That, after a party, the vomit is inevitably beside, on or under the toilet but not *in* it... thus the question, why bother going to the bathroom unless you plan to make it easier for your host to clean up by vomiting *in* the toilet?
Well, if the damn room quit going around in circles it would be easier to get it in the toilet... a moving target is always harder to hit!!!
May I respectully draw this back to the original contoversy about intellectual argument (i.e the apparent decadence and ignorance of MHD) . Vomit was merely a virtual example, not 'food for thought'.
Typhonblue: You're obviously arsing around for reasons best known to yourself, and not for the first time. Your post was confused but I tried to interpret it. Your response was outside the known universe. Sorry, I just don't get it. Why engage in political/philosophical argument if you just want to play trivial games. It's nothing to you. Just a game, like your SI room. Do you want to donate a customized SI room to an African woman of your choice?
You can afford to play because you're safe in Femidom. I can afford to play because western funds support my Asian lifestyle. Who are we kidding?