TerryGale"
Lab Mike, this site not found..  Men's Activism Wiki - A wiki dedicated to men's rights..

It seems to change every few months. I'll fix it.

dr e

Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Laboratory Mike

It's working now.

By the way, some guys from Mancoat are now getting to work on the MAW. Maybe some guys here who haven't heard of it might want to visit, and perhaps contribute...

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