Wendy Wields her Sword again

Started by Sir Percy, Jun 05, 2006, 01:56 AM

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Sir Percy

You can't keep this good woman down. I know, I know. There are some here who do not like her. She has her moments. But guys, this is one fighter for truth we should respect despite our squabbles. She should be welcomed in out tent pissing out rather than outside pissing in. She is a great counterweight to others at Fox. Lets hear it for Wendy.

Feminists Deny Truth on Domestic ViolenceTuesday, May 30, 2006 By Wendy McElroy

In the last three decades, feminism has revolutionized daily life from the legal system and social mores down to the story books children use in kindergarten. Feminist discussion seems to be 'always' and 'everywhere'.
But I believe the contrary is true.

Genuine discussion of feminist issues ended in the 1970s when one school came to dominate and moved to silence competing views both within the movement and outside.

Politically correct feminists maintain that women as a class are politically oppressed by men as a class, which means that every woman is oppressed by every man. Class oppression is the ideological lens through which PC feminism views all issues.

Tammy Bruce's book "The New Thought Police" (2001) received media buzz as a former insider's expose of how PC feminists smear their intellectual opponents in an attempt to silence and discredit them. For example, Bruce described how PC feminists led a campaign of defamation against the conservative Dr. Laura Schlessinger by misrepresenting her as homophobic.

Joan Garry, executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, was quoted as saying, "If she can't be controlled, she must be stopped."

The PC treatment of heretics within feminism has been no less brutal. Indeed, heretics are commonly reviled more than infidels.

Consider Erin Pizzey.
In 1971, Pizzey opened the first battered wives shelter in England, which she ran until 1982. Arguably, the Chiswick Family Rescue was the second domestic violence shelter in the world. Pizzey's book "Scream Quietly or the Neighbours Will Hear" (1974, out of print) was one of the first to explore and expose wife battering.

Today, the shelter Pizzey founded denies her entry; her name does not appear in its official history.

Pizzey's 'mistake' was to diverge from the theory of domestic violence that feminists at the time insisted dominate all discussion. She believed that men could also be the victims of domestic violence, and that women could be as violent toward their partners as men.

Pizzey's views put her on a collision course with PC feminists who, according to Pizzey's own published account of events, initiated a campaign of harassment and violence against her.
Pizzey described this harassment in an article she published in the Scotsman in 1999.

"Because of my opposition to the hijacking of the refuge movement, I was a target for abuse. Anywhere I spoke there was a contingent of screaming, heckling feminists waiting for me," Pizzey wrote. "Abusive telephone calls to my home, death threats and bomb scares, became a way of living for me and for my family. Finally, the bomb squad, asked me to have all my mail delivered to their head quarters."

One night, the family dog was killed.

Eventually, "exhausted and disillusioned," Pizzey said she went into "exile with her children and grandchildren," leaving England in 1982 to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Pizzey returned to England that same year for the book tour of her next book, "Prone to Violence," which once again ignited a violent reaction among feminists. Pizzey wrote that when she arrived in England for her book tour, she was "met with a solid wall of feminist demonstrators" carrying signs that read "ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS, ALL MEN ARE BATTERERS."

"The police insisted that I have an escort all round England for my book tour," Pizzey wrote in the Scotsman.

There is some reason to believe that "Prone to Violence" has been the target of a campaign of suppression by PC feminists. According to the web site Wikepedia, in 1996 an internet search of the world libraries that can be accessed through the Library of Congress uncovered only 13 listings for the book: an astonishingly low number for a pioneering work that caused a sensation.

Why would PC feminists nearly riot over a book and, then, ignore it?
Because Pizzey advanced a competing theory of domestic violence.
When viewed through the PC lens of class oppression, domestic violence is not an act of violence committed by one individual against another. It is an act committed by men that must be correctly understood within the larger context of women's class oppression.

"Prone to Violence" spelled out some of Pizzey's disagreements with that view.

Disagreement #1: Of the first 100 women who entered Chiswick, Pizzey found that over 60 percent were as violent or more violent than the men they were fleeing. In short, a significant percentage of the women were also batterers or otherwise active participants in the violence.

Disagreement #2: Pizzey developed the theory that many battered women were psychologically drawn to abusive relationships and they sought them out. To PC feminists, such analysis was tantamount to 'blaming the victim.'

Disagreement #3: She explained why the existing model of domestic violence shelters was ineffective. PC feminists were attempting then (and now) to secure ever greater financing for these operations. Sandra Horley, director of Chiswick in 1992, reportedly complained, "if we put across this idea that the abuse of men is as great as the abuse of women, then it could seriously affect our funding."

Pizzey may or may not have been correct; I believe she was and is.
Neverthless, her book drew upon over 10 years at the Chiswick shelter during which time Pizzey dealt with some 5,000 women and children.
"Prone to Violence" is an extremely early and honest overview of domestic violence from a woman with extensive experience of its daily realities.

The book cried out to be taken seriously. At minimum, it deserved a thorough rebuttal from its PC feminist critics--not death threats directed at its author nor the ultimate silence it received.

Pizzey is not alone. In America, Suzanne Steinmetz -- author of the book "The Battered Husband" and a co-author of the much-cited "First National Family Violence Survey" -- experienced a similar drama. She and her children received death threats; an ACLU meeting at which she spoke received a bomb threat.

The reason: her research indicated that the rate at which men were victimized by domestic violence was similar to the rate for women.
In large and small ways -- from shrill protests to the tearing down of announcements, from blocking university promotions to threats and defamation -- PC feminism has attempted to stop voices it could not control.

Feminism is dying not from a backlash but from an orthodoxy that cannot tolerate real discussion...and never could.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.

Men's Rights Activist

...this is one fighter for truth we should respect despite our squabbles.

I have always felt that way too.  It doesn't change who I am.  It doesn't mean we are 100% in agreement on everything all the time.  Wendy is a personal reassurance that I am not a misogynist and that she is not some toady of the Patriarchy.  Wendy is one of gender feminism's biggest fears, a woman who has the character and intelligence to be independent.  I wish her all the best and thank her for her truthfulness and her strength.  Say what you will, I have.  I guess I'm just that independent too.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!

dr e

Quote from: "Sir Percy"
You can't keep this good woman down. I know, I know. There are some here who do not like her. She has her moments. But guys, this is one fighter for truth we should respect despite our squabbles. She should be welcomed in out tent pissing out rather than outside pissing in. She is a great counterweight to others at Fox. Lets hear it for Wendy.

SP - Wendy has always been welcome here.  I have been on record from the beginning as being very appreciative of her articles.  They have done much to get the word out about many men's issues.  This doesn't change my dislike for her mistreatment and blame of this forum for her own problems.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Thanks for posting this, SP. It is a great article (tip of the hat to Wendy!), and that it gets such wide circulation/reading on a Web site like Fox is so much the better.


I wonder how much hate mail Wendy will receive for being so insubordinate as to discuss such things as a woman's propensity towards seeking out violent relationships
Resident Sh!! house attorney at large

Sir Percy

SP - Wendy has always been welcome here. I have been on record from the beginning as being very appreciative of her articles. They have done much to get the word out about many men's issues. This doesn't change my dislike for her mistreatment and blame of this forum for her own problems.

Appreciated Dr E.  Maybe it is time the hatchet was buried and some Memorandum of Understanding was nutted out between the Principals. At some point the best of the MRAs and the best of the Women's voices have to unite. We do not have to agree on every point, but the principle ones are clear to both sides. Truth, Equity, Responsibilty, Justice, Equality.

On a wider related issue, many women are looking for a way out from feminism. They do not even like the brand name even if they succumb to its rewards shoved into their hands by a deluded society. But feminism with the small f, and even with a i infront, is still held as a badge of gender cohesion with some women such as Wendy. It may be that a way out for feminism is what is needed. Like the Existentialist problem of the 1930s needed a way through its own nihilism. She has tried to re-brand and build an organisation of younger women to counter the radical gender whores of NOW and some encouragement from men who actually like intelligent, strong women could help us all. We MRAs also need a way out for men and women together instead of simply a way out from women as some would seek.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


On a wider related issue, many women are looking for a way out from feminism. They do not even like the brand name even if they succumb to its rewards shoved into their hands by a deluded society. But feminism with the small f, and even with a i infront, is still held as a badge of gender cohesion with some women such as Wendy. It may be that a way out for feminism is what is needed. Like the Existentialist problem of the 1930s needed a way through its own nihilism. She has tried to re-brand and build an organisation of younger women to counter the radical gender whores of NOW and some encouragement from men who actually like intelligent, strong women could help us all. We MRAs also need a way out for men and women together instead of simply a way out from women as some would seek.
Well spoken Sir Percy. But perhaps things have to get worse before they get better. MRA's are still pitifully small in number despite the injustices heaped upon men. What it will take to make the worm turn is beyond me.

Sometimes, over a few beers, my adopted fellow-countrymen get into serious discussion about the problems of our little homeland. Sometimes, excellent ideas for reform are dismissed by older and wiser heads because, "that would make too much sense".
'm an asylum seeker. Don't send me back.

Men's Rights Activist

They do not even like the brand name even if they succumb to its rewards shoved into their hands by a deluded society. But feminism with the small f, and even with a i infront, is still held as a badge of gender cohesion with some women such as Wendy. It may be that a way out for feminism is what is needed. Like the Existentialist problem of the 1930s needed a way through its own nihilism.


Maybe we could even have a 12 step program for recovering feminists.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


Quote from: "Sir Percy"

On a wider related issue, many women are looking for a way out from feminism. They do not even like the brand name even if they succumb to its rewards shoved into their hands by a deluded society. But feminism with the small f, and even with a i infront, is still held as a badge of gender cohesion with some women such as Wendy. It may be that a way out for feminism is what is needed. Like the Existentialist problem of the 1930s needed a way through its own nihilism. She has tried to re-brand and build an organisation of younger women to counter the radical gender whores of NOW and some encouragement from men who actually like intelligent, strong women could help us all. We MRAs also need a way out for men and women together instead of simply a way out from women as some would seek.

Sorry SP, I've read her works and appreciated them a fair amount but after reading her forums and watching her actions regarding them, "ifeminist" often seems to be just a leopard with green spots instead of black.


I'm with Floorpie here, while she does some good work she is still not someone I put TOO much faith or stock in. A neutral teeritpry I suppose is better than any enemy, but beware double-agents and dipping from both pots.

Think Switzerland in WWII. Offically neutral, but prone to be being swayed or working under the table...

dr e

I agree.  If a leopard is killing my enemy then I am grateful and encouraging.  However, I don't let down my guard when in the presence of the leopard particularly if the leopard has proven itself a biter.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.


Sir Percy wrote:

SP - Wendy has always been welcome here. I have been on record from the beginning as being very appreciative of her articles. They have done much to get the word out about many men's issues. This doesn't change my dislike for her mistreatment and blame of this forum for her own problems.

Appreciated Dr E. Maybe it is time the hatchet was buried and some Memorandum of Understanding was nutted out between the Principals.

As I see it, the problem is that, once one has offended Wendy, in her universe one becomes an unperson. Dr. Evil can correct me if I'm wrong, but, from what I remember, she did this to him, so that no olive branch could be offered. She did the same to me after I disagreed with her on one matter. We had communicated quite a bit, even in person, but she simply stopped responding to my communications.

Wendy would have to undergo a profound change.
We Are Self-Exterminating Through The Collapse Of Fertility Rates.
The Death of Birth.
Fertility Rates Magazine.

Darth Sidious

You can't keep this good woman down. I know, I know. There are some here who do not like her. She has her moments. But guys, this is one fighter for truth we should respect despite our squabbles. She should be welcomed in out tent pissing out rather than outside pissing in. She is a great counterweight to others at Fox. Lets hear it for Wendy.

Hip, hip, hooray. :roll:


Quote from: "Thomas"
As I see it, the problem is that, once one has offended Wendy, in her universe one becomes an unperson.

At the risk of generalising, isn't this what many women do? See any of the recent threads about bullying by girls. Passive aggression rather than confrontation.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.


Quote from: "Darth Sidious"
Hip, hip, hooray. :roll:




Hip, hip, hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Sorry, I couldn't resist....

Bad Al.. bad bad bad Al.....


The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.

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