Here We Go Again

Started by Christiane, Jun 13, 2006, 07:45 AM

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Edited: I'm going to withdraw from this dramatic performance.


Right - you've decided that since you've done nothing yourself to help the cause in a tangible way, you'll tuck your neck back into your tortoise shell.
Your non participation constitutes "drama".

You're quite a guy, galt.  The MRM is indeed lucky to have you on their side.

Sir Jessy of Anti

Quote from: "Dr Evil"
You can pretend it didn't happen, you can deny it, but there it is. We all felt run out of town. We all have stated it in one place.

BQ - I don't contest that you all left nor that you felt that you were run out.  The fact is that of all the posters here there were only two that you all had difficulty with.  Those two seemed to get under your skin for whatever reason.  Do you think that I should be responsible for your irritation?  Do you think that the board should run and assist anyone who feels hurt or insulted?  Frankly I think that allowing you to take care of yourselves is the best policy. You are all adults and responsible.  If you get upset by being here then perhaps this is not the place for you.  

OTOH if there are rules that are broken or people who are breaking rules here and attacking others then that is a different matter altogether.  I didn't see anything that resembled that nor have there been any claims to that effect.

This is entirely the issue at hand.
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />

Darth Sidious

It amazes me how this issue has prompted such venom and animosity.  For the record, I have no problem with those who choose to stay at home.  Much good can be accomplished therein.

I have a simple suggestion which can help alleviate some of the tensions here.  I propose "ignore" functionality be enabled, if possible.  Personally, I have seldom found the need to use it on other forums, since few people really inflame my wrath on a regular basis.  Since some people here seem to have a problem with two posters, perhaps they would be best-served to have an option to ignore them.


Quote from: "TheManOnTheStreet"
Quote from: "typhonblue"
Since this was adressed to me, I'll speak to it.

Actually, it wasn't.  It as ABOUT you, not addressed to you.

Well, close enough.


Maybe... maybe not... but your style of fork-tongues responses to people on occasion dictates otherwise.  Just as mine does.  I do it, so I know what it looks like TB.

I may have thought Christine and BQ were one and the same for about two seconds, but do you honestly think I believe BQ is SUE?

Quote from: "typhonblue"
As for yaoi(boy-on-boy anime)... who the fuck cares? Me and half the female population of Asia. It was first brought up by the people on ifeminism who, apparently, read my livejournal and wanted a way to discredit me.

Thus the reason I have never brought it up prior to this discussion.  I really dont care, but I do find it offensive.  Why?  Who the fuck cares why..

Riiight. And you bring it up in an attempt to justify banning me?

Er... not that I don't admire the audacious meanness! :D

Quote from: "typhonblue"
Let everyone dump out their porn lockers and see what we find. :) .

Touche!  :-)

Indeed. I wonder how much lesbian porn we might find... :) Incidentally are you into that sort of thing?


Never said you were, just said that MY OPINION is that you seem to be obsessed with boy on boy and male homosexual porn.  I never have asked, nor want to know why you find object and penile penetration into a mans ass stimulating.  What ever floats your boat I say.....

It's the fangirl thing. I have to have *one* excrutiatingly girly trait and it's being a yaoi bitch. *OMG!HesSoKAWAII!!!Squee!!!!!!!PINKHEARTS!!!BUBBLES!!!*

BTW, it's just a stereotype that the only thing two men can do is anal sex. Although Japanese women seem to love teh buttsexxor, so what can you do? Hopefully when the western yaoi market starts gaining steam they'll consider moving beyond that particular trope.

Maybe it is because you secretly find gratification in the image.  A sort of control thing.  Seeing a man in a position of being dominated, especially if it's humiliating.  The more the better.  Young boys in homosexual acts, anime or not, is pedophelia to me but maybe you are just a closet feminist that likes the idea of a man getting a huge dildo or a tenticle ladened arm in the ass... THAT'LL SHOW HIM!  who knows...

Hmm... that's a possible interpretation. Except that this particular type of story seems to come out of male-dominant, male-centric societies. Asia has a centuries long history of it.

As for the tentacle thing... are you familiar with tentacle hentai? The more common version seems to involve women and is marketed for men. For some reason tentacles are popular in Japan; I once saw a centuries old woodblock of a fisher's wife being ravaged by an octapus. Weird. Doesn't do anything for me.

I don't know why yaoi rings a bell for me. It might be my upbringing. Saudi imported lots of asian culture so I grew up on asian cartoons(and thus homoerotic fanservice for girls.) Plus, in Saudi, any heterosexual interaction, including what would be, to our eyes, the most innocent touching was censored while men would kiss and walk hand in hand in the street, so maybe it's just a familiarity thing.

If I knew what got me into it I think I'd have a better idea of why Asian women like it so much. Although I don't know why it's becoming so popular in the west. That's a mystery to me.

As for it being "pedophilia". Boy-on-boy is an euphamism, like girl-on-girl. Everything licensed in the states involves individuals 18+. I prefer 25+. In fact my current fav is a story about a couple, 28 and 36.

Actually, I should also point out that there is also shounen-ai that isn't any more sexual then a sweet valley high story.

In case you didn't know, that last para was an example of a fork-tongued post to garner a reactionary response.....


I thought it was just your thoughts on something you don't have much information on. I can see why you think what you do, and heck, I bet that's a rationale behind why some women like it. (Possibly western women.)

Sorry about the off-topicness.


Here is the private email I sent to Dr. E today.   An email that was written with the intent that it be for his eyes only.  I wrote this in response to a reply Dr. E sent me.   He was very nice, and asked me to reconsider leaving, and asked me for my thoughts on how to recruit more women to the MRM.  

These are the musings of a SAHM, who supports (or did support) the MRM.   Unedited.  And anything else I've sent privately I will gladly stand by if published.   I'd love to see other peoples private, unedited emails.   Right.  Enjoy.

Dr. E - yes, I did overreact.   I was angry.   I apologize for that.  It didn't last long - I'm no longer angry.  But my feelings of alienation remain.  And I think what I wrote to you sounded like I felt victimized.   And I don't.  But I strongly feel the bias on your site towards SAHM's is real and it's unfair.  I realize people are entitled to their opinions, but I don't see the justice in blanket disparaging remarks about an entire segment of the female population, especially when expressed to a member, or members of that population.  

And I know I told tb to go fuck herself.  That was most unprofessional, and most unladylike of me.    I should have ignored the remark, but I think I can argue that I meant "herself" in the general sense, and I wasn't insulting her personally.   I was talking about a subset of the female population, to which she may or may not belong...   I was using "tb" in the global sense, nothing personal......   You know I'm tongue in cheek here, but my point is that couching insults under the cloak of  "I don't mean you personally" is disingenuous.   That's like saying, "Jews are dishonest, and they'll do anything to make a buck.   A Jew will sell his own mother to make a buck.  But, of course, Goldblatt, I don't mean anything personal to you here".    Anyway, she didn't upset me more than momentarily, and I got great satisfaction from the warning.  Thank you for that.   ;)

No, the problem runs deeper.

After I left, you asked at least one poster to quote specific comments.   That's a fair request, and even though it was not directed at me, I will respond by quoting you a segment of an email I sent to Al this morning.   I like him very much, by the way.  This is not his fault, and I feel bad that my offer to help him with his site got caught up in this.   I'll reconsider that.  I know he's stressed out about it and I support what he's doing.  And anyway, I was knee deep in it after half a ream of paper and a whole ink cartridge day before yesterday.   Before the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan.

But here's the excerpt I'll quote to you from my email to him this morning:
Just a small sampling of gems from that thread:

"I haven't noticed a great deal of concern from the top of the food chain of Feminist privilege (SAHM's) over fairness or justice "

"a man knows that he would be destroying his life if he let himself be supported by a woman.  "

"I think you'd be swimming against the tide trying to convince SAHM's that the MRM is worthy of their time and effort. "

"i mean, SAHMs can think. but they are apt to choose not to.. because they want those things they pick up from the media to be true. ooh we are oppressed! yes its true! men are useless! yes its true!"

"SAHMs could benefit their families greatly.....  Do they? Most, no."

"About the best I can say is ... no thanks, Ms. Homemaker. I don't want you and I don't respect you."

"Maybe you and Hugo can even fuck some of them if you play your cards right.   Unfortunately, I'm not going to be backing you if you find out about divorce court with a housewife. I've seriously had enough of trying to support people like that."

And here's the one, Al, which ended my desire to continue being involved in the MRM:

"I believe that the priority ranking for women is self-preservation first, then offspring, followed by spouse. You almost never see women sacrificing themselves for others the way men do; men will literally sacrifice their lives for others. In my experience women won't, they're very much about self-preservation first. Thus, I believe that when recruiting SAHMs to the MRM we need to highlight what's in it for them."

And you want to know who said that?   Mr. Bad.   Someone I like and respect.  I ask you, in the interest of fairness, to put yourself in my position for just a minute, and ponder what he's saying here.   Women are all about self-preservation, what's "in it for them".   In order to recruit me to the MRM, one needs to focus on what's in it for me.   That, as I hope you will see, is not only complete bullshit, it's the most insulting line of reasoning I've ever read on this site.   And I've read some really insulting stuff, Al.

Those are my examples, Dr. E, and there have been more as the thread continued, but I haven't cataloged them.   And I ignored tb's posts entirely.    I don't believe in saving ammunition - it only leads to guns being fired.   But I have been seriously upset by this thread - and that's unusual for me.   And Galt doesn't call them "gold diggers" btw.   He calls them homemakers, or women.   There's a huge distinction.  

I have to confess to not being "in the mood" at the moment to discuss how the MRM can reach out to women.   I will think about it though, after a bit.   I will say however, that some simple semantic changes would be a huge help.   Try replacing "women" with "feminists",  or "SAHM's" with "gold-diggers" and you'll get a much better response.   There are huge numbers of women who think the feminazis are a major source of evil in our society.   The fact that you are alienating all of us but one on your site, might be cause for reflection.  You asked.  

It's small wonder you attract few women to your cause.   You really want my advice?  Listen to BQ.   She says she knows you personally.  Don't let that resource get away.   You want to think big picture?   Listen to her and people like her.  She's the mainstream gal, she likes you, other people like her, and people like her are who you want supporting your movement if you're ever going to capture a wider audience.   The people who are going to help you are the people that mainstream women are drawn to.   People mainstream women can identify with.   You know what I'm saying, and I know you have deep personal friendships, and that's fine.   But you want to think strategy, then think strategy.   Your friends can work on what they're good at, but beware of letting personal relationships drive away huge assets and obscure the big picture.  What you have to fight is the perception that your movement is fringe, extremist.   Again, you asked.  

One example:   You said in your email that the SAHP does her/his share and more.    I would have loved to have seen you say that in the thread in question, in defense of SAHP's.   Your message board is a huge asset.  That's how I found the MRM -  your board.   Be mindful of that.   It's your public face.  Treat it as such.   Just a thought.

And intellectualism will not help your cause.   What you need is to appeal to mainstream, everyday people.   Those of you behind the movement may indeed be intellectuals, but if you ask the rank and file population if they identify with this sort of person, they will overwhelmingly say no.   The masses are turned off by the elite.  So, be elite, but spin your cause so the average joe or josephine can get it and identify with you.  Put people front and center with whom the average person can identify.   Frame your arguments with justice as your moral backing.    Everyday people, SAHM's included, respond to injustice.  We don't like it.   Capitalize on that.  Despite Mr. Bad's comment, SAHM's are no different than any other segment of the population in terms of hating injustice.   People of goodwill hate injustice.   Work that.  Lobby them.  

Americans in general identify with the individual story - the person to whom much injustice has been done.   Publicize individual stories of father's rights gone horribly wrong, but be careful not to place blame on women.  Blame the system that needs to be changed.   Blame legislation.   Put blame on an entity people are detached from.   One they can revile and lobby, not one they identify with personally.

Put people front and center to whom everyday people can relate.  Then appeal to their sense of fairness.   Hire a campaign chairperson who knows what the hell they're doing when it comes to image and spin.   Because those are your gaping holes.  Image and spin.   You'll never defeat your enemy by driving potential recruits into her camp.   You must pursue them, and win them, and herd them into your fold.  You must convince the public at large that you represent what's good for everyone.   Attack ads won't work.   Positive framing of your issues in terms people can understand and relate to, and support, is the only way you will succeed.   People are looking for positive values they can support.  You represent that.  Your task is to get people to see why your issues matter, why rectifying your issues will better society.   Being positive is key.  Teach them why supporting your cause will make the world a better place.   People want the world to be a better place.   That's the big picture, E.

For someone who wasn't "in the mood", I sure did a lot of talking !  Sorry.  As my husband is fond of saying, ask a woman a question, then grab a beer and settle in to listen to the marathon.....

I didn't know you were a SAHD.   I think that's wonderful.  

You can exhale now.  I'm done.

Take care,
(name withheld)

Sir Percy

I once saw a centuries old woodblock of a fisher's wife being ravaged by an octapus. Weird.

Hahahahaha. Funny folk, the Japanese. Anyway, its high time the discrimination regarding sea life was exposed. :D
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Quote from: "Sir Percy"
I once saw a centuries old woodblock of a fisher's wife being ravaged by an octapus. Weird.

Hahahahaha. Funny folk, the Japanese. Anyway, its high time the discrimination regarding sea life was exposed. :D

I think you'll be pleased to note that the relations were depicted as consensual. The reputation of octopi everywhere was not impuned.

Sir Percy

"I believe that the priority ranking for women is self-preservation first, then offspring, followed by spouse. You almost never see women sacrificing themselves for others the way men do; men will literally sacrifice their lives for others. In my experience women won't, they're very much about self-preservation first. Thus, I believe that when recruiting SAHMs to the MRM we need to highlight what's in it for them."

The Royal Lifeboat Association in the UK has Grace Darling as a 'mascot'. Grace, a young woman, rowed a dingy back and forth in a gale, rough seas, to rescue the sailors from a shipwreck. There are numerous examples of women who have put their lives at risk, sacrificing their lives, assisting others who were not kin. There are numerous examples too of cowardice amongst men.

Wild, prejudiced generalisations such as quoted do us no good at all.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.

Sir Percy

I find myself siding with Christiane in the general thrust of this thread - regarding SAHMs.

I have argued before that marriage today is too great a risk for men as the social systems are stacked against them. 50% of marriages fail. Divorce is initiated by 70% to 80% women. Thats, conservatively, a 35% chance, 1 in 3, that a man is going to get screwed. It is worse than russian roulette.

But it also means that 50% of marriages endure. Many if not most will be of SAHMs raising the kids in a home, warm or struggling. These are potential allies. 'Woo' has connotations, admittedly, but education and persuasion with facts about the destruction of the society that used to nurture their SAMH choice may well bring them on board.

It is women who have generally let the situation develop so badly, along with men who wish to gain societal control. It is women who are needed to reverse the damage. We need women in our ranks. We need battalions of women. As Christiane says, we need to find a way to bring them in and accomodate them, not drive good women away.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.

Sir Percy

I think you'll be pleased to note that the relations were depicted as consensual. The reputation of octopi everywhere was not impuned.

Consensual? Or suckered in?

And what was the gender of the octopus? Maybe a lesbian? Maybe it was a dressing-up fantasy game. Maybe we should seek Devia's input. This new addition to the thread has legs!
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Quote from: "Sir Percy"
But it also means that 50% of marriages endure. Many if not most will be of SAHMs raising the kids in a home, warm or struggling. These are potential allies.

So many, if not most, of divorced families are dual income?

I looked up some stats on divorce. They're Canadian stats but I think they might apply:

Less Likely to Divorce
presence of children

More Likely to Divorce
lower income
educated parents
presence of step children
age gap between parents
if parents were separated before
young at time of marriage
child out of wedlock then marry
second marriage

I guess "educated parents" could mean that dual income earners are more likely to divorce, but that seems to conflict with "lower income."



Quote from: "Sir Percy"
I think you'll be pleased to note that the relations were depicted as consensual. The reputation of octopi everywhere was not impuned.

Consensual? Or suckered in?

And what was the gender of the octopus? Maybe a lesbian? Maybe it was a dressing-up fantasy game. Maybe we should seek Devia's input. This new addition to the thread has legs!

Do octopi have a gender? I figured it was a switch hitter. Seemed pretty flexible to me.

(BTW, loved the "suckered in" bit. :D)


Quote from: "Sir Percy"
I think you'll be pleased to note that the relations were depicted as consensual. The reputation of octopi everywhere was not impuned.

Consensual? Or suckered in?

And what was the gender of the octopus? Maybe a lesbian? Maybe it was a dressing-up fantasy game. Maybe we should seek Devia's input. This new addition to the thread has legs!

I had no ink ling. Thought I'd been squeezed out so was keeping my beak shut.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

Sir Percy

Less Likely to Divorce
presence of children

More Likely to Divorce
lower income
educated parents
presence of step children
age gap between parents
if parents were separated before
young at time of marriage
child out of wedlock then marry
second marriage

Doesn't allow much insight, does it.

Sir Percy wrote:
But it also means that 50% of marriages endure. Many if not most will be of SAHMs raising the kids in a home, warm or struggling. These are potential allies.

So many, if not most, of divorced families are dual income?

Your conclusion - question, doesn't follow from my statement TB. I was being broad and fuzzy as I do not have a firm set of stats to make it any clearer or more precise. But my thrust is valid, nontheless. Many intact marriages will have SAHMs raising children. These woman are potential allies.

The 'educated' bit, too, is not specific enough to draw a conclusion. Much of what passes for education is indoctrination.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.

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