Spot the Patriarchy

Started by typhonblue, Jun 06, 2006, 02:58 PM

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Uhm... trick question there TB?  I mean, without some sort of victimization or bad thing towards these two "women", how can we identify the patriarchy?

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


TB, is this your point?

The feminist rebel is headed for a life of flipping burgers and resenting her place in society and seeing discrimination everywhere...

and the Muslim woman who is supposed to be "oppressed" is disciplined and looking to build a good future and family.

The feminist with a chip on her shoulder is a loser, and the "oppressed" woman has a bright future...
 woman needs a man like a fish needs water


Another point I could take from the two graphic is that women have a tremendous about of choice.  They can be a free spirit or a repressed conservative... it is their choice.
 woman needs a man like a fish needs water

Sir Jessy of Anti

This might be a bit OT, but are you sure it isn't because one of them looks like a tampon/penis?
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />


Quote from: "Sir Jessy of Anti"
This might be a bit OT, but are you sure it isn't because one of them looks like a tampon/penis?


I guess I should have made it more clear. I thought of this after hearing about the influence of rock music on young people in conservative, muslim malaysia.

They spoke to a young woman named Fatima who was a mechanical engineering student.

It also has occured to me many times as I go through my Science program... most of the women in it are from muslim or asian nations or extration. Cultures that one wouldn't term "progressive" and yet, there they are, getting advanced education in science.



It also has occured to me many times as I go through my Science program... most of the women in it are from muslim or asian nations or extration. Cultures that one wouldn't term "progressive" and yet, there they are, getting advanced education in science.

lol - yeah, in the so-called "progressive" thinking feminist's brains.  Meanwhile the 2nd world gets on with real progress and leaves the condascending women's studies students in their shadows.

Sir Percy

Nice one TB.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Very nice, also true!

Perhaps we could have pictures of two males from these countries, it might help to spot the patriarchy.

dr e

Nice TB.  The figures are creative representations.  I swear I can see the womnen's studies female standing there.  Rings, belly button etc!  lol  Great stuff.  Great drawings.  Did you do the artwork TB?
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Sir Percy

Mind you, poiuyt, Fatima is from Malaysia. Whilst it is a multi-ethnic society, the muslim malays have legislative, career and economic favour and 'affirmative action' by virtue of race and religion, denied to the chinese and tamils there. Her  chinese and tamil women friends do not get the leg-up that she has had and are deterred from the life chances conferred on her.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


i thought that it was being ironic. Both women, it can be said, are victims of the patriarchy. the north american is "forced" to expose her body to the world, while the other cannot at all. One woman has attached herself to the ridgid male employment structure wheras the other has little career prospects because she dared to rebel.

in short, the entire spectrum of females can be considered oppressed

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