F4J in the USA -- Be there! -- Columbus, Ohio June 17th

Started by dr e, Jun 13, 2006, 04:12 AM

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dr e

Plan to attend!
F4J is now in the USA.

Rally for Equal Parenting

Saturday June 17th, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Ohio Statehouse, downtown Columbus



Saturday June 17th Fathers-4-Justice will make their national launch known in honor Father's Day at the Statehouse steps in Columbus Ohio! A motorcycle rally will begin the event starting at The Iron Pony leaving at 10:00 AM and the rally to start at 11:00 AM. It is a family friendly event with Super Heroes, music, chanting, speakers from around the USA, Knight's Radio will be there and events for the kids. It is for all the children, parents, grandparents and others who have been abused by our system.

For information go to www.f4j.us and also view the ad that is running all over Ohio. All donations are welcome even if someone is unable to come as they are tax deductible. F4J USA is an all volunteer group.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

Sir Percy

Look up. I will be flying my Learjet (Flt Sim) over the event. :D

Good luck and fine weather everyone.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


LOL, if you can't be there in person, then in spirit works! For those wondering, the weather is supposed to be HOT, about 90F so if you come bring shorts, water and sunscreen. I'll be in a full BLACK batman outfit suffering for the cause!

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